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Brp 16

Finished Vakama Hordika,Morak, Thok, and Hahli Mahri. More progress on just about everyone.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


i don't feel any older.   Presents:   $25 from my parents. Bastion from my sister. $10 from my grandparents. $20 from my other sister. LOTR Risk from my sister's Boyfriend. munchkins card game from my Third sister's fiancee. mixed magics again from sister 1. the son of neptune also from my parents.   Total tally: 2 books, $55, 1 Board game, 1 card game, 1 video game(2 if you count portal 2 which sister 3 bought for me a while ago as an early birthday present)   Overall: pretty good.       ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 3.

So today's mini-model was the SkateBoard and ramp and Helmet.   It's a fun build, although I think the 2 X 6 green plate should have been white, like snow. The Skateboard is nothing special, just the regular Blue Skateboard. The parts were interesting, most notable the 2X4 Light Grey tile, I just love the shape of 2X4 tiles, although I unfortunately don't have very many. And it came in the same type of bag as the Snowman RARGH. I also thought I'd mention the little Playmat thing, I think it fit

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Pokemanz And Moar M B.

So I got a heavy weapons ODST drop pod from Wal-mart earlier. Figure is great, Pod is sturdy and awesomely detailed, weapons are cool.   ION, I watched the first couple of episodes of the Pokemon Cartoon. Actually pretty awesome.   And does anything else think that Team Rocket was way more awesome early on? Before they became essentially a running gag?     ~ELM~

Brp 2

Today I started on Axonn, and did more work on Bordahk, Carapar, Vakama Metru, Nuju Hordika, and Radiak. Him and Pohatu are the other two 08 sets I still need to rebuild, besides Mutran.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Final Tally.

This is my final tally of presents for my birthday:   Indiana Jones Omnibus Volume 2 Von Nebula The Furno Bike Corroder and Thunder(Bought with Birthday money) Lupin the 3rd action figures Sonic Adventure DX Directors' cut Chapters/Indigo/Coles' $30 gift card   Plus I also did Laser tag, so it was a really good birthday .   And I'm really thankful that Zarayna made a B-day topic for me!     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Mata Nui, Is This Stressful. . . . . . . .

During my hunt for the Sets needed to complete my Bionicle collection, It has been very hard keeping track of trades that are going on, getting money, and negotiating more trades, all three of these put together end up leaving me very put out at the end of the day, It tires me out like nothing else has.   Bloody Karzhani, this is hard.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Elom Smash!

So, wile I was out walking my dog with my sister, apparently a Mosquito was snacking on the back of my hand, I started scratching, and I ended up scratching the Mosquito, so it exploded .   It was fun, but then I had a bunch of my own blood on the back of my hand, wich surprisingly wasn't as gross as I'd thought it was.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Spiral Knights: Energy Update.

So I'm not really angry at Energy anymore, since I suppose it helps keep the game from getting old too fast.   Also, I think I'm enjoying Spiral Knights more than Lego universe right now, even though LU promsed "Constantly evolving worlds" they're about as "Constant" as me waking up before noon. Whereas with SK, it actually IS constantly changing, since the selection of gates(Which you use to go into dungeons)change every two days or so.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 5

I finished Vihsola and Kalmah, found some more of Vakama's armor, and finished Hewkii's chain. I'll post pics of my built collection when I get a few more sets.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 4

Yesterday I finished Radiak, started work on Pohatu Phantoka and started on Kongu Inika(Who is almost finished!). Also made more progress on Vakama Metru, rebuilt Axonns arm(He's alot smaller then I remember!), and started on Toa Iruini.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Digging Up The Past.

So, first order of business: I bought those sets off S@H, so I'll have them in hand HOPEFULLY in a week.   But, the main thing and reason for the title of this entry is:   I got hit with massive, subsequent waves of nostalgia in the poast few days, first, I went through my old Yugioh cards, seeing some of the older ones that used to be my favorites made me grin a little, and I felt little surges of pride when I saw the cards that I had salvaged from finding all the pieces of them in the playgr

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Have You Ever Wondered How To Fix Mns Stomach?

Have you ever wondered how to fix Toa Mata Nui's colorscheme even a little bit?Well now you can!   ELOM Ltd. has come up with an ingenious way of helping to make YOUR Toa Mata Nui look BETTER!Here's how!:   STEP1:Get a Stars Rahkshi(Sold seperately). STEP2:Extract the golden Gahlok-Kal shield from the Stars Rahkshi and put it aside. STEP3:Remove the Keetorange Inika foot from his chest and put it aside. STEP4:Deattach the two front leg pistons from his chest. STEP5:Take off the long bar th

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

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