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New Lolcat!

Well, here's the one I made. The other two were made by Phillip Antoni, and Olivier Charavel.  



My New Wallpaper

I made this wallpaper with some brushes I found on an awesome art site, It rocks, that is the most I can say. DOWNLOAD Comments are appreciated.



My Little Ickle Club...

I was wondering if anyone would like to be part of a MOCing club where before a moc is published, we ask at least one other club member what can be redone or changed... I was thinking that we could either use AIM or just the PM system here...  



My Life Is Blue

As promised, here is the first compisition, or should I say sketch that I have posted on The Wonderful World Of Wil!   Please let the music load, it may take a minute, you will have to have Quicktime to be able to listen to this music, you can go here to download Quicktime. Go here to hear my version of an excerpt from "My Life Is Blue.   Wil   BTW It would be great to have some reveiws, constructive critisism, and other comments on my music.



My Lego Order

My Bionicle's arrived!!!!!!!!!! I alread made my own version of Nuparu, now for Hahli and Hewkii... I have Made Vezon and Fenrakk, AND IT IS AWSOME!!!!!!! I have also built Axxon, and Brutaka. THEY ROCK!!!!!!! Expect me to post more MOCs soon!   Wil



My Great-grandmother Died

Last night, my great-grandmother's bodily functions were failing. Her lungs were filling with fluid. She died 20 minutes ago. She was 90.I don't know how to describe this feeling, I've only felt it once before. The funeral will be soon.   She died while unconscious, without pain. She lived a long life, and a very good one.   We all knew it was coming soon. Doctors said that she had 1-2 years in November.



My Birthday! :d

My 14th birthday is this Friday! So, I'll be going to the hospital in the morning to have some cake with my grandmother (see previous entry). Just lounge around during the day, going to a movie later, and then going to PF Chang's for dinner. And as a birthday present, I want as many people as possible to register and actively use BrickPix. I'm still waiting for people to start using their userpages.



Music Of The Month!

Finally, I have a chance to do this. I entroduce you to John Lennon's Give Peace A Chance!   Give Peace a Chance



Most Hilarious Thing Evar

Actual exchanges between pilots and control towers   Tower: "Delta 351, you have traffic at 10 o'clock, 6 miles!" Delta 351: "Give us another hint! We have digital watches!" **************************************************************************************************** Tower: "TWA 2341, for noise abatement turn right 45 Degrees." TWA 2341: "Center, we are at 35,000 feet. How much noise can we make up here?" Tower: "Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 747 makes when it hits a 72



Moar Misprints!

Okay, this is like stamp collecting, but even more trivial. jk   So, I now have a green ruru and trans-yellow Kaukau coming in from Denmark! Czar shipped his, and the ones from New Zealand should be arriving this week. I'm also chatting with Czar about trading for his blue Matatu.




YAYZ! I've purchased Toa Onuta's two brown misprints, and I have a trans-light-blue kaukau coming in from Czar in two or three days.



Merry Xmas!

Well, Merry Xmas everyone! I am in North Carolina now enjoying Xmas with my nieces (3, 8, and 10), and Xmas has been great for everyone. Simon got the Webkinz he has been wanting, Nat (niece-10) and Cece (niece-8) both got ipod nanos. XD They are obsessed, Cece keeps leaving her ipod on the ground where people almost always get exremely close to stepping on it. Of course, they listen to it all the time, and now they scream while talking. Now there are 3 families over, 20 people in all. Mos



Member Spotlight!

I'M IN THE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! No clue why I'm sooo excited. Thanks for telling me Rocco.



Master Of Bionicle 2

I WAS CHOSEN!!!!! I am one of the contestants! I feel soooooooooooo giddy right now...




omg... The Mahri, width the exception on Jaller, STINK... I now have all six, I just got Hewkii, Nuparu, and Hahli today. At least they have some good pieces that will find their way into future mocs, $30 is a bit much...




well... eithe "maha" or "mahi" XD. I finished my Maha(i?) moc, along with and EPIC Nui-Jaga. Pics coming, tomorrow or later.




Leopards go growl. Mac OS 10.5 does not. If you d not get it, go check out Apple's website. I finished installing Leopard on my Mom's and my computers... IT ROCKS! Other than the graphics being the biggest junk Apple has ever released...  



Kameleon! :d

As most know, I'm a maccie. As most know, I try to code software. As most know, I make icons in Photoshop. As most know, I code websites.   I am part of the staff of OPT-6 Software (I'm only responsible for the site a graphics, I didn't do the content or code the apps). Our face app is called Kameleon, which is a theming app for macs (10.5 and up). I have just finished the icons for version 2.0, and it IS EPIC. I MADE THEM!!! EDIT - The app should be out before next wednesday. We hope.



It's Coming...

Well, it's coming... The countdown starts in 24 hrs.   AND, I have two new vehicles sitting on my camera for upload...



It Be Speak Like A Pirate Day Mateys!

IT BE SPEAK LIKE A PIRATE DAY MATEYS!   or at least she say..   In accordance to this, ALL WHO DO NOT RECOGNIZE THE DAY IT BE SHALL WALK THA PLANK! And no one bettar mention "Pirates of the Carribean," as that be like "Pie-Rats," not the honorable, strong, Pirate! ARRRR



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