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Sodalitas Humphreibus Caption Contest Alpha

SODALITAS HUMPHREIBUS CAPTION CONTEST ALPHA Since I now have a blog club, it follows that I should have a blog contest. Your task is to create a caption or captions for this picture: L to R: Me holding Roa's self-MOC, Unknown Kid, Roa, kopakanui. Captions can be submitted in text format or edited into the photo, both are equally acceptable and the format will have no impact on judging. Entries will be judged solely on the amount of funniness in the entry, and the proud winner will ge



Attn. Anyone With A Disclaimer In Their Blog:

I pronounce thee "owned".* Not only is it 79 maladies long, but it is alphabetized.   Arpy                       * At least until someone goes and copies out most of a dictionary and blows me away with a 1,392+-character disclaimer. The war begins now.




:v   And on an unrelated note, :r is a good drooling emoticon, while :t could be a vampire.



He Just Smiled And Gave Me A Vegemite Sandwich

New subtitle, sig, and av. I've been rewatching Firefly and researching some astronomy stuff, which together account for all of that plus the fact that I decided to wear my cunning hat today despite the rather nice temperatures of late.   I am becoming increasingly bored with and disillusioned by the Internet, which I take as a good thing. Maybe now I can actually do my homework in a timely fashion!   Speaking of schooling, I've decided on Benedictine College in Kansas as my institution of cho



Goin 2 Brickcon Brb

Now someone turn that into a lolarpy. Let's hope there are electrical hookups so I can play MNOLG music!



Zoidberg And Waffles

The meeting of the San Francisco Keira Knightley Appreciation Society will now come to order.   Also, my clone showed me a bit of Breaking Dawn yesterday. It's hilarious how bad it is. And yes, we met up at the library yesterday. I'd say more, but I don't want to blow Jason's cover.   And then I went to McDonald's, where the girl at the windows flirted with me outrageously. 'twas rather fun. :3   I may or may not enter BBCC55. I still haven't finished my new entry.   College next week is DO



Some Kind Of Crazy Writing Machine

Actually has nothing to do with this November, which is why I'm posting it.   As he did almost every morning, Lukas Goldman awoke to the sensation of his head falling through the space where his pillow had been a second before.   The United Worlds Corporation recognized that pillows were necessary for a good night's sleep for many species. They also recognized that, as far as blocking light and sound at optimal shipboard intensities was concerned, there was nothing better than a pillow made wi



My, Erm, Book Collection.

From time to time, people ask me, "Just how obsessed with Star Trek are you?" This is when I open my closet and reveal the horror within: My, erm, book collection.   If anyone on here has more Trek books than me, I'll devote a content block solely to that person.   Arpy   Edit: Oh yes, I posted my Broodspawn. Fear it. please?




So Brickfair looks like it was cool. Clear, comprehensive photos of every MOC at the Bionicle table would be nice eventually. Did the Lazerbarrow work for you guys who attended? And did my black-and-sand-green Toa's head asplode? Because I haven't seen any pictures of it. And my Nui-Rama revamp was within inches of the Fanglyfuss! <3.   Also, I picked up the Turbocar Chase with part of a Wal-Mart gift card I won at work. Quick impressions: o Spy Clops's helicopter's winch feature is awesome



The April Five

I got in the newspaper! In retrospect, it is possible that the stick made of dry-erase markers wasn't such a hot idea, but who cares? I'm famous now. If I can somehow get our scanner to work, I'll post the picture for all to see.   Anyway, rather than blatantly ripping off ol' what's-his-face and doing this every Tuesday, I'm going to rip him off only a little and only do this every month: What superpower would you have if you were a superhero? How often do you view ANFSCD? (yes, I need data,



I Want Cat Food!

xkcd Discworld mention is :3   Well, lots of stuff happened Arpywise while BZP was down. This may be obvious, but then again, it may not. So. I worked some, like, nine-hour days at the pool because coworkers were on vacation and beng held captive by their evil fathers and so on, went to an awesome Catholic youth conference (Catholic girls :3), organized the games for our parish picnic (and one of them in particular is the source of much :3fulness), built a RED NINJACOPTER and a cyborg tauntaun




I cannot believe "nother", as in "a whole nother x", is in the dictionary. Also, what is the "chock" in "chock full"? Also-also, English is just generally illogical and we should all speak Latin or Spanish or something else that isn't English.   *dons shades, bursts out of a window, hops into sleek convertible, and drives off with much screeching of tires and loud theme music*



My Hobby:

Popping into entries and commenting based solely on their titles.




Whilst browsing a blog of infographic geekery, I found a link to this program that tracks one's mouse movements and activity. The following represents ten hours' worth of noncontinuous computer activity: The really big black circles are evidently where my cursor spent a lot of time resting, and the small ones with grey circles around them are where I actually clicked...I think. You can also see the actual mouse tracks, which hint at my tab row up near the top and the minimize, resize, and clo



Spice Must Flow!

Muad'Dib Kitteh! Yeah, so I just found that lolcat...Rather good timing, since I just reread all the Dune novels I own. I must admit that I had not previously considered the effects of melange on non-human species.   I have two more things for you to ponder before I take my sabbatical-thingy: Item #1: Why is W the only letter of the English alphabet to have more than one syllable? Item #2: Imitate Bundalings! Fad must grow! Spice must flow! Join me and :Venomess:! Arpy  Original Date: 7'1



Spring Semester

As I sit up in the waning hours of the fall semester, it might be appropriate to look to the spring semester, because apparently that is what one does once in college:   EN 302 Shakespeare 09:00am 09:50am M W F TH 200 Christian Moral Life 10:00am 10:50am M W F * SA 341 Adv. Spanish Convers 11:00am 11:50am M W F EN 204 Brit Lit after 1750 01:00pm 01:50pm M W F   PE 108 Interm Swimming 09:25am 10:15am T R SA 304 Intro To Hispan Lit 01:00pm 02:15pm T R   TA 112 Production Arts 01:00



Headcrabs! Lolbabies! Hyperactivities!

Duhnuhduhnuhduhnuhduhnuhduhnuhduhnuhduhnuhduhnuh HEADCRAAAAAB!! For an awesome contest which I can't never tell you nothing about any bit at all SO THERE.   *is hyper*   Also, LOLBABY:



Synergy In Inanity

Spending your valuable time debating the finer points of translating internet memes and catchphrases into Spanish. Utterly pointless, but so much fun.   Also, "stupidly dumb" is a delightfully redundant phrase that you should all learn and use.



Staffship Invite!

This entry reminded me that I, too got a staff invite once. I've refrained from mentioning it because I didn't want to sound boastful or anything, but I figured it'd be safe to mention it now, seeing as it's the one day nobody will believe me.   So yeah, Toaraga once asked me if I'd like to be a Blog Assistant, but since I told him I could only be on about six hours a week (albeit fairly consistently) the job went to Valenti instead. Really.   ...   What, you don't believe me?



Breaking Randall's Record

Yo dawg, I herd u liek currency, so I SHOOP DA WOOPed over 9000 photos from my flash drive onto the intertubes so Ceiling Cat can watch you LOL WUT while you can haz Delicious Cake in your base. (Click the image)



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