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Cac Day 23

Second-last entry on this matter, everyone!   Today's gift was the Christmas tree, from what I can remember of last years advent calendar, it's about the same design, wich is a good one, it came in a rather full regular Polybag, and extra pieces were a trans-dark blue 1X1 round stud, a trans-yellow version of that, and a Trans-dark Red of that.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

More Star Wars set updates, and slowly putting my room back together.

A bit late, but oh well.   I brought out the Motorized AT-AT and was happy to see that it was intact aside from some dishes that I saw in boxes with my other SW Sets. I also found that it makes a good steed for 2008 Takanuva.   Also found the 2011 Sith Infiltrator in a cupboard.   I also got a new bed and storage dresser about a week ago. It's kinda weird having a normal bed after sleeping in a bunk bed for about 11 years straight, but it's nice having the extra space around it. I also either se

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

I Like Saying Blargh, For Some Reason.

I honestly did not know that Please, again, do not bypass the word filter. Unless you are using that word to specifically talk about that animal, do not use it to imply any other word.-Nukaya and Idiocy were filtered, or was it just the way I used them before? Ooooor, do the Blogs not have a built-in word filter?   i haz a cunfusd.     ~ELM~   Ahhhhh, I had a feeling it might have been the context.

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Gausshog Versus Locust.

So i built it a little while after the Wraith, it's good, but the Locust's legs are really flimsy(If there's such a thing as having too much posability, the Locust is the definition of it). Gausshog is AWESOME, and the suspension actually works(WELL)plus there's a STEERING WHEEL. Figs can sit snugly in either of the seats. But unfotunately the Asssault Rifles can't really be held in two hands.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 22

Finished Jaller Mahri, Hewkii Mahri, and Nuurakh. Rebuilt most of Fenrakk's legs, and Nuparu Mahri is only one piece away from being complete.   Oh, yeah, and my friend found Brutaka's mask last time he was over . So now I have like, 80% of the Kardas Dragon now .   ~ELM~

Bionicle Heroes D S.

I started replaying it a couple days ago.   And also, when a Muaka/Kane-ra starts chasing me, I get more scared than I was when I watched my sister Play through Ravenholm in Half-life 2, and that's an achievement.   Additionally, does anyone else wish that BH DS had achievements? A good one would be "Bug Zapper" where you get it for shooting losts of Nui-Rama with Kongu's gun .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Vampires Suck.

So i watched it a couple days ago, it was pretty good. Also, it's official:   TWILIGHT SPOOFS ITSELF.   And on a completely unrrelated note: Yay 250th entry .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

I'm not very smart, apparently

So I was going through all my HF sets (All sets from 1.0 up to the second wave of Breakout) and guess what I found? Some custom arms I made for Stormer, Stringer, and Bulk 1.0 that altogether had 6 2004-2006 era support joints, as well as several balljoints. Most of which I just got from my recent bricklink order.   It's not a total loss though, since I was still needing 2 of them.   Also, it was a REALLY bad idea to rummage through all my HF sets in the evening. It took me several hours to put

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 12

ALOT more work on Sidorak, bit more on Brutaka, and a leg. and started on the Ussanui, also started on Vakama Hordika(Only one arm and a piece of armor left), also started on Takadox.   I'm going to have to go rooting through my boxes again for more parts. This is hard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Scorpio And Rocka Xl.

So with my $55 of Birthday money, i bought Scorpio and Rocka XL, Scorpio was pretty good, pretty much what i was expecting, not quite worth the regular 30 bucks though, maybe 25, but still a good buy, but Rocka XL, not so much.   He is basically a travesty of design, I'd take fire lord over this any day, basically his sole improvement over FL is the thigh armor, but aside from that, he basically made everything worse, the legs are way too chunky, his Torso is incredibly skinny, his arm Supports

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

So I guess August is nostalgia month now.

I decided to go through some of my old Star Wars sets earlier today and it's a pretty sordid state of affairs.   I don't know what the heck I was thinking when I put everything in boxes, most of the sets are completely torn apart. Even my CW Republic Gunship, once the pride of my SW collection, is in several chunks and many more individual pieces.   Luckily the CW AT-TE, one of my two Magnaguard starfighters, the 2010 Grievous' starfighter, and the Snowspeeder and turret from the 2007 Hoth Echo

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

You Couldn't Get Closer.

I'm trying to get Sonic the Hedgehog issue 207, right?Well, I FINALLY find a place that has it, and My dad drives me and my sister there, trouble is, we had REALLLY bad traffic, and we got there just in time, but JUST when we were about to go in, we saw a guy come out and lock the door.   You COULD NOT get closer than that.     ~ELM~

Bionicle reconstruction project: Build harder.

So lately after getting back on the Bionicle train (and firmly onto the Bionicle 2015 hype train. CHOO CHOO) I decided to dig out all my old boxes of parts and see if I could succeed in rebuilding sets that I previously could not, as well as taking inventory of all the parts I need to buy to replace the lost and broken ones now that I've discovered the magic of Bricklink. Turns out I'm way better at finding parts now.   So far the sets that I have mostly rebuilt are:   Matoro Mahri (Missing the

This Year Just Keeps Getting Better!

First, the Stars, then Pokemon Games and Sonic action Figures, then Sonic Video Games, then more Pokemon, and now. . . . . . .   THE GRAND EMPORIUM!   Yes, my freinds, I have managed to convince my parents to buy me the Grand emporium, provided I help with Programming the Mindstorms Robot.   As soon as I get it, I'll try to post a review here, on this blog, for alll of BZP to see .     ~ELM~


I went on the TRu Canadian site just now, and guess what they had in their HF/Bionicle section?   Bulk and Vapour Vastus Gresh Stars Skrall Stars Von Nebula and Stars Takanuva   THAT WAS ALL.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Nostalgia Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaawnch!

I rebuilt my Motorized Walking AT-AT today, and I forgot how much I loved it, and building it again was a blast, I also forgot how big it was, doesn't it make you proud when you build something big?   Anyway, I'm going to save up money for the Thornatus, Skopio, and Baranus, since they are on sale at S@H, and they are the last 2009 sets I need to have ALL 09 sets.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

*excited Squeals*

So my parents are on the verge of getting me the Ninjago card holder, the Kai and Krazi spinner packs, the Spinjitzu starter set, Lego Universe, Nex 2.0 and Drilldozer off S@H if I pay for half and do some work on my mindstorms robot with my dad=D =D =D .   I can't describe how excited and happy I am =D !     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


I dug out a bunch of my old Bionicle canisters and put some sets in them, now all my Stars and almost all my 09 sets are in boxes, I then put the full boxes back in the drawer, hopefully this will increase the lifespan of my sets by not having them all crushed together.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

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