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Well, it's working. I have to fix the staff email accounts though, I mean, I has tons set up @bzpics.com... Ouch. Depending on bugs found in the next week, the public beta could be in a few days!   Of course, that is if I can find the copyright text, the "not endorsed by LEGO" thing. If someone has a link to where I can get that, PLEASE send it to me. :/   I have also finished a logo and applied it, but we might have a logo contest after the beta. The new skin is also working. BZPics.com i



Brickpix Userpages

BrickPix can now host websites, and with that comes the User Page Template. Check the front page for more details. BrickPix is back online btw.



Brickpix Status

I have just finished all the icons, and I got the blog working. It's almost there!



Brickpix Release Today!

Well, I've contacted a Moderator and asked to have them close the last thread.   Nearly a year later, it's here. It will be released when I get back in a few hours...



Brickpix Is Coming

HELLO THAR!   I have just finished setting up all of the moderator accounts on BrickPix, and last night (around 1:05 AM ) I finished the copyright text stuff! So, I have some images left to do, and some little mods. I also need to set up the remaining staff email account!   Oh, and it starts in around 48hrs, not 24. XD



Brickpix Downtime Fixed

Well, the downtime is over!!!! XD WOOT!!!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!!!!   ...   sry, I'm just so excited! XD XD XD   If no bug reports some up in the next 2 days, and after I get the copyright text in place (curse this code), AND I finish some graphics, it will be ready for the public beta!




Well... My B-day is coming up, and Most of you know what one of my gifts from my parents are, but we are also COMPLETELY REPAINTING AND REFURNISHING MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: I just finished filling the holes in the wall, and we are about to start painting. When we are done we are going to move the old bed out (which takes half the room, it was in there because there was no where else for a queensized bed which everyone hates. ), then we are going to Ikea to get a



Bionicle Movies In Quicktime

I made this topic for those who can't view the Bionicle movies, they are here in Quicktime. Topic  Here is how I did it :   Look for this near the bottom of the source: <script type="text/javascript">                                 var so = new SWFObject("http://cache.lego.com/flash/bionicle/screeningroom/playerFrame.swf?s_title=Phantoka 45 second movie&s_toPlay=http://cache.lego.com/upload/contentTemplating/BionicleMovies/otherfiles/1033/upload7F99EB48-1588-4383-9142-A3D60AE731



Bionicle Media Center

Okay. This is epic. Very epic. With all the free time on my hands, I decided to try and code some things which I havn't messed with before.   For instance, a media center.   The flash episodes (with working scripts), the ghost animations, vahki animations, and whatever games I can get working. This will be epic.   btw, yes, I do have working 2002-2003 episodes, which are not protected.



Beta Testing

Oh my gosh... Oh my gosh... Oh my gosh... As a cocoa and html/css/javascript coder, I have been chosen as a beta tester for the mac FTP program Flow (one of 50, the site's forums are only for beta testers, so I can mention the name), A certain TV over IP mac program WHICH IS AWSOME, an iTunes controller for mac called Artwork, a certain beta of a vector artwork editor, a set of stock icons by Olivier Chatel, and a certain miniature blogging/social network... OH MY GOSH IT IS AWSOME! :D



Bbcc 52

Yes, I just made my entry, and got it in a few minutes ago. >_<   Go check out its topic.   http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=310707  



Bbcc 49

I just entered the contest. I hope it works, I haven't entered in a while... topic    




Does anybody have a good backup app for macs? About a month ago I got one of their new Macbooks, and it has some cosmetic issues... I have to ship it back and there is a chance of data loss... So I have been backing up all my data manually... IT IS A NIGHTMARE I NEED HELP!   Wil



Back To The Basics

Well, I'm working on a totally new mocing project, which I'm calling "Back to the Basics." In This, I will be attempting to re-moc every set, or at least one of every clone set, up to 2004. This includes Rahi, Toa, etc. I already have a new matoran design I'm going to use, and It'll be nice.   I've already finished Tahu, Jala, Huki, Onepu, Takua, and Matoro. There are a few more Matoran I'll do along the way, from MNOLG and MNOLG 2. I'm also doing the ussals from MNOLG, etc. Just some teasers




MY B-DAY SLEEPOVER IS GOING ON TONIGHT! RIGHT NOW IT IS 3:02 AM ! And everybody just happens to be sleeping.. My actual Birthday is the nineteenth.   Wil



B-day Countdown

2 DAY 'TILL MY B-DAY!!!!!!   Want to know what would be a great B-day present? for everyone to mail me Karzahni or Lesovikk <- lol For people to rtae my blog!



B-day Countdown

1 MORE DAY! lol   Happy B-day to me, Soon I'll be ten plus three, what else can I say? That truly beats me!




Axalara is epic. Epic. Epic. Epic. EPIC. 'tis epic.   ...   'Nuff said. I've modded it quite a bit, and I got rid of that awful, primate-like rider. I'm about to go take some pics of my Tahu olda moc, Jala, and the Nui-Rama, so... well... I dunno what else to say. Bai bai ppl B)



Assorted Geekery - Icons!

I've been trying to make some good Safari icons... and I THINK I DID IT! Could you guys give me some ideas, or maybe colors you'd like to see in the release?   BrickPix might be down for about 10-20min in a sec, just letting you know.




I run a few online forums, and I have just had to edit a six page topic telling someone how much of an cool dude they are. I really need a break. :wakeup2:   Wil



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