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Who here has an Apple Ipod/Laptop or any thing made by them? I have two IPods made by them, Nano and Ipod touch!!! Love my Touch! *Sticks tongue out at JB1* Gets smacked in the face by JB1!* I don't see how we can bu such amazing friends and not like the same thing!! For instance he hates cheese and I love it! He dislikes Apple and I LOVE it! RCF


My best friend had heart surgery. This is not the first time, but when he was born his heart was not "made" properly. He had surgery on the 30th and is in the hospital. I visited him last night! We gave him a card, a balloon and a Bionicle!! He LOVED it! In his room he has a PS2, so we played that for a while and talked. So just pray for him that he will get better and the pain will go away! The doctors cut his left shoulder and into his back so he will have a BIG scar!! But remember girls LOVE

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


Ok guys, I just sold my Heifer at the County Fair and I miss her a lot! Yeah I guess you could say I get attached to them! But anyway I sold her for $1,300 and( that is not a lot with the Dairy Economy the way it is! I have to pay the Dairy farmer $600 and I have to put some in savings and buy some stuff for the cows like feed and halters and clippers and with the moneyI have left over I am planning on buying an Ipod Touch! So tell me which one I sould get! I am leaning twords the 16 gig but t

Percy Jackson Books....

I just got all four of the books for $15.00 bucks at Walmart!! I can't wait to get them in the mail and read the 3rd one!! I have 2 chaps left in the 2nd book! It's great so far!! I want the movie to come out so I can buy it for my Ipod touch!!!! RCF

Swim Team Classic Pics.....

I have been on Swim Team for 9 years, I absoluty love! I can swim a "50" in 32 sec, If you swim tell me your time of a "50" The guy in the left was my Lifeguard. The guy on the very right was sev's Lifegaurd. All of my swim coaches. I look a lot older! People think that I have grauated High School when I tell them I'm almost 16 they don;t believe me!! These next pics are for Brickeens. I have two piars of these. Two of these too. Just one of these. RCF

First Job...

We sign up for Lifeguarding Training this Saturday!! (: Thr training is a week long and from 7am-2pm! It all starts in March!!! I can't wait!!! This job s really good pay too! $12.50 an hr, I think so!! ha ha RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Pm Wars.....

Have you had any wars whie you were pming a friend? If ya got any post 'em here!!!               An official hug war I thinkI won...... RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Truck Stolen....

My friends GMC Sierra turck( the truck I REALLY want) was stolen he was at a Jersey convention and when he came out to leave his truck was gone.... Illegals took it in the aftenoon and they were in mexico my the next day! It has his GPS in it and his rifle under the back seat. So he was kinda mad about it getting stolen but he just bought a new truck a day ago!! The goverment found the truck a week later the back seat was gone his gun his GPS and he had a tool box in the back and it was filled

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Roofing Pt.3....

Sev and I might go out and work tomorow on the roof here's the update our friend sent out. The reason we might not do it is because the slave driver (mom) wants us to stay home and do school.... "Hey can/do either/both of your kids want to help us with roofing on Friday? I'm planning to leave around 9:30am and work until it starts to get dark. I can only pay them about $25 a peice for the day. (I know it's not much) If you could let me know either way. I'd like to find someone to help as
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