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A Rotting Goldfish Never Oils A Brain

Apologies for posting yet another thing that is not my own work, but--oh, Bob darn it. Here are some computer-generated sonnets I found:   How can the purple yeti be so red, Or chestnuts, like a widgeon, calmly groan? No sheep is quite as crooked as a bed, Though chickens ever try to hide a bone. I grieve that greasy turnips slowly march: Indeed, inflated is the icy pig: For as the alligator strikes the larch, So sighs the grazing goldfish for a wig. Oh, has the pilchard argued with a t



I Think I Remembered

Right. Guess which one of these is true. I have five brothers and sisters.I haven't watched the Colbert Report in the last four months. I'm typing this on an iPhone.Yo-Yo Ma is the real President of the United States.I want "Never Gonna Give You Up" to be played at my wedding, or the reception at the very least.Also, for lulz and cute robots:



Blogs: Good Or Evil?

We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy   I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand   Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you   We've know each other for so long Your heart's been aching But you're too shy to say it



Like, Omg

Good Bob, coding is a pain. Normally I can type out the emboldening and coloring tags in five seconds flat (why "flat," anyway?), but this is taking forever and I fear I shall soon lose my patience--oops, too late!   Anyway, this is just to say that I am typing this on my aunt's iPhone and boy is it cool. I want one now. Only without the phone part. :U



Fly Guy

And for Bob's sake, they are not nipples.



Blogging With Substance

Exactly which substance, I shall not tell you. It's totally legal, though.   Firstly, a public service announcement: Do NOT click on Ca’gerrin’s signature. I may not be staff, but I can still tell you not to do stuff. You just don’t have to listen to me.   I haven’t blogged much about actual life, mostly because there’s been so much of it lately, and also because most of you don’t care so I don’t feel like bothering. But I’ve got lots of time to kill while I hang around waiting to pick my sist




Also Senor Senior Sr, as well as a great man and actor all around.   May he rest in peace. Or the Botany Bay. Whichever.   "KHAAAANN!!!" pics may be posted at your leisure.



No, Seven!

I just realized I've been a BZP member for longer than some of its members have been alive. O_O Thanks to some of you for continuing to make this a sufficiently interesting place to engage my attention for however long.




Do Ceiling Cat mentions count against the "No religion" rule here?



Hay Guise

(Somebody should make a picture of something with a guise of hay. Seriously.)   Some people call other people insane. Still other people call some people sane for that reason. Other people call still other people insane just because they act in a socially deviant fashion.   What am I?   I'm Schrödinger-sane.



A Matter Of Utmost Urgency

Does it count as a rickroll if the clip of Rick Astley was embedded in another video, the main point of which was not to mislead viewers into being rickrolled? It just sort of happened... Regardless, I still made it through 2008 without being rickrolled, though I was barackrolled and dunkarolled one time each.



Arpsoc 09

12:38 Setting this up now so’s I don’t forget later. As longtime readers will know, every New Year’s Eve/Day I stay up ridiculously late simply because I can. ()Thise is 12:38 pm, BTW) My increasingly fragmented and deranged thoughts are typed up on a computer kin a tradtition started two(?) years ago and the n posted in my blag for your viewing pleasure. The sausages are for those who want to atone for something specfic. As usual, I do not go back and correct any typos ,errors, or silliness th



The Dangers Mass-pming Poses To A Peaceful Pureblood Society

I’ve heard of at least three incidences of mass-PMing influencing the vote in this latest contest, and I don’t much care for it.   In any BBCC, there are cases where a really good MOC is in a poll where it outshines the rest. There are also polls with no clear winner, where the voting should be more open to subjective tastes. In both cases, mass-PMing can affect the vote, narrowing and maybe even surpassing the gap between a loverly MOC and that of a mass-PMer, or else that between two fairly e



Lime Loathing

I dislike lime Coca-Cola.   I hate lime Technic pieces for breaking.   "Hint of Lime" Tostitos are just nasty. I detest them with every faculty of my spirit and body, and possibly my other bodies as well. They are Belgiuming disgusting.   From these three cases, I can thus conclude that I really, really, really don't like lime.   It's science, baby!   Oh, and vote for my rokkit please. Let nonhumanoid MOCs have a voice!



I Found Out How To Bypass The Word Filter

But I'm not going to tell you how. I really did though.   I was just sitting here in the PUB whacking away at the keyboard when a short but tremendous burst of music flooded the building. Like, really loud. This was then followed by a slightly less loud, exultant cry of "FAIL!" You probably had to be there, but yes. It was funny.   So, the quarter is over and I got 101% in English. My English teacher freaking loved me, I guess. She says I should be an author or a teacher or something. I'm no



An Appeal To Sanity

You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity. You can start in small ways with ping-pong ball eyes and a funny voice, and then you can paint half of your body red and the other half green, and then you can jump up and down in a bowl of treacle goi



Rocket Bits

Hi, I got me some parts. The white ones are for my rocketship and the unwhite ones are just for kicks. Let's hear it for Martians!



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