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Cac Day 22.

So today's minimodel was a toy helicopter, it came in an oversized regular polybag, seeing the pieces I highly doubted that it could make it, but it managed to be made out of very few parts, it only had one extra piece, a 1X2 tile in Trans-dark blue.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 24

More work on Keetongu(Now has first halves of both arms, both legs minus feet, all of main body, and almost all of his hat and eye. . . . . . . .Thing. Also almost done Balta. Just missing the stupid Metru arm.     ~ELM~

Not Exact, But It'll Do.

I went to TRU, and while Bulk and Thunder weren't there, Breez was, so I got her, Jimi, and Meltdown.   Plus I helped out a couple old ladies who didn't know if a POP set came with the minifigs, so that was a feel-good thing .     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

I Think This Settles It.

At TRU, I also saw(Besides the sets I got)ONE Mark surge, and Jimi and Natalie were the last ones there, so there was only THREE HEROES TOTAL there when I got there, and only one when I left . There were also a few Xplodes, Corroders and Meltdowns(One of wich i bought)and at least two Furno bikes, and at least one Dropship. Plus quite a few Rotor's and Von Nebulas. I don't think they'd even been touched. Also, I saw two Bulk and Vapours, so I think that confirms that they are a TRU exclusive(Bu

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Cac Day 13

So today's gift was the toy firetruck, it was a nice build, and it came in a regular polybag, surprisingly, it didn't have any extras, I was expecting at least an extra set of wheels, since those are extras very often, buit no, quite interesting.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Steeeeeeeeeeam Saaaaaaaale

So I currently have about 112$ in my wallet, I'm going to be buying a bunch of HF sets soon along with my Friend's Christmas present(I'm getting him Splitface)overall it'llcost about 100$(Including tax)so I'll have about 12$ left.   And 12$ can go a long way in the Steam Holiday sale.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 17

I found an old MOC of mine that had many pieces that I needed. And I have finished Hewkii Inika, Nuparu Inika, Kazi, Hakann, and Turahk.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

If You Were Wondering.

If you remember back in April, I said I was going to get the Grand Emporium, well, if you were wondering why that hasn't happened:   I saw some Cendox V1s in a store before I was going to get the GE, and I had to make a choice:   Get the GE, or get the Cendox V1 and have lots more money left over to buy other stuff.   The Cendox won.   And so I found myself with alot of extra money, I spent most of it on some Sonic Comics, and with the rest I bought the Kaxium and those other sets I blogged

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk


I was messing around with my Stars Rahkshi a while ago, and I tried to put in a Kraata(Panrahks)and I put the "Head" in the back of the head of the Rahkshi, and there was just enough room for the tail to fit not the spine!   Although it does limit head movement(Along with providing a weak spot)it looks AWESOME!   Now I just need to get a Heat Vision Kraata. . . . . . . . . . . . .     ~ELM~


The good news, Knuckles tail will never come off ever again, the bad news?His waist will never move again.     ~ELM~

Brp 13

Rebuilt Velika and Piruk, Nearly finished Garan(Only missing feet, Grrr)and am planning on starting Defilak.     ~ELM~

Brp 10

Started(And am almost finished)Matau Hordika, more work on Brutaka, no more sets finished, though I'm planning on rebuilding My Voyatoran soon, and they'll probably be pretty easy.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Ice Warrior!

So i just went up a post rank for the first time since I became active again. It feels good.   And it was from a post about robo-dinosaurs, so that's extra good.

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Hornet=fix'd. For Reals This Time.

So i finaly realized what the main problem with My Hornet actually was, it wasn't because of defective parts(Well, the main problem anyway)it was because IT'S DESIGNER WAS JUST STUPID. There was only a single 2X4 plate holding up THE ENTIRE WING SETUP. It couldn't take the weight of it, so it was fraile. So I messed around with it a little and now I have a fully functioning hornet!   I am happy .     ~ELM~

M O A R.

I got the gremlin, Green Combat unit, Brute chopper, and ODST Hawk off of the TRU site today =D .     ~ELM~


So a while ago, I had this little K'nex set that I got free in the mail, it was awesome, but then I got angry one day and threw it at a wall, scattering the parts and bringing a tragic, explosive end to the littlwe Go-kart. Remembering it now almost breaks my heart .   But i think I might set out on an expedition to find it's various parts(The crash happened in my room, so therefore the parts all moved with me).   By god, I SHALL SUCCEED!     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Here We Are Now, In Containers!

My hero Factory sets came today!I'm so happy!   Some thoughts:   Rotor is now my favorite villian, period. the only bad thing about him is the stickers, wich were kinda annoying. And I got the Jetpack in old silver, not the new kind, i haz sad . But Mark Surge's weapons are in that color, so it's okay now(His limbs and Furno's weapons are also in old silver).   I Thought Rotor's arms would look weird, but they're actually not too bad. And his legs are AWESOME. Xplode is good, although his ar

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

M O O O O O O A R.

So I got some books from my sister a few days ago and I got some more online earlier today =D .   In addition, a few days ago my sister's boyfriend got her a bunch of games on Steam including half-life, so later we hung out and watched cartoons to make her forget about head-crabs.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

Brp 11

Finished Matau Hordika(I fogot how FUN the Rhotuka were!)More work on Brutaka, and started on Kazi and Sidorak.     ~ELM~

Element Lord of Milk

Element Lord of Milk

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