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Im A Photomaniac

Took 630 Pictures today at the Hot Air Balloon Festival. Edit - As of 8/7/10 Ive taken 880 Pictures since 5 AM CST 8/6/10! Another Edit - As of the final hour of the festival at 8:00 AM on 8/8/10, I have take 1620 Pictures... NEEEW REEEECORD!!!!!!!!!!



Pikachu Galore...

Anybody want a Pikachu caught on the pokewalker? I have 13.... -.- PM for details...




Its coming back to TV!   The Season premier is on August 19th, None other than my birthday! :'3



That Was Nice...

Just got off of Video chatting with a good friend I haven't seen in about a year and a half, Glad to see she hasn't changed much personality wise, still as nice and funny as ever.



I Cant Wait...

For premier week to be over... Finally the Blog Bang 9 will be over... :3



Shiny Stone...

I got a shiny stone from the Pokéathlon dome, and I wonder. Should I evolve Togetic? :/



Dont Forget The Pokemocing!

Can you name all 100?! But really, do enter please. Also that took 2 1/2 hours. Needless to say, IM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN! (Oh darn, I said it. XP)



Doctor Who: The End Of Time

I bought The End of Time last night from iTunes, started watching it after I woke up. By far imo its the best Tennant episode I've seen yet, Matt Smith at the end was kinda corny. But he is a good Doctor too. But srsly "GERONIMOOOO"?   I really need a Doctor Who Category... >_>



Pokemocing Contest!

Welcome to my First Blog Contest! In this Contest you will MoC Pokemon, any Pokemon of your choice for that matter. The Current hosts of this contest are Myself, and Cholie of BS01!   Rules: Your Entry cant have been published prior to this contest. At Least a 50/50 Technic/System Ratio, But a Higher amount of Techinc is allowed for various reasons. Also, forseeing that coloration could be a problem for some, Shiny Pokemon are allowed. No Cheating, or PMing youe entry to get votes, if found



Pros And Cons Of The Legend Of Korra...

Pros: NEW SERIES YESH!!! Femaaale Avatar! Kinda needed if you ask me. Aang isnt the last airbender anymore, his son is. XP   Cons: No more Aang, and possibly Appa. :[   So yeeeeaaaaah. NEW SERIES YEAH!



Deadliest Catch...

I just watched the new one I recorded last night, the one after Phil passed. I can say its the first show ever to choke me up like that one did... R.I.P. Phil Harris 1956-2010 ;_;



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