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Have You Ever Wondered How To Fix Mns Stomach?

Have you ever wondered how to fix Toa Mata Nui's colorscheme even a little bit?Well now you can!   ELOM Ltd. has come up with an ingenious way of helping to make YOUR Toa Mata Nui look BETTER!Here's how!:   STEP1:Get a Stars Rahkshi(Sold seperately). STEP2:Extract the golden Gahlok-Kal shield from the Stars Rahkshi and put it aside. STEP3:Remove the Keetorange Inika foot from his chest and put it aside. STEP4:Deattach the two front leg pistons from his chest. STEP5:Take off the long bar th

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

I finished reading it last night =D .   I have now read every Harry Potter book.   Yay me.   Anyway, I noticed that there was a LOT of differences between the book and the movie(I watched the movies before I ever read the books, excluding HBP and DH)and there were many little tidbits of info that were quite interesting and I can't fathom why they weren't included in the movie, everything seemed more fleshed out.   Also, I just realized that Harry and Ron are innumerate.       ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


So if you've read my blog, you might know that my Sister owns quite a few Half-life games.   She's currently playing Opposing force, and she let me play it for a little while, and it was, surprisingly, a lot of fun! I didn't miss as much as I thought I would, and the controls were pretty easy to get around(Once my sister told me them, of course =P ).   So yeah, I'd never played a shooter before(Unless you count bionicle Heroes, but that was third-person anyway)and I ended up being really good

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


Thornatus and Baranus got here at 2:30 style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/biggrin.gif .   In two hours I had time to open the shipping box, open the boxes and the bags, and build them, with some time for breaks.   Yes I am amazing style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/biggrin.gif .   Sahmad is officially the best Vehicle rider EVAH.   The Chariot is meh, but the Spikit is awesome. And beefier then it looks in the pics.   The Thornatus:   it's awesomeness cannot be captured in words.   Overall, get both these sets wh

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Good News, Everyone!

I totally imagined Professor farnsworth from futurama when I typed that =P .   But anyway, I bought the covenant banshee(Mega Bloks set, JSEK)from sperstore earlier, and I was thrilled when I was building it, because GUESS WHAT?   The build had pretty much no more problems with building than the average Lego set.   So now i'll rate it:   Price: 10/10(At 11.99 or so, it's a fair price) Figures: 7/10(The Flight suit elite is good, but he can barely move his knees and his head is SLIGHTLY rest

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Gausshog Versus Locust.

So i built it a little while after the Wraith, it's good, but the Locust's legs are really flimsy(If there's such a thing as having too much posability, the Locust is the definition of it). Gausshog is AWESOME, and the suspension actually works(WELL)plus there's a STEERING WHEEL. Figs can sit snugly in either of the seats. But unfotunately the Asssault Rifles can't really be held in two hands.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


Although the ___in a line fad is still alive, it has finally been contained into one topic, and GD has been pulled out of the darkness.   PARTY LIKE IT'S 999!     ~ELM~

Final Tally.

This is my final tally of presents for my birthday:   Indiana Jones Omnibus Volume 2 Von Nebula The Furno Bike Corroder and Thunder(Bought with Birthday money) Lupin the 3rd action figures Sonic Adventure DX Directors' cut Chapters/Indigo/Coles' $30 gift card   Plus I also did Laser tag, so it was a really good birthday .   And I'm really thankful that Zarayna made a B-day topic for me!     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Final Answer.

Urgh, I've seen a really good review for Rotor and really bad ones for Von Nebual, so I'll get Rotor, XPlode, William Furno, and Mark Surge instead of my original plan.     ~ELM~


I was messing around with my Stars Rahkshi a while ago, and I tried to put in a Kraata(Panrahks)and I put the "Head" in the back of the head of the Rahkshi, and there was just enough room for the tail to fit not the spine!   Although it does limit head movement(Along with providing a weak spot)it looks AWESOME!   Now I just need to get a Heat Vision Kraata. . . . . . . . . . . . .     ~ELM~

Elom Smash!

So, wile I was out walking my dog with my sister, apparently a Mosquito was snacking on the back of my hand, I started scratching, and I ended up scratching the Mosquito, so it exploded .   It was fun, but then I had a bunch of my own blood on the back of my hand, wich surprisingly wasn't as gross as I'd thought it was.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


I got a new dresser . I've been building it woth my dad all day, when we got home from buying it we made the frame, and we just now finished the drawers.   Where did I get it, you ask?   Ikea, of course!   Also, since it is considerably bigger thanm my old one, I'll only need to use three drawers for my clothes and the others I can use for stuff!     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Disappointment And Happiness.

Well, I went to TRU today, and no HF, but they did have some Prine of Persia sets, including the ones that I wanted most(The smallest one and the Fight for the Dagger), so my Mom bought me them, and they are really good sets(Except that TFFTD is a little flimsy when you first start to build it, but it gets stable towards the end).   Reccomended to all .     ~ELM~

Digging Up The Past.

So, first order of business: I bought those sets off S@H, so I'll have them in hand HOPEFULLY in a week.   But, the main thing and reason for the title of this entry is:   I got hit with massive, subsequent waves of nostalgia in the poast few days, first, I went through my old Yugioh cards, seeing some of the older ones that used to be my favorites made me grin a little, and I felt little surges of pride when I saw the cards that I had salvaged from finding all the pieces of them in the playgr

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Curse You Eaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

So I watched a "Mass Effect in 5 minutes" video and wow does that look like an awesome story.   Except I utterly despise EA, with their stupid online passes.   And Mass Effect 3 is going to be Origin exclusive.   I don't knoooooooow.   Maybe I'll pick up the first 2 on Steam at some point, maybe. . . . . . . . . . .     ~ELM~   EDIT: also TURIANS ARE THE BEST ALIENS EVER.   They're adorable AND awesome. I think it's the cat mouth and the spiky head.

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

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