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Bbcc 49

I just entered the contest. I hope it works, I haven't entered in a while... topic    



Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Mans Chest

I saw Pirates of the Carribean 2 a last a week ago, and I was wondering what people thought of it. In my opinion it was bloody awsome, but the plot was a bit off, dont you think? the main thing is that Barbosa came back at the end, which is some odd planning, but all the same, I would give it a 9.5/10 rateing! B)   You have to see that film!   Wil



Come On!

omg... I have no ratings... I would love some stars people.



A Way To Survive...

All I want of you is a way to survive, a place to hide, A place to live without fear, Where we can grow and thrive. All we need of you is not to go hide, To come to us, And tell to us this, There is no need to hide, Just stand up and say, That we will survive, We will grow and thrive, Just stand up and shout, And give peace a chance, end this darn war, and let us suvive.       Yes I wrote that, how it is possible, I do not know.   Wil



The Coming Week

drool.........   Tomorrow is picture day at my school. Last year's photo made Quasimodo look like a supermodel. We have an overnight field trip this week, so unless I have my physical on one of the two days, then I will not be availible Thursday and most of Friday. Also, one of my friends and I are going to be baby sitting a horde of 3-7 year olds on friday night, so wish us luck. Right now I am just hoping that none of them kick the ###### out of my chins and other places this time... At le



Bzp Is Back!

omg... I finally get back from France, and BZP is back! Life is good... A generall update on my life so far: Simon loved the three Mahri I got him for his B-day, he asked me to redo them because they are sooooo fugly. I have just finished Jaller, HE IS AWSOME... I hope that it will fit the theme of the BBC starting tomorrow, I will be sooooo lucky if so. I also found a way found a way to easily attach the Cordak Blasters to my traditional arm design, they are the worst designed pieces in th



New Site!

The new website is up, and it rox. It does not work in Internet Explorer, use Firefox! Also, press the "enter" button, not the "Removed" button. lol The icons are mac only, and if anyone wants something like this, just ask. Also, I designed the whole thing in Coda and Photoshop.   Links Removed - Websites which link to blogs are not allowed. -Kohaku




I just finished taking my 'lil bro out for Halloween, no candy for myself though. I will be in bed soon, though right no I am trying to regain feeling in my legs after llifting 110pounds with my thighs while exercising yesterday. XD



The New Bbc

I have posted this once, after the server reboot, it disappeared.   Okay, I have updated my Gallery with three new MOCs! They are Zaktan, Thok, and Vezok. I would include Avak, but I do not own one. I also have three which I plan to add. They are a big spider thing (not for those with arachnaphobia ), a big dragon thing (my version of Kardas), and I very twisted Skakdi which would be a result of some BOM junk... I also just finished my new BBC contest entry, it still is going to go thr



Brickpix Downtime Fixed

Well, the downtime is over!!!! XD WOOT!!!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!!!!   ...   sry, I'm just so excited! XD XD XD   If no bug reports some up in the next 2 days, and after I get the copyright text in place (curse this code), AND I finish some graphics, it will be ready for the public beta!




I am coming back from California today, I orderd Brutaka, Axonn, Hahli Inika, Nupary Inika, and Hewkii Inika before I left, and now at Legoland California I got Vezon and Fenrakk! SWEET!!!!!   Expect alot more MOCs soon. B)   Wil



A Quote...

All we are saying, is give peace a chance. -John Lennon Hear the message? This is back from the Vietnamese war, it applies now just the same.




I FINALLY MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO HOST A WEBSITE ON BRICKPIX!!!!! I'll post a tutorial on how to do it soon!



Tohu Almighty!

Here we go again! I have entered BBC #44, here is the topic.



3 Years!

I HAVE MY HUNA! I have been here three years!!!!!!! Also, this is mu hundredth blog entry!



*hack* *cough*

I hate chest colds... I released a new icon today. I will probably make come color variations soon.




Say, hey!   Hear the sound of the falling rain Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!) The shame The ones who died without a name   Hear the dogs howling out of key To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!) And bleed, the company lost the war today   I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives On holiday   Hear the drum pounding out of time Another protester has crossed the line (Hey!) To find, the money's on the other side   Can



The (almost) Week In Review

Sorry I haven't posted recently, school has been murder. We have mid term finals approaching and no amount of coffee can save me. Also, our Spanish teacher will not tell us what to study for... Well, I know that we will get a study packet for the other classes, but I still feel like they will be heck. So I have a few weeks to study, and then I have them... Scary... Overall, here is what my week has been so far:   Monday- School was no issue, I got an 88 on my math test. The other classes w



Off To Vernon

Well, I'm off to Vernon for a few days, and I might now have internet. See you guys in a couple of days.



Brickpix Is Coming

HELLO THAR!   I have just finished setting up all of the moderator accounts on BrickPix, and last night (around 1:05 AM ) I finished the copyright text stuff! So, I have some images left to do, and some little mods. I also need to set up the remaining staff email account!   Oh, and it starts in around 48hrs, not 24. XD



Bzpicture Public Beta

Okay, don't get excited. It's not here yet... As a guesstimate, it will be here in about two weeks. Right now, we're handling moderation shifts. As some of you probably know by now, we are attempting to expand the private beta. It's going well. Just wait.   Also, I have a new avvie and banner! They rock.   EDIT: holy shiz - sooo many ;)s



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