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Cac Day 12

Once again, sorry for the lateness, same situation.   Today'd minimodel was a lackluster sled and wood and axe, it was kinda bleh.   Came in a regular polybag, and extra pieces were a straight black droid arm and a T-piece.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 11

Sorry for doing this so late, but I didn't get on the computer at all until about five today.   Anyway, the gift for today was the fireplace, it was a nice build, and there was an interesting technique used for the fire.   It also came in a regular polybag, wich was nice, extra pieces were a Trans-yellow stud and an extra fire Piece.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 10.

Wow, we're already ten days into december!   Anyway, today's gift was the Dad minifig, he had a new torso and head, and more briefcases are cool, he came in a regular polybag, much to my delight, and the only extra piece was extra hair.   YES.   EXTRA. HAIR.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Buying Stuff And Update On Ravenholdm.

So after my unsuccsessful trip looking for the various HF sets I wanted(Plus my Friend's Christmas present, which will be Splitface)in which I only ended up buying Nex 3.0 and Raw-Jaw(Both very good sets, if a little unexciting now that the new sets are out)i just ended up ordering them off S@H, alas, this would require my extra 12$ for the shipping that i was planning to use on Steam, but then I found out that Black phantom was out of stock, so i ended up just removing him and adding Jawblade a

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Burbles D : .

So the MB swets are currently being extracted from the bath, about 50% is out right now, the bubbles from the dish washing fluid we put in is making it hard to see anything below the water.   But I'm still very happy =D .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


Built most of Kikanalo's torso as well as both legs plus a foot, and the upper arms. Also built most of Nivawk's upper body (Man, I forgot how cool the wings looked), but I seem to have lost all six of it's special support joints somehow. Built Keetongu's other arm, now his feet are the only things I have yet to build, but it's looking like I'll need to get some parts off of Bricklink in order to proceed. I also bit the bullet and dismantled my last remaining MOC. Turns out along with most of Ko

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

BRP: BH 2.5

So this isn't technically to do with rebuilding sets, but still sort of related.   I found Hewkii and Hahli Mahri, Tuma, and Lewa Phantoka in my Hero Factory dropship box in one of my storage drawers. I wasn't looking for them there previously because I thought that that whole drawer was just HF, but then I realized that I didn't have my Dropship in it's box after getting antsy about not being able to find Hewkii Mahri or any of his parts after confirming that I rebuilt him after reading old blo


Found the Axle with stopper for Fenrakk's leg supports, completed Rahaga Kualus, Norik, and Pouks (Who I didn't even remember I owned) and made good progress on Keetongu, who I unfortunately had to cannibalize Rorzakh's hips and Ignika's shoulders for (Although to be fair those shoulders were originally Keetongu's arms anyway) . Made a tiny amount of progress on the Ussanui, but I was getting burng out because I had been searching for parts and building for most of the day by that point.   Also

Brp 9

Rebuilt Dekar, Morak is almost finished, more progress on Carapar, Nuju Hordika, started on Matoro(Who is coming along VERY nicely!)and Hahli Mahri, plus added a couple pins to Thok(Can't find his Leg armor, spine, or hips), and Taka 03 is almost finished(Still need to get started on the Ussanui though. . . . . . . . . . . .). I've almost run my supply of parts dry, I'm going to have to go sifting through all my boxes to find more parts.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 8

I put a few of Fenrakk's pieces together, and Brutaka has some more parts on his Up-until-now Beam as a body.   No other progress.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 7

Finished Bordahk and Matau Metru, a bit more progress on Vezon and Iruini. Nothing else though.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 6

Finished Pohatu(FINALLY!), and finished Mutran as well(If you don't count his weapons) plus found some more parts for Toa Iruini, and am ridiculously close to finishing Vakama(Only ONE PIECE of Shoulder armor left!), and I found the elusive Visorak Foot for Axonn, and also stuck on some old silver Nuva armor(looking mUCH better)in place of the Pearl Silver one that I can't find at the moment.   Oh, and I also Started on Everbody's Insane Skakdi/Giant Spider Combo, who happens to be one of my fa

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 5

I finished Vihsola and Kalmah, found some more of Vakama's armor, and finished Hewkii's chain. I'll post pics of my built collection when I get a few more sets.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 25

Using some newly-discovered peices, I have finally rebuilt Onewa and Whenua Metru, whom I've been working on for a LONG time(Whenua was among the first sets I started on)   Also, I found the Nuaru claw for Thulox, so once I dig up the instructions again(And provided I ave another Gunmetal Zanmor Launcher available)he'll be done.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 24

More work on Keetongu(Now has first halves of both arms, both legs minus feet, all of main body, and almost all of his hat and eye. . . . . . . .Thing. Also almost done Balta. Just missing the stupid Metru arm.     ~ELM~

Brp 23

No more sets rebuilt, but I rebuilt most of Fenrakk(Missing THREE PIECES!)and most of Sidorak's other Leg, also a lot more work on Keetongu(Most of main Body, half an arm, and a Leg minus Foot).     ~ELM~

Brp 22

Finished Jaller Mahri, Hewkii Mahri, and Nuurakh. Rebuilt most of Fenrakk's legs, and Nuparu Mahri is only one piece away from being complete.   Oh, yeah, and my friend found Brutaka's mask last time he was over . So now I have like, 80% of the Kardas Dragon now .   ~ELM~

Brp 21

Finished Defilak, started Keetongu, and am also working on Nuparu Mahri(And Thulox is only missing the Nuparu Claw).   I also managed to get much farther on Fenrakk.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 2

Today I started on Axonn, and did more work on Bordahk, Carapar, Vakama Metru, Nuju Hordika, and Radiak. Him and Pohatu are the other two 08 sets I still need to rebuild, besides Mutran.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 19

Finished Pahrak(minus Krana and Rubber band), Brutaka is almost finished(Can't find my Olmak)as well as Panrahk(ONE BROWN Y-JOINT)and Lerahk(One staff piece, and a Green Y-joint).   I also started on Nivawk and finished Vezon(Still need to take care of Fenrakk)     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 17

I found an old MOC of mine that had many pieces that I needed. And I have finished Hewkii Inika, Nuparu Inika, Kazi, Hakann, and Turahk.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 16

Finished Vakama Hordika,Morak, Thok, and Hahli Mahri. More progress on just about everyone.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

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