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Bzpcraft: Hardcore - Rules And Regulations

It is time everyone! Tomorrow Night at 9:00PM Central Standard Time, "BZPcraft: Hardcore" will kick off. The Following is the list of our competitors, the other three who never answered my plea for Hamachi are out. You guys had your chance, Plain and Simple. MatoroIgnika Portalfig Bambi IcyStar Electric Turahk The Rules: Absolutely no alliances. No leaving the Obsidian arena until you die, in which you will be spawned outside of it. No X-Ray Texture Pack



Bzpcraft: Hardcore Time And Date Issues

I'm kinda hoping we can have this go down this weekend, I need to know though, if this is good for everyone else. I'm aiming particularly for Saturday, or Sunday, preferably the latter. What time would be the best for everyone, I'm aiming for around 9PM CST with this. Is this good for everyone else?   Just as well, If I cant get confirmation that the final three who haven't given the affirmation that they can use Hamachi for this, come Saturday night, if you haven't said anything about it, You'r



Bzpcraft: Hardcore Updates

All is coming allong along, though I still need confirmation that all of us will be able to use Hamachi(Unmanaged). Google it if you haven't heard of it.   I'll go into more stuff later, I just wanted to get that question off before I left for my evening class at college.   Later you goonies, MY PLANET NEEDS ME!  



Bzpcraft: Hardcore - Server "issues"

Okay so, about the server, If everyone can use Hamachi(Unmanaged), then we can get this ball rolling right quick. If you guys cant, we have a problem.   I know the following can use it. MatoroIgnika Portalfig Bambi IcyStar Electric Turahk ​So far that's just over half of us, I'd really appreciate it if everyone can download it and use it for this, for those new to it I'd suggest Googling for a tutorial on how it works, or I can post a tutorial myself. We only need the other Half to make us



Bzpcraft: Hardcore - A Question For All Entrants

This is intended for the following, as I forgot to make it a requirement in the sign up post. Portalfig Ddude the Insane Bambi Electric Turahk Paragon Captain Marvel IcyStar I need to know if all of you have/can use Hamachi(Unmanaged Version), for the server we'll be using, I'm seriously leaning toward this if I can figure out Port Forwarding/find a capable server to borrow for a few hours. lol



Bzpcraft: Hardcore - Signup: Slots Open - 8/8

Here you sign up for "BZPcraft: Hardcore". The Rules and further details are coming, we just need the players who will be partaking for the map setup. So, if you wish to join, please comment here, and then PM me your Minecraft name.   There is only ONE requirement, that you have a Steam account. Though if you don't have one and happen to win, you can create one for free, regardless. :3   The following names are those of the BZPer's taking part in the challenge. MatoroIgnika Portalfig Ddude the



Bzpcraft: Hardcore - Planning Stage 1A

So guys, specifically Portalfig and, if we are going to use Skype for this, add me. My name is the same as my BZP name, but without the ~.   I'll hop on soon enough and accept. :3   We can go from there.



The Nightly Mi #33: Planning, And Avatar

All you guys that have commented, have good ideas, but we need a better chat medium. D: Any Suggestions?   Onto the Avatar subject, 15 Episodes of season 3 down today, IM FINISHING THIS TONIGHT BABEH!



To All Bzpower Minecrafters: I Seriously Need Your Opinions...

Now that I've finished my bout with Avohkah Tamer, I guess it was a draw lol, I'd like to propose an Idea that I had midway through the fighting.   How many of you minecrafters here on BZP, would be interested in a Last Man Standing Survival Challenge, like the "Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore Highlander Series", if you know what I'm referring to, I'd set it up similar to that, but without the health regeneration being so stringent, IE Without the moderator that was used. What I'd like to do is have a



The Nightly Mi #32: Been A Slow Day...

Slow days bleh.   In other news, I thank you all for your feedback on my previous blog post here. I'd like a little more input, but I think I'm gonna kick this off into the next stages of planning. :3



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