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A Moment Of Silence For My Text.

I removed the text in my sig to make sure I had the space for my banner. I didn't want to, but I REALLY like the banner!   Also, I'll be getting 23.75 today!I still need to buy a new Sonic Comic, so that'll take up at least the 3.75, so I'll have twenty bucks left, maybe I'll get Natalie Breez and possibly a Tails action Figure. . . . . . .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


I'll have around $140 at the start of January.   I think I'll get the Scorpion Pyramid and if I can get some more money Sonic Colours DS.   They'll be my Christmas presents to myself .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Titles Are Overrated!

So if you were wondering why yesterday sucked so much, here's why:   I got barely any sleep at all the night before last night, and I had to go to FLL that day(Bad combination, VERY, VERY, VERY bad)so I had a short nap, but I had to be woken up so I could actually go, I ended up being literally half asleep during the time it took for me to get up, get into my coat and boots, and get to the car, I slept for most of the car ride there, but I had to be brought home earlky because the smoking of th

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

New Interests Are Relevant To Things(Aka Wow My Life Has Changed A Lot In The Past 4 Or 5 Months)

I got steam and have a bunch of games on it that i play regularly.   including:   Team fortress 2 Terraria Knights of the Old republic 1 Portal 2 Portal 1 Half-life: Source(It unfortunately has a weird glitch where all the weapons are invisible, and for some reason i can't bring myself to play it like that :[ ) star wars: Battlefront 2 Star wars republic commando.. Global agenda.   Currently my most-played games are:   team Fortress 2(165 hours) Global agenda(112 hours) Terraria(55 hours) KOTOR(

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

A very pleasant surprise.

I got an unexpected gift of the most recent Lego AT-AT yesterday!   It was a very pleasant build (although the legs were very repetitive) and it felt great to be doing a big Lego build again for the first time in like 3 years. It inspired me to get a few more Star Wars sets off of Lego S@H as well as the Protector of Fire (Who is the last set I need to complete the first wave of Bionicle 2015!) . Although I can't say the free Admiral Yularen mini figure and poster weren't also an influence.   Sp

Stormer 3.0

So i bought Stormer 3.0, honestly i think he's my favorite 3.0, mainly because of his helm, his weapon, and his nameplate.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 12

Once again, sorry for the lateness, same situation.   Today'd minimodel was a lackluster sled and wood and axe, it was kinda bleh.   Came in a regular polybag, and extra pieces were a straight black droid arm and a T-piece.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


So i bought minecraft two hours ago.   I just managed to pull myself away after making some iron armor.   I Love this game.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Best. Christmas. Ever.

I got all 6 2015 Toa from Mastermind Toys in Sherwood park, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. They had all the sets, but I didn't have enough money for the whole wave.   They're all great. And I'm surprisingly really liking Kopaka, even though I wasn't a huge fan of his look in pictures. Of course, I promptly lost his golden mask like 2 hours after getting home. Hopefully it'll turn up soon.

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Lost And Found.

So I lost one of Vapour's Zamors when somebody knocked him and Bulk off of the stool they were on.   I found it, though, so all's well.   *Pulls out shotgun and points it at the mob who attacked me during my Blog post about finding XPlode's zamor*     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Spiral Knights: Update.

SO. I've gotten quite a bit farther in Spiral Knights, so here's a(Sort of)mini review.   The basic premise of the game is that: You're a part of the Spiral knights, and you just crashed onto a mysterious planet, since your(And everyone else's)ship is out of commission, you and the rest of the Spiral Knights then begin to delve deeper into said mysterious world.   Or at least that's how I interpreted it, basically, it's an RPG style game, it's less than two weeks old(At least from the official

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


So, after all that planning and waiting, I went to the Calgary Lego Store, and guess what?   No HF AT ALL.   That completely ruined my day .     ~ELM~

Update On Wat.

So the canadian TRU website now has all the stuff in my last entry on the matter minus Vastus.   THIS IS GETTIN' FREEEEAKY.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 8

Son today's door-thingy had the dog and food dish in it, unfortunately, it came in an evil bag(Wich disproves my theory, harumph). But the actual thing was actually okay, just a plain food dish, a Dog, and best of all:   SAAAAAAAAUSAGES.   My first . Extra pieces were just an extra sausage, wich I put in the food bowl alongside the non-extra sausage .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

O. M. G.

Lego order should be here in less than 48 hours *Insert Waaaht emoticon* .   And then I'll have NINJAGO :] .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Bionicle Reconstruction Project: Build harder 5

My Bricklink order got here today!   With the parts from it I finished Guurahk, Vorahk, Gali and Tahu Mata, Hewkii 03, Toa Iruini, Rorzakh, Vorzakh, Nuhvok, Gahlok Va, Mantax, Avak, and Pohatu Nuva. I also got a whole bunch of Mctoran parts, including most of Kongu, and some essential pieces for Lewa Mata, Sidorak, Nivawk, and Kikanalo.   I got a huge hit of nostalgia when I put Tahu's new head together after not having put a Mata head together in 10 years, and It felt great to see Gali whole f

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Okay Change Of Plans.

I think I'll instead get Sonic Colours Wii + Jetbug, Nitroblast, Fire Lord, and three of the new heroes, I'll probably get Furno and Surge(Since they were my first of the original heroes)and I was thinking Breez or Stoormer as the third, opinions?     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 4

So today's minimodel was the toy Crawler Crane, it was a nice build, and I really like the design, aside from being top-heavy, it's a very nice model, the only extras were a Trans-black Cheese slope and a Technic pin. Luckily, it came in a regular polybag, wich made me happy .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

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