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Triple Threat Entry

Topic 1: MAIL. Dont'cha hate waiting at the window, watching for something you're desperately waiting for. Wait, I'm very impatient, so maybe its just me. But seriously, nowadays it seems like it takes too long for something to come in. But I suppose, as they say Patience is a virtue.   Topic 2: NAAAAAAAME CHANGE! Well on the 19th anyway. Im thinking of changing it to something Portaly, Maybe Atlas, or Wheatly.   Topic 3: Uhm, I forgot. XD



Im Not Used To This....

Im getting tons of reception on my Planets, all positive. Im certainly not used to that, but I think I like it. :3  



About The Name Change...

Ive decided it will be on BZP only, Cause idk how many links would need to be necessarily changed on Bs01, and I just plain don't like re-directs.   Anyway I believe I'll settle on either Karek, MI, or try to ditch the colons and periods currently in my name now(Any suggestions on how to?).   What do you guys think? I used MI once before.



Civ 5

Bout' to play Civ 5. Anybody got it, Maybe we could go multiplayer or something?



V Banner

For anybody who keeps up with the show. B) Credit required if you use it.



Calendar Deadline

Its only 5 days away, so if you're planning to enter, get cracking people! In the meantime, I'll go eat this popcorn.




Well tomorrow and Thursday are my midterms, Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...   Anyway, Extreme online time begins Thursday!   Christmas vacation Ftw!



Final Roll Call On Bzpcraft: Rftw!

This is who we have so far, and this is the final roll call! We start at 9PM CST, 10 EST.   IN: MatoroIgnika Luna LaughinMan Bambi Electric Turahk OUT: Portalfig




Im making a custom sprite. Of a certain Pokemon, and I think this is the best sprite Ive ever hand drawn. o.o



Saints At 49Ers

Why wouldnt they just throw a Hail Mary or something like that on that last play. ;_;   Was a good game either way, I suppose.



Doctor Who: The End Of Time

I bought The End of Time last night from iTunes, started watching it after I woke up. By far imo its the best Tennant episode I've seen yet, Matt Smith at the end was kinda corny. But he is a good Doctor too. But srsly "GERONIMOOOO"?   I really need a Doctor Who Category... >_>



New Banner/av Combo

B)   Also, 100Kb is so little to work with. XD   The Banner was 108KB before I scaled the canvas size back 10 pixels.



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