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Eeko's 54th Night at College

Day 54   Unfortunatley, we had to restart the laser alligning process in lab today. We turned the laser on, and no lasing happened, so we go back and realign the whole sucker.   Also, I got allergy shots today, just in time to remember that I have to do push-ups tomorrow for Phys Ed. Yay.



Obligatory Entry. (For Reals Now)

Woah. That ruled.   The first song was a little lack-luster in my opinion, but Cadence's song was so awesome! A few things from the MLP staff: The names of the songs were, in order: B.B.B.F.F This Day Aria Love is in Bloom   The Changeling Queen's name is Chrysalis.     Anyways, I saw Derpy a few times, but never Derp'd. Also, HOLY COW VINYL SCRATCH UP IN THIS! And Lyra/Colgate voices!   I don't know if anyone else saw it, but when Rainbow rescued Fluttershy, they totally nuzzled. IT HAPPENED!



Chem 101

1.1 x 10-36 = (X)•(2.0 x 10-9 + 3X)3   First person to answer this knows the pain of chemistry.   This is what Eeko does on a daily basis.     ~ :e:




We got dumped on with snow! I've been outside all day, but now it's getting too cold.     ~ :e:  



Missing Members

Alright, this list is subject to change depending on what members I do or don't see. Here are all the people that need to get their tails back on BZP right now! It's just not the same without them. Master of Shadow Matoran. (aka MoSM) Turakki #1 Lavasurfer Found! Nikira chunky! Found! George Costanza Found! Lady Kopaka Chocalate Frogs Found! Like I said, I may remember more later.   If you have seen these members, let me know and I'll take them off the list and give them welcome back hugs.



H. P. Lovecraft

So I was at Barnes and Nobles the other day, idly wandering through the "Adult Fiction" section. (Seeing as I turned 18, I figured I'd graduated from the "Child's Fiction"). When I stumbled upon a rather large anthology. Roughly six hundered pages, written by this Lovecraft fellow. I had never read any of his work, and had always meant to. Noticing the shockingly low price of $7.59, I decided to purchase it for myself. Now, about two hundered pages in, I thought I might post a blog entry informi



My Mood Tonight

In other news, aaahh I leave for college in twelve days wats going on!



Eeko's 72nd Night at College

Day 72   Ugh, long day today. We were doing a group chem presentation, and it went over by almost an hour.   At least I really like the people in my chem group, they're all really fun.     Anyways, I leave for Florida tomorrow at 2:30, so I better get some sleep!



Eeko's 36th Night at College

Day 36   Not a whole lot interesting happened today. Went to class, did some homework. Normal type day.   I'm almost finished with Psychonauts though. Such a fantastic game.




We got my youth pastor so good.   We managed to get him out of his apartment for 3 hours and we had previously made a copy of his key. We started by tp-ing his ceiling fan and tv. Then we filled up 75 balloons with helium and put them in his bathroom (including one in the toilet ) Then we filled up his bathtub with packing peanuts, switch the labels on all his canned foods, put rice in all his socks and pockets, taped up the faucets so when you try and turn them on you get squirted with water



Portal 2 Co-Op

Finally got around to playing some. Someone in my Physics class wanted the Professor Portal acheivement.   I didn't have a mic, so the solving was pretty one-sided.




Yay! Forums! So, for those of you who probably don't care, here's what I did this summer.   • First and foremost, my best friend who had moved to North Dakota 2 years ago finally moved back! • I finally did an ollie on my Ripstick. • I rode on a motorcycle. (We reached 88mph in a 40 mph zone. But don't tell anyone.) • I finally, after a year and a half, got to relinquish my role as Senior Patrol Leader in my troop. Now I'm just regular Patrol Leader. • I went to Busch Gardens! The one in W



Maclaurin Series

Hey, got another Calculus question for anyone who can answer: Knowing the Maclaurin series for ex, (1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! ...), find the Maclaurin series for ex + x^2 and use it to find the fourth derivative at f4(0).   Anyone know how to do this? I can find the series, just not the derivative value. Thanks!




Almost to 2K.     ~Eeko~




Full day of shooting people on wednsday. My church's youth group is doing a day long event. I can't wait.     ~ :e:



Eeko's 66th Night at College

Day 66   So, all day today, someone was in a full Tigger costume. He pogo-sticked to every single class. It was awesome   I also successfully upgraded from the 32 to the 64 bit Windows 7, and added four more gigs of RAM to my MacBook.   Good day.




I forgot how much I loved Star Wars Battlefront II.   Nothing quite like taking out 326 people in 3 lives. Yeah.     ~ :e:



Come meet Eeko! Seriously though.

So I'm on my choir tour right now, and since the mobile version of BZP is annoying at best, I'm going to tell you all to look down a couple entries to find our tour route.   Come if you can. Or of you can't.



Eeko's 87th NIght at College

Day 87   So Trixie... that was something. Notable moments were Carrot Top and Dinky Hooves running together, the rather obvious Lyra and Bon-Bon, and Twilight breaking the fourth wall for the first time. Cuz she's the best.



Eeko's 65th Night at College

Day 65   Well, Sandy pretty much passed us by. We had some wind and rain, but it was barely out of the ordinary.   Also, I built a Fibonacci Sequence generator in Python, it also checked to see if it was a prime or not.   Anyways, I'm just gonna keep ignoring this whole episode VII business.



Here I Am

rock you like a hurricane...     Anyways, back from camp. Sore as all get out, and I really torqued up my back playing Walleyball.   Had a good time though.



What I Want More Than Anything.

Okay, imagine this: A game, set in the Naruto Universe, with the quality and depth of Skyrim. Would that not be the coolest thing?   Other good universes would be Zelda, The Last Airbender, and Pokémon.   Seriously, can someone get on that?



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