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I Have To Say, Once Again...

That Avatar is a good movie, not #1 all time imo, but good none the less. Its about an 8.5 for me. What about you guys out there, what do you think?  



I'm Out...

Im done with the 11th grade. v.v Another year gone.   Posted from my iPhone.



Timely Films ;3

Im hoping to get the New 25th Anniversary DVD set of the "Back to the Future" Trilogy. :3 Each movie has a Digital copy too, so Back to the Future on the go, YAAAAAAY! =D



Great News Guys

At the Rate I am going, I should be finished with the expanded map, provided I dont have any trouble drawing the New Place icons.   So look for it Possibly tomorrow! If not then, It should Surely be out Monday.



Life After Sets: Episode 6...

LONG OVERDUE, I really should have finished this in February. ---- As narrated by MatoroIgnika... a Parody of life after people... ------- What if suddenly all the Bionicle sets on earth Disappeared? This isn't the story of how they disappeared. Its the Story of the shattered fanbase they left behind... ---- 30 Years after Sets... BZPower, now a broken link upon the massive network of the internet, is a distant memory. The former members of the site having moved onto other sites and




I have a lot of Technobable today. >.>   Anyway, Ive saved and earned alot of money, so Im not sure but I may buy myself an iPad. Do you Guys think I should get the $499 version, strictly wi-fi, if I do decide to get one? Sides I have 3G on my iphone. :3  



The Padorica Opens...

So Confusing... O_o I'm sensing some references to the Tenth Doctor Episodes, such as "Silence will fall". But Yaaaaay for the Judoon, Sontarans, Daleks, Cybermen, Silurians, etc. returning.   And this episode un-erves me some as to who River is, I really hope she isn't the Doctor as I'm starting to believe in the back of my mind, She'd be a better Master, or regenerated Jenny. Also, Sontarans are too funny looking, :3 I call em' Potato heads.



Updates Galore!

And Here they are! #1.The Entry period for the PokeMoCing Contest Closes tomorrow. #2.I turn 17 tomorrow. #3.You get my new Aqua Magna image tomorrow! =D   Tomorrow shall be a great day!



Warehouse 13 Season Finale

MAJOR SPOILER ALERT! » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «So H.G. gathered the parts of Poseidons trident to blow up Yellowstone. Was stopped, and Myka left the Warehouse, One amazing episode to say the least. Oh and Artie Shot himself.



New Font Style!

Well it was pretty much unanimous, with that said, Im happy to announce that Lucida Teal is the Victor! =D Thanks to whoever suggested four. :3




Your alternative means of Firefighting!   Fireduck!   Though technically, I believe its actually a goose, but Fireduck has a certain ring. P:




Should I take another go at my comics? Im tempted, but Im rarely dedicated to them because of school and Im lazy. :/



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