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A Look Into The Past

basically filer for conserved we take a look into Drakis's past and see how his life was like before he was in the pod.   Progress report June 6th   My name is Drakis. I stand in line waiting for the application. I am signing up to go to the war between makuta. I have been wanting to do this for a long time, I’m so nervous right now. What if they don’t let me in. Its always been my dream to serve my village. I’m don’t know much of the enemy, but I don’t really care. As long as I get to shoot

The Earth Man

The Earth Man


Chapter 3: A Friend, Indeed   “Follow me” said General Boron I followed and I followed, and I gave the three scientists a look as if thanking them, and they returned as if saying “Your welcome”. He first took me to a room filled with weapons. He showed me a suit it was black with maroon gloves, boots and had a stripe around the neck. It also had the symbol I saw on the general’s mask on the back. “this is your suit” the general said. “what for?” “ this suit will protect you from hazardou

The Earth Man

The Earth Man

Creating A Story

Im making a story in my blog so if anyone wants to pgs just pm me also your going to have to keep up to date with my blog   -TEM

The Earth Man

The Earth Man


Ive emailed lego again and Ive finally got a real answer. bionicle IS coming back, they did not give me a specific date or time, but they told me they are coming back. And to prove that I have the email they sent me right here:   the proof you need   -TEM

The Earth Man

The Earth Man


Chapter 8: The Silvertounges   We arrived at a jungle area where the general said there was a friend there that could help us. We walked into the forest. I looked around, and it was the most beautiful thing I have seen. Yet it felt so familiar. “Drakis, what’s wrong with you?” Garion asked. “I’m not sure..” I kept looking around. I saw a huge tree with some kind of broken contraption next to it. The contraption looked like a cocoon and it had a rope leading up. We kept walking and I saw a hu

The Earth Man

The Earth Man

Left 4 Dead

Yes that little murderous zombie shooter everyone knows about,well I just got it yesterday and in my opinion. Its the best game ever made the A.I. is pretty smart(except Francis ) and the controls are perfect, if you haven't gotten it yet you should its one of(ONE of) the best games ever. Now my question is if you have the game what do you think about it?   -TEM

The Earth Man

The Earth Man

The Begining Of Madness

yes I created a blog,now people are going to hate me, love me, want to kill me,want to congratulate me etc.   but I know one thing this is all leading to complete MADNESS   so watch out   -TEM

The Earth Man

The Earth Man


Chapter 12: A New Ally     We were ready for what was coming towards us. There were many of the onu-creatures down there. There was a bunch of normal ones, a few poison ones, and a couple of the special ones. We were going down the stairs until something crashed through the wall and got on Cerlia’s back. “get it off me!” she yelled. We knocked it off. The thing was hideous. It was a small hunchbacked creature, and it was always laughing demonically. It jumped back out a window before we could

The Earth Man

The Earth Man

Upcoming Comics

im making comics later on but will have to postpone due to technical difficulties(our camera sucks)   but I have the unfinished version right here   the unfinished comic of DOOM   so what do you think.   -TEM

The Earth Man

The Earth Man

Update On Mocs

I wont be able to upload any mocs for a while because my dad thought it would be a good idea to lend my camera to one of his friends. you know sometimes I hate my dad, but for now enjoy these mocs   -TEM

The Earth Man

The Earth Man

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