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The Nightly Mi #77: 800Th Blog Entry!

Too bad I really fell short on my theme ideas. XD   Still working on that though. :3   Anyway, I never thought I'd go this far with my blog when I started it back in 09. :B



3 Entries Away...

From Blog post 800, I think I'll unveil my new blog theme with that post.   Gotta get to work on the images though. :B



Bzpc #5: Updates

It will more than likely not be this up coming weekend, but the following.   This is due in part to two reasons, Takuma is out of town so to speak, so I may not have a safety cushion to fall back on should my server fail, and the map has yet to be made, and I'm hoping/wanting this one to be the best yet. If it works, we'll have one HECK of a game to play. 8D



I Was Such A Noob...

Why on EARTH did I go and look at my old blog posts.... ;_;   On another note, my 800th blog post is just a mere 4 entries away, I may celebrate that with a new blog theme, I'm thinking Legend of Korra. :3



Bzpcraft #4: Rules

And without further ado, I GIVE YOU THE RULE LIST!   RULES! There is a Setup Time: I.E. No killing is allowed before this allotted time has expired. Setup Time is from Sunrise(Day 1) to Sunrise(Day 2) 2 Person teams/alliances are allowed, though if it comes down to just them in the end, one must die. Any deaths occurring before this time is up, shall not count. It is advised you get a bed made so you don't have to wander around to find your place should you die before this. Any killing be



Bzpcraft #4 Player Roster: 8/8

Okay so far there are four positions filled. PM me, first come first serve. All I need to know is your Minecraft name.   Definite players - 8/8 MatoroIgnika AvohkahTamer Bambi Electric Turahk Ddude the Insane Cholie Paragon Unit#phntk#1



Bzpcraft #4: Planning Stages

So, this normally would've been set for tomorrow night(Been busy this past week with my finals), and it still may very well be, but I need to get everyone's consensus on whether 9PM tomorrow night is good for them?   This BZPcraft will be identical to #1 in the kind of competition it is. Last man standing, do or die survival. You start with nothing.   The rules will be tweaked from #1 though, as a setup time will be added to prevent a repeat of last time. >_>   So everyone that is up to it



The Nightly Mi #63: Bzpc #4 Advice

Practice in Single Player Hardcore Mode, random seed maps. ;D   Cause #4 is going to be last man standing survival such as #1 was. Death by any means in this, shall be final.



The Nightly Mi #61: Revenge Has Been Had!

Avohkah Tamer has fallen to my blade, revenge has been had for my close loss of BZPcraft #1. I won when Laughin' Man basically forfeited.   I take the title of "BZPcraft #3: Shattered Kingdom" Champion. Though AT could have easily had it as well.   All in all that was really fun. :3   Cant wait for #4. And All Hail Takuma, our mighty server overlord and Evil Blog Master.



Bzpcraft #3: Shattered Kingdom - Time

Okay, guys, As we have been doing, It'll be starting at 9 PM CST Saturday Night. But I wanted to see if anyone would Object to #4 being on the Sunday following this weekend? It would start at an earlier time as well, Its just 9 PM is late for all of us. :/   We need a Minimum of 4 players to make this a fun game, but the max cap is 8, unless we split into multi person teams.



The Nightly Mi #47: Race For The Wool Tomorrow Night! Attendance Call

Alrighty folks, since the race takes an even number of players for equal teams, I need to know who's in and who's out. Its going down at 9PM Central Standard Time tomorrow night, same as last week. The prize, is bragging rights. : D   I'll add you to the respective lists once you answer.   IN: MatoroIgnika Luna LaughinMan Bambi Electric Turahk OUT: Portalfig



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