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All discussion about the movies and books go here! So what was youe favorite book and movie and character. 1. I have not read the books yet. 2. Twilight. Since thats the only movie I have seen. 3. Alice or Edward Cullen. RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Truck Stolen....

My friends GMC Sierra turck( the truck I REALLY want) was stolen he was at a Jersey convention and when he came out to leave his truck was gone.... Illegals took it in the aftenoon and they were in mexico my the next day! It has his GPS in it and his rifle under the back seat. So he was kinda mad about it getting stolen but he just bought a new truck a day ago!! The goverment found the truck a week later the back seat was gone his gun his GPS and he had a tool box in the back and it was filled

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


My best friend had heart surgery. This is not the first time, but when he was born his heart was not "made" properly. He had surgery on the 30th and is in the hospital. I visited him last night! We gave him a card, a balloon and a Bionicle!! He LOVED it! In his room he has a PS2, so we played that for a while and talked. So just pray for him that he will get better and the pain will go away! The doctors cut his left shoulder and into his back so he will have a BIG scar!! But remember girls LOVE

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


My Converse just arrived I made them online!!! I LOVE them!! I got the high top and my name of the back!! I'll try to post pics later. RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

So You Think You Can Dance Season 6 (the Best Season Yet)

I watch this show every year!! It is my favorite!! My top two are Ashleigh and Ryan!! I think it's awesome that they are married and they are both made the show. I really hope Ashleigh or Ryan win but I think Jakob will win he is an AMAZING dancer!!! I agree with Adam Shankman he is ONE OF THE BEST DANCERS WE HAVE HAD ON THE SHOW!!! The Dancers on the finale are Ryan Ashleigh Jakob Ellenor Russell Kathryn

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

His Last Day...

My dear friends uncle just passed away today! We are all very sad but happy at the same time because he is in heaven!! His family was almost to his house when he passed! Pealse just pray for his family and friends this will and has been a HUGE impact on their lifes!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Car Crash....

We were on the way to church and we were stopped at a red light and this guy rearended us at40 mph!!! Thakfully everone is safe!! Our backs hurt and our heads hurt too but that's it!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


Well the Fair will be here in a week! and I'm stressing out!!! Well if you win 1st place you get a belt buckle!!! Well we spend 14 hours a day at the fair!! So I better get some good nights of sleep!!! So wish me luck!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


I had an amazing time at Cow Town Paint ball! I had so much fun I am at a loss for words! I have several big welts from the balls! I call them my war wounds!There was lots of people there,I got hit right on the eye! But I had a mask on:P I hit about 10 people!!We played capture the flag and "The last one standing" There was a building called the "Alamo" that game was my favorite!For my gifts I got a $15 iTunes gift card, a walmart gift card and a pair of Converse!!!! My family had so much fun d

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Az State Fair

So the AZ State Fair is getting close! I can't wait! We will be there on Halloween night..... That will be intersting! So I think we are taking a total of 12 cows! I can't wait to see my friends! Oh and hear the weird stories people say. Like..... Do cows lay eggs... Oh and some kid thought a cow was a camel/zebra.... Oh and this one is DUMB this person asked me if the cows needed therapy after the fair was all over because she thought they would be traumatized(sp) So yeah pretty weird stuff

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


This week Sev and I have been working on our friends house with some other friends! We are tearing off all of the shingles and putting on new ones! It was fun at first but after a little while It started getting really HOT, tired, really sweaty! It was about 100 dergrees out side and it was humind! So we started working on their house at 5:30Am and stopped at 11:30 Am! And after we went inside and had lunch we went ove to my house and had a POOL Party!!! The water felt AWESOME!!!! But the thing

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


In my family we own 3 ipods 1. Ipod shuffle 2nd generation 2 gig (My dad's) 2. Ipod classic 5th generation! 30 gig (My mom's) 3. Ipod nano 2 gig (Mine) Than I will probably give the nano to Sev! 4. Next week I will be getting an Ipod touch 8 gig 2nd generation! I would love to get the 16 gig one but it is $100 more than the 8 gig. (will be mine) RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Peta? Not What You Think.....

Ok Well I descided to take a poll! Now which one do you stand for?   1. The group of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals   2. The People for the of Eating of Tasty Animals?   RCF I vote for the 2nd one 1: 0 votes 2: 10 votes


Ok guys, I just sold my Heifer at the County Fair and I miss her a lot! Yeah I guess you could say I get attached to them! But anyway I sold her for $1,300 and( that is not a lot with the Dairy Economy the way it is! I have to pay the Dairy farmer $600 and I have to put some in savings and buy some stuff for the cows like feed and halters and clippers and with the moneyI have left over I am planning on buying an Ipod Touch! So tell me which one I sould get! I am leaning twords the 16 gig but t
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