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Ten Thousand Fluttershies

Soo.. someone made a mashup of fireflies by Owl City, and Fluttershy's Hush Now. It's amazing. Sidenote, how do you pluralize "Fluttershy"?



Guests! Y U No Join?

To the 60+ guests reading the blogs. Just join. It takes like, 2 minutes. Seriously. It's nice here.




Hey everyone, I'm leaving for scout camp on Sunday, get back on Saturday. Then I leave for CIY (Christ in Youth) on Monday, and get back Friday. So i will be late getting to the BZPRPG.   Off Topic: I saw Star Trek last night, it was pretty dang sweet.     ~ :e:



Eeko's 69th Night at College

Day 69   Huh, looks like I forgot yesterday's. Oh well, nothing interesting happend yesterday.   Today however, I had to get up early, and go rake yards as a fundraiser. It was freezing. Later, I went on a hayride with the Physics Club. That was pretty fun, we sang Christmas Carols, and roasted hotdogs. Good times were had by all.



Sea Base Again

I leave tomarow for Sea Base. At 3 in the morning. Then we take a plane to New York, from there we get a plane to Florida and from there, The Bahamas! I can't wait!     ~ :e:



Eeko's 59th Night at College

Day 59   We're sooo close to having the laser lined up! I'm gonna try and take a video tomorrow to show you guys what it looks like.   Also, late night Smash Bros. matches are the best.



Scott Pilgrim

Saw it for the first time. Correct me if I'm wrong Spirit, but, due to a lack of other reference material, I'm gonaa go ahead and assume that Canada is always like that. All the time.




Dat LEGO LOTR trailer. Voice acting.  




Seeing as I'm Eeko now, I was thinking of new av/bans, and would like your input.   Option 1.   Option 2.   Option 3. Use the McNinja stuff I was using before.     What'll it be folks? I'm leaning toward Option 1, but I do love Pinkie Portals.




So my Psych professor sent out an e-mail attached with a take home test. Yet he failed to add a due date. I'm supposed to do yard work all weekend, and my Calc homework, all before Monday. And now a test apparently. I don't really know because he DIDN'T SEND A DUE DATE!!!   *composes self* *whew*   However, the bright side to this is that it is a take home test, meaning there is little pressure when doing it. Just pressure as to when I can do it.




Ripsticking is so much fun. The road behind my house is basically a half-pipe. So much fun.   So for those of you who don't own a Ripstick, get one.     ~ :e:



Eeko's 64th Night at College

Day 64   I'm really hoping I'll wake up with an email saying: "Classes canceled due to life threatening weather."   That would be the greatest.



Eeko's 82nd Night at College

Day 82   So I got back to school... AND THERE WAS SNOW ON THE GROUND!   IT SNOWED WITHOUT ME.   *commence flipping of tables*     Anyways, my computer is completely out of space, and I didn't even put all my new games on it.



Mt. Rogers

I'm leaving today to go backpacking up Mt. Rogers! For those of you who don't know, it is the tallest point in Virginia. I've been there once before, it's awesome. We saw almost one hundred wild horses. So yeah, I'll be gone till Sunday. C'ya!     ~ :e:



Derpy Is Best Link.

So for those that missed it, some interesting things happend in the background of last episode.   Lyra, sitting weird, wishing she had hands. Lyra was just waiting for Bon-bon. Who happens to have a knapsack with a lyre clip. Derpy has a muffin clip... ...and derp'd eyes.     So many good easter eggs. It's like they're trying to make up for The Last Roundup.



Eeko's 12th Night at College

Day 12   Yay for extended weekends!   I didn't do an overly large amount today, mostly finished up the remains of my homework and played some games.   Then I went to the Men's Glee club rehearsal, and boy was that fun. I haven't auditioned yet, so I don't know if I'm gonna stay in it. But we went through a few songs: Blackwater Come on Eileen Guy Love and a Lés Mis song that I can't quite remember. Something like Let Him Live.   Anyways, that was fun.



Eeko's 18th Night at College

Day 18   Slept through breakfast again. I'm bad at getting up on weekends.   Played some more Magic, and finally won a game. Wrapping up the day watching the Steelers/Broncos game.  



So apparently...

I guess my one year staff-iversarry was a week and a day ago. So that's cool.



Eeko's 48th Night at College

Day 48   Well, I woke up about 5 minutes before my first test today. I did make it, but it was a bit of a jolt to the day.   I'm pretty sure I did alright on my calc test, there's one or two that I can't remember what I put down though.   I'm excited for tomorrow though. Since the plumbing side of things is completely finished, tomorrow we start working on fixing up the actual laser itself.



Eeko's 51st Night at College

Day 51   I took my Chem test today. Hopefully that went well.   We're making great progress in the laser lab. Today we alligned the POT (basically the source of the laser), and on Monday we're gonna fire up the actual beam and see what happens. I get to feel all mad scientist too, cause we actually have a lever that has to be thrown to power the system. It's awesome.   Anyways, I hung out with some people tonight, out in the freezing cold. I might have frostbite on my toes.



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