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1700 Posts.

*Looks down at 1600 post entry less than halfway down the page*   @_@   How is this even. . . . . . . . . . . . ?     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


I recently realized that two of my biggest interests currently(Sonic and Pokemon)were both introduced to me in my early childhood.   Quite interesting, if I do say so myself.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 14

So today was the Mom minifig, Fairly standard, but I have one thing to say:   BAGUETTE.   EDIT: Oh yeah, she also had extra hair.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


DE'RE HEEEEEEEEEEEERE   Somehow an extra City minifigure collection got in there, it has to have been an accident, cause it wasn't on the order, but still good.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


So I just realized that my Blog turned 2 a week ago.   And on the same day I finished Ravenholm no less.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

BRP: BH 2.5

So this isn't technically to do with rebuilding sets, but still sort of related.   I found Hewkii and Hahli Mahri, Tuma, and Lewa Phantoka in my Hero Factory dropship box in one of my storage drawers. I wasn't looking for them there previously because I thought that that whole drawer was just HF, but then I realized that I didn't have my Dropship in it's box after getting antsy about not being able to find Hewkii Mahri or any of his parts after confirming that I rebuilt him after reading old blo

New Av!

I got a new Avatar !Yay me.   Also, I cleaned up my sig, even though I love the Banner Bundalings made for me, I'm considering something else. . . . . . . . .I would keep the code, though, just in case I want to change back.   And, only five more days till I go to the Lego Store to get my first HF sets!     ~ELM~

Cac Day 5

So today's minimodel was the Drum set, wich was pretty underwhelming, it was an okay design and build, but the instructions provided on the door-thing wewre very unclear, there were two Blue studs that didn't seem to go anywhere, I don't know if one of them is an extra, but there was definitely at least one extra, just a regular Light grey small dish.   Also, it came in one of the evil bgs, it seems that every odd numbered day is in an evil bag, while every even one has a regular polybag, inter

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Swtor Beta.

Downloading now .   813 MB remaining.   D: .     ~ELM~     EDIT: I played around 5 minutes of it, then I messed around with my settings and everything went black, long story short I didn't get to play more than five minutes.   Oh well, the 20th isn't too far away i guess :/ .

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 9

Rebuilt Dekar, Morak is almost finished, more progress on Carapar, Nuju Hordika, started on Matoro(Who is coming along VERY nicely!)and Hahli Mahri, plus added a couple pins to Thok(Can't find his Leg armor, spine, or hips), and Taka 03 is almost finished(Still need to get started on the Ussanui though. . . . . . . . . . . .). I've almost run my supply of parts dry, I'm going to have to go sifting through all my boxes to find more parts.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Yay ! More Early Presents!

So I got to open two more of my Christmas presents early, of course, they were both Lego, they were the Space Police Undercover cruiser(From Space Police III)and the cursed Cobra Statue(Pharaoh's quest), since, as mentioned before, I have my own camera, I should be able to do reviews of both sets(With pictures!)and possibly some of my HF 2011 sets.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


So, a month since I last blogged.   Huh.   Well, I bought ME2 and ME3, enjoyed pretty much everything about them aside from the stupid ending of ME3.   I've been playing a lot of the ME3 Multiplayer as well, been really enjoying that.   I feel kind of guilty for not using this blog as much as I used to.     ~ELM~

Cac Day 19.

So the 19th gift was, I dunno, some kind of cart-thing? It came in a regular polybag, but I can't remember what the extra pieces are right now.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 6

Finished Pohatu(FINALLY!), and finished Mutran as well(If you don't count his weapons) plus found some more parts for Toa Iruini, and am ridiculously close to finishing Vakama(Only ONE PIECE of Shoulder armor left!), and I found the elusive Visorak Foot for Axonn, and also stuck on some old silver Nuva armor(looking mUCH better)in place of the Pearl Silver one that I can't find at the moment.   Oh, and I also Started on Everbody's Insane Skakdi/Giant Spider Combo, who happens to be one of my fa

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 24.

So, the last Polybag was quite full, why? Because it contains both a Train engine and a minfig =D ! The design of the train engine is spectacular, especially for being built out of limited parts, it attaches to the train cars from the other days to make a nice little something that wouldn't be out of place as a Christmas themed Polybag set. It also came with a Santa minifig, it's basically the same as Naked Santa except with a red body and legs. And he can ride on the train thanks to the seat on

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


I FINALLY tweaked my Revampish Rotor, I gave the color scheme more Orange, and I gave him a wider range of motion in his waist, but every single method I've tried of giving it supports has failed.   Maybe I'll stick a couple Hordika necks on it so that he doesn't turn into an L all the time.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Smokeys. . . . . .

So, sme forest fire smoke has blown over from BC to here, and now we have a cloud cover of smoke, I almost choked when I smelt it, so, me and my family will be stuck inside until it rains or blows away.   Wich I hope is soon. . . .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

On A Slightly Happier Note. . . . . . .

My MB sets got here today . I opened the Hawk first. Surprisingly, I got an extra Marine with it, no joke, a whole other figure(Minus Backpack and weapon though). The Jackal is awesome, though his red hair-tuft things on his arms make it a little hard for him to properly hold his Carbine, his energy shield actually looks like it could do it's job, unike a lot of others I've seen. The Elite is identical to my other one from the Gausshog VS Locust, except he has a Carbine, which is even cooler-lo

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Bionicle Reconstruction Project: Build harder 7

Got another Bricklink order. Finished Solek, Balta, Kohrak, Tahnok Va, Onewa Hordika, Vohtarak, Roporak, Onua, Gali, and Kopaka Nuva, Matoro and Nuparu Mahri, Orkahm, and Lerahk.   I also built Huki and finished Sidorak, both are special because they're the first Mctoran I've built from parts bought off of Bricklink, and the first Titan I've finished since starting to rebuild sets again, respectively.   Some other notable things I got in the order were the canisters of Nokama Metru and Gorast, a

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 15

So today's minimodel was a Table with lamp and chairs, it was nice, and it surprisingly didn't have any extra pieces.   I'm getting boring, aren't I ?     ~ELM~  

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

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