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Split/second Pc Demo

Apparently a demo for Split/Second was released for PC 2 days ago. I didn't hear about it until now. :/ Only 3 hours remaining for the download! T_T     EDIT: I played it and it was pretty okay. It seems like a cool game, but NOTHING AT ALL WAS EXPLAINED. It was like, "you have two types of power plays," "that's your draft bar," "press ctrl for a shortcut," but didn't explain any of it. I'll have to play it some more before I know enough to have an opinion.   EDIT2: Played it again, and now I u



Got My Mouse

It's smaller than I thought it would be. It's a wee bit shorter than my old Dell mouse. However it's still pretty comfortable to hold on to. also, it looks so sexy Haven't tried it out in a video game yet, though none of the buttons are hard to press. It gets pretty warm from the lighting so I currently have the lights off.



Skyrim Adventure, Part 30: In Which I Go To (And Return From) The Afterlife

I returned to the College of Winterhold to see if Arniel's experiment was a success. Upon arrival I and several mages fought an Ancient Dragon. I talked to another mage who said that a rift had been opened by the Eye and I need to close it. I made it to Arniel; turns out he was missing yet another item. The courier had gone missing, so I went out to find him and the package. I arrived to a cave full of spiders. Surprise surprise, he's dead. I grabbed the item, a dagger, and returned it. Arniel s



Duty Is Calling

COD4 finished downloading overnight, and I beat the single-player campaign today. I wish it was longer. :/   I'm still on the fence about playing multiplayer. I wasn't very good at it, and everyone else will be good and have perks and stuff and I'll be a loser.   |-|\/|



Skyrim Adventure, Part 36: In Which I Unleash An Ancient Evil

I continued working on my misc quests. I set out on a bounty for a dragon. I killed it and learned the second word of Dismay from the Wall. Next I headed into a dungeon and was greeted by a ghost. He told me he was containing a powerful evil, but was growing weak. I said I'd help eliminate it once and for all, and went deeper into the complex, searching for the keys to unleash it. The keys ended up being bottles of blood. We opened up the crypt; the evil was another Dragon Priest. I killed him a



Phase 2 Clone Trooper Sprite (w.i.p.)

taking a break from 3d and vectors, i've broadened my horizons into the wonderful field known as pixel art and because i've been in a real big star wars mood lately, i made a clone trooper in phase 2 armor     obviously the colors aren't final; they're just so i can easily distinguish between different things instead of it all being one color still have no idea what i'm gonna do with the hands and feet (currently they're just blocks) looking at the helmet, it looks too much like a stormtrooper.



Graduation Is Going To Be A Mess

We had "practice" today. None of it made any sense. It's like they're trying to make it as complicated as possible. Tonight is going to be... interesting. also we sit so closely together our caps are probably going to bumping into each other :S



It's Snowing!

=D   It's also dark out at 5 PM. But hey, that's okay, cuz snow is more beautiful when it's dark and you see it falling in the glow of streetlights.   |-|\/|




I just beat the demo. My new computer can run it with everything on medium settings with a little bit of lag.   It was pretty cool. The suit allows for some varied gameplay, though I mostly played stealthily. However, I have one major complaint. THE ENEMIES JUST. WON'T. DIE. It shouldn't take 20 point-blank shots to kill one guy. srsly   |-|\/|



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