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Entries in this blog

Back From Vacation

I'm to lazy to do a full write-up so you'll have to settle for a summery.   My vacation was pretty fun. We went swimming everyday and I found 8 geocaches. I also ran in a mile race on the 5th and got third in my age group with a time of 6:07. The Fireworks I went to went for an hour and a half. We ended up leaving after an hour because it was getting late and I had to run in that race the next morning.   When we got home we had started to clean out the car when a squirrel that probably had

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Trip To The Cabin

I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go up to my grandparents cabin. On the way there we're picking up my brother and sister from camp.   This should be a fun vacation. I plan on doing a lot of geocaching as this is my first trip up there since I started geocaching. I'm going to be running in a 1 mile race in Bemidiji, the big city somewhat near the cabin, Sunday morning. I'll also be doing some boating and swimming, no fishing though because I need a license and I don't have money to get one.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

75 Found

I found my 75th Geocache yesterday. It was pretty exciting. The 75th on was a multicache that someone I know hid. It ends with a hollowed out book in the reference section of the local library. It is probably one of my favorite hids.   I will probably find number 100 sometime over the next week while I'm on vacation.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Cleaning My Room

I've been slowly cleaning my room over the last two days. I really want to get all the way done this time. Every time I start I get half to three quarters done and then I stop. I have to disassemble all of my current LEGO creations so I can get my LEGO Bricks put away. I also have a lot of stuff lying around on the floor that I have to find space for. I cleaned up the area (outside of my room) that I was using for school work and I found my boyscout folder I have been missing for the longes

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

A 5k Race

I ran a 5k this morning. It was the second time I've run a 5k. My last one was over 2 years ago. I ran a 26:07. I think it was a pretty good time. I got lucky and there were only 4 people in my age group. I guess everyone else was at one of the other five 5k's in the area. I got 73rd overall out of about 160 and 3rd in my age group. I finally have a medal from my running.   A girl who is on the high school track team was running too. I hadn't seen her since the season ended. She's fai

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

First Cache

For lack of a better entry.   Yesterday I hid my first geocache. One of the caches I found recently was an interesting cache, instead of regular swag it contained premade micro caches made with 35mm film canister and camo ducktape. I took one and have hid it. It was published early this morning and I waiting to see who will be the First To Find.   I personal don't like the 35mm cache containers because they aren't very water proof. Diabetic test strip containers work a whole lot better

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

My Computer

When I ran Avast yesterday it found something for the first time. Apparently I had a 5 or 6 compression bombs in my Firefox cache. After I reading a bunch stuff that was online I realized that there wasn't anything extremely dangerous about then, just that they're zipped files that could grow extremely large if unzipped.   I also defragmented both sections of my hard drive. I guess it didn't really need it but I thought I do it earlier then rather then later. I don't think we ever it did on

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Terrible Afternoon

I had piano lessons this afternoon. The bad was they were at 2:00 instead of 1:00.   I wanted to go running when we got back before supper but it turns out my sister had an appointment to get her braces adjusted. It was 4:30 before we got on the way home. Since it was already too late to go running we stopped to try and find a geocache but no luck there. The gloomy cloudy weather we've been having was throwing off my GPS.   Yeah, so that's how my afternoon went. I'll probably go runnin

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig


It's pretty much summer where I'm at now. I'm still doing pre-calculus, but that was expected.   Right now there really isn't much on my calender for this summer. I'm probably going to be running a some 5k races, although that's not 100% guaranteed. I've also been doing some more biking and I found another geocache yesterday. I also picked up my first geocoin from that cache. I'm not sure what I'm doing this afternoon since the weather isn't the greatest right now.   It rained last night

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Pictures From The Superior Hiking Trip

These are some of the pictures I took while hiking on the Superior National Hiking Trail last weekend. Click the thumbnail to go to a larger picture.   Pictures 2, 3, and 4, were taken on the lake. #2 was taken at the park where we stopped for supper on the way to the campsite. #3 was taken on the beach at the campsite using the panorama feature on my camera. #4 shows one of the large lake freighters. Pictures 5 and 6 show a couple of the waterfalls I saw while on the Superior National Hi

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Another Moc

I have another MOC built for a contest I'm entering. I was having trouble building something because I didn't have the piece that would make or break my idea. After tossing it around in my head and trying to come up with something else, I came up with a different idea centered around the same theme.   Curious what the MOC is? I'll be posting it on Saturday, possible along with another MOC for another contest.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

End Of Track Season

Today is the very end of the 2009 Track season. I'm going to miss it. I had a lot of fun and I improved my 800 M time.   State for Track & Field was last weekend. I didn't go but there were a few athletes from my school participating. None of them took first place but there were a few seconds and a couple of new school records. Tonight is the very end though.   In about one hour I'm going to the Track Banquet. We'll be having a potluck dinner and handing out the awards. I don't th

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

The Weather

Ever since the weekend it has been cold and rainy where I live. It rained on Saturday night and it was cold and wet Sunday night.   I kind of wish it warm up and but we really need the rain since most of MN really dry.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Blog Contest

As of right now I'm unsure if I'll enter. If I do my theme woud probably have to do with Piano or Yanni.   I don't know if it's worth it though since I have a couple of contests I want to enter that require me to build some MOCs and as of right now I don't have anything that will work for either contest (although I have a couple concepts that might turning to some none contest MOCs).

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Back From The Hike

I'm now back from the Hiking trip I took up to Lake Superior. I took quite a few pictures and I'll post them when I get a full write up created.   For those of you who have never seen Lake Superior you'll enjoy a lot of my pictures.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Hiking Trip

This weekend I'm going to going on a trip up to Lake Superior with my Boy Scout Troop. I'm going to be doing some hiking and some geocaching. Geocaching is a lower priority since we already have a hike decided upon and so any geocaches found would be close to that route.   I may have pictures to show when I get back. That depends on whether I bring a camera or not. It should be a good time. I completed this hike about 3 years ago. There were only 5 people who went that time. This time

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Another Lrc Update

Opening the beta to everyone is probably a good idea, since the game was suppose to go to the full version over a month ago. I'm still hoping that they will reset it.   Edit: Yay! 50 Entries!

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig


My Homeschool group had it's graduation ceremony on Saturday afternoon. It was a pretty good ceremony. Two of the graduates gave the keynote address, it was good but last years was better. They also had a slide show which was nice.   Before the end all of the graduates played two songs as a band. I'm Letting Go by Francesca Battistelli and Lose My Soul by tobyMac. Both of those were pretty good.   Yesterday I had one graduation party. Mostly what I did was playing Volleyball. I also dis

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Final Track Meet

The last track meet of the season that I am running in was earlier today. It was a pretty awesome meet.   I ran the 800 Meters again and I set a new personal record, 2 min, 42 sec. My old record was 2 min, 45 sec.   The season is not quite over but I won't be running in any more meets. Next week is sections and state is the following week.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Another Job

I'm going to try to get another job this week. One of the grocery stores near where I live is hiring cashiers.   I need a job to pay for my trip to the jamboree and I want to get a cellphone. For a phone I'm looking at getting something from Virgin Mobile they have pretty decent rates for Pay as You Go. Looked at some Tracphones but their rates are a bit higher then Virgin Mobile.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Blog Update

I'm putting together a Blog roll of different BZPower blogs I regularly read and enjoy.   I also changed the Blog name to T.N.L.C.S.B. (Took Nothing, Left Comment, Signed Blog), which since you probably didn't catch it is a play off of the geocaching term TNLNSL (Took Nothing, Left Nothing, Signed Log). I might change it again but that's what it's at now.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

The Heat

Is getting very tiring. It got passed 90 out side today. I'm in Minnesota and it's only May. It's not suppose to this hot out side yet. I'm so glad track is almost finished, I hate having to run when it's this hot out.   Hopefully it cools down this weekend.   P.S. For those of you who were interested in geocaching I haven't forgotten.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

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