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Wont Be On.....

Hey guys I won't be on for the rest of today and tomorow?Why you ask? Because I have the honor of working a Horse Show..... ( Not my favorite thing to do).... But we do have fun and stuff!! So Bai..... Wish me luck and the HOT sun won't be out!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

The Moment All My Friends Have Been Waiting For....

Ok guys here be my cows!! Most of these pics are not my cows but my friednds cows!! My friends cow sitting! Cows usually don't do this!! At the bottom of the picture you can see my hand!! This is Maple! This is a dad at the fair wearing a wig! If you look behind him that's how we keep the cows at the fair!! That's all for now! I'll ty to have some more up later!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Holy Cow!

Jumpstree is FREAKIN AMAZING!!!! I could go there everyweekend for the rest of my life and NOT get tired of it!! Danngggg that was AWESOME!!!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


In my family we own 3 ipods 1. Ipod shuffle 2nd generation 2 gig (My dad's) 2. Ipod classic 5th generation! 30 gig (My mom's) 3. Ipod nano 2 gig (Mine) Than I will probably give the nano to Sev! 4. Next week I will be getting an Ipod touch 8 gig 2nd generation! I would love to get the 16 gig one but it is $100 more than the 8 gig. (will be mine) RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

First Day.

Our first day at the Fair is today!!! I can;t wait! We have to clip our heifers today and wash them and give them water and after I clip them we are very hairy so I think i'm going to go and take a shower at the fair...... I hate having cow hair all ocer me it's gross and just plain itchy!! For our little set up we have a beach party theme going on!! It's sooooo cute and all the other kids are jealous! I got to see my best friend yetserday!!! As a matter of fact I get to see her all week!!! Well

British Television!

Ohhhh yeahhhh buddyyyy!! This is almost better then American TV!! Not gonna lie! My favorite shows are, Sherlock Doctor Who White Chaple     You guys like it? Watch it? Lemme know! RCF

County Fair!

Tomorow we take all the heifer's down to the fair grounds!!! I also get to see my best friend that I have'nt seen since last year!! Let's see Wednesday: Clipping the cow's body and washing them for showday. On Saturday I clipped her head and now today i'm leaving to go and do touch up's in it! Here is ther week we have ahread of us! Thursday: Breed Class at 10:00 Am. Friday: Showmanship 2:00 Pm Saturday: Auction,Barn Dance and Games and we also have an unlimited ride pass that day too!!

Car Crash....

We were on the way to church and we were stopped at a red light and this guy rearended us at40 mph!!! Thakfully everone is safe!! Our backs hurt and our heads hurt too but that's it!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Just Bought.....

Night at the museum two!! I LOVE it!! Now the nxt 4 movies i'm going to buy are. 1. Twilight. 2. Twilight New Moon. 3. The Proposal. 4. The Blind Side. Now Imma leaving to go to church again and than after church YOUTH GROUP!!!! *yay* RCF


As my 16th B-day draws to a close, I want to thank EVERYONE for all the b-day wishes they mean a LOT to me! Thanks guys! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Lord Of The Rings Swords.

I plan on buying some of them real soon!! I hopefully am going to get, Anduril and Scabbard (Aragorn) Sword of Eowyn. (Sadly then do not make a scabbard for it ) Strider Sword and Scabbard. ( Aragorn "Ranger sword") Aragorn Elven Knife.   Yup that's about all of them! RCF

Truck Stolen....

My friends GMC Sierra turck( the truck I REALLY want) was stolen he was at a Jersey convention and when he came out to leave his truck was gone.... Illegals took it in the aftenoon and they were in mexico my the next day! It has his GPS in it and his rifle under the back seat. So he was kinda mad about it getting stolen but he just bought a new truck a day ago!! The goverment found the truck a week later the back seat was gone his gun his GPS and he had a tool box in the back and it was filled

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

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