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This Is A Story Of A Man

A blind man.   (11:52:59 PM) Josh: o i c (11:53:16 PM) Me: said an blind man (11:53:41 PM) Josh: as he flipped his pancake (11:53:50 PM) Me: with a waffle iron (11:54:08 PM) Josh: attempting to make breakfast for his only son (11:54:20 PM) Me: Who was 67 years old (11:54:51 PM) Josh: however his elderly-ness made it so he could only enjoy toast (11:55:12 PM) Me: if, and only if, each slice was cut into 4 equilateral triangles (11:55:59 PM) Josh: unless the hypotenuse is the square root of the su



I Dun Wanna Go

Today (it's midnight where I am), I have to go to my cousin's daughter's baptizing. I don't especially want to get up early and go. But I have to. :/ *sigh*   |-|\/|



A New Challenger Approaches

I know. I need to stop doing this. But some of my conversations are just so awesome. I can't resist. I am weak. So anyway, this new challenger is the awesomest person evah: Shelby. :3   (11:36:15 PM) Me: I always feel the urge to get up and violently thrash about when a TBDM song comes on (11:36:27 PM) Josh: hahahahahahaha (11:36:29 PM) Josh: don't (11:36:34 PM) Me: I dont (11:36:39 PM) Josh: we need to hold your toungue first (11:36:42 PM) Me: I just thrash in my chair for a moment (11:36:47 PM



Name Change! =o

I'm going tilde-less (i no wat a rebel lol). So yeah, I guess I'll see if I like this. If not, only 45 days to go.   |-|\/|



Tomorrow Is The Last Day Of School

...for the week. 4 day week - 4 day weekend - 4 day week is great and all, but I'd rather have school end for the year this Friday.   Also, I think there's a half-day sometime in September.   ALSO I found out today that The Black Dahlia Murder has a new album coming out on the 15th! AND I still have some birthday money!! AND my mom told me today that one of the CDs she got that was on backorder is being shipped. Not including school, September is a good month this year! (all of this plus Batman



New Avatar

It's awesome. I made a sketch of it last school year, and I just spent an hour scanning, coloring, and making it look nice. The original (full size) version looks cooler than the shrunken BZP version. And I still have the original size version.   |-|\/|



Because That's What Metal Does.

Since I know everyone enjoys these so much:   (5:26:33 PM) Me: OMG (5:26:40 PM) Josh: ? (5:26:56 PM) Me: our english teacher will let us listen to music when we work in class (5:27:04 PM) Me: but i have no music player ;_; (5:27:19 PM) Me: *imagines listening to TBDM while writing an essay* (5:27:27 PM) Me: That would be awesome. (5:28:16 PM) Josh: lol (5:28:33 PM) Josh: you'd start randomly swearing and having breakdowns in your essays (5:29:15 PM) Me: In conclusion, that is why I think DUDUDUD



Map Progress

To be completely honest, I haven't got much done since the last update. I've been spending most of my time trying to get water to work properly, and I think I finally got it right. I also added some props. Um, let's see... Oh yeah, I also decided on what textures I'm going to use.   Here's a couple pictures: RED's respawn room under the middle point (It's filled with cows! =O)   The middle point, with final textures, as well as some overlays. =]   I like how it's ending up. =]   |-|\/|



The Beatles Can Be Applied At Any Time

Well lookie here, it's another IM conversation between Josh and I.   (9:41:09 PM) Josh: I want a pipe organ (9:41:18 PM) me: I am a pipe organ. (9:41:45 PM) Josh: I want you (9:42:01 PM) me: I WANT YOU SOOOO BAD ITS DRIVING ME MAD (9:42:06 PM) me: ITS DRIVING ME MAD (9:42:35 PM) me: SHES SO (9:42:57 PM) me: *dodododododoDODODODODODODOOOOOOOOOO dododooooooo* (9:43:03 PM) me: HEEEEAAAAAVVVYYYYYYYYYY (9:43:07 PM) me: *dododoooooooo* (9:43:13 PM) me: HEAVY (heavyyyyyy)   P.S. I love that song.   |-




Was better than I had hoped. I have at least one friend in every class.   My schedule is the same as the preliminary one I got during the summer.   Somebody stole all the Calculus books! =O   2 of my best friends are in my lunch, BUT one hates the other. So idk what I should do.:/   There's also a kid in my Computer Programming class who looks like he wants to kill everyone. And no, I am not exaggerating. He is SCARY.   Also, homework on the first day woooooo! I got it done in class, though.  



Awwww Man

Since school is starting, I can't stay up 'til 2 am anymore.   G'night everyone.   |-|\/|




School starts tomorrow. I really don't want to go back.   |-|\/|



Caps Lock Induces Craziness

The following is an IM conversation between my friend Josh and I:   (11:47:02 PM) Josh: GET THAT AWAY FROM ME (11:47:17 PM) Josh: I DON'T LIKE BATTLESHIP! (11:47:26 PM) Me: KNIGHT TO B3! (11:47:48 PM) Josh: DARN IT JOE THAT WAS MY LAST TRAP CARD (11:48:03 PM) Me: BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON!1! (11:48:24 PM) Josh: MY LEVEL FOUR GODZILLA USES DECAPITATE (11:48:50 PM) Me: HAHA! MY DIGIMANZ HAVE A NATURAL IMMUNITY TO DECAPITATION ATTACKS! HAHAHA (11:49:11 PM) Josh: NO1! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!




I really want pizza. Like, a lot.   |-|\/|



Premier Membership Get!

Yep, I'm Premier! =D     Anyway, onto business:   Yesterday was my birthday.   Also yesterday, I went for my senior pictures. The photographer was pretty cool. I had to wear a tux for it, and I must say, I look quite dashing in a tux.   My friend Josh preordered Batman: Arkham Asylum for me on Steam. So I'll be getting that on the 15th of September. Some problems though: My computer lags like crazy playing it (I played the demo) AND I'll need to delete a lot of stuff to make room. I gues that'l




I went to run my map today to test the respawn room I made. Hammer froze while compiling. So I think I'm done for now.     IN OTHER NEWS Premier perks are still on. I WILL be getting PMship soon. It's my birthday this Friday. I don't wanna grow up! School starts Monday. I don't wanna go!     |-|\/|



Even More Progress!

Earlier today, I made an entry about the progress of my Graduation Project. Well I worked a little more, and most of the mapping is done. As you can see in this picture, all 5 spires containing the control points are done. I also added the bridges connecting the spires, as well as some stuff to the middle point (which can be seen in the picture).   Let's see, what do I have to do yet... -Make the control points. So far all that's there is the model, I need to add the "programming" bits for it to




So there's this project that every student at my school needs to complete to graduate, cleverly called the Graduation Project. It's starts in 9th grade with thinking about what you wanna do, and needs to be totally done by 12th grade. If you fail it, you get another try. If you fail again, you don't graduate.   I was gonna rant about how much of a stupid idea I think this is, but I'll not waste your time.   Anyway, here I am. A little over a week until my senior year starts. AND I have yet to st



Oh My...

Them Crooked Vultures made their ENTIRE upcoming album available to listen to online.   I've only heard 5 songs so far, but I am in love. I reallllyyyyyyyyy wanna get it!   |-|\/|



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