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Entries in this blog

Leaving Bzp

Well, not really leaving. I will still be active in the B/S/T forums.   More or less, I am not going to be active in the rest of the forums or the blogs. My life has taken turns and I am not really interested in BZP anymore.   If you made my stay on here nice, thank you.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Why Scorpio?

Here's a question: why do people dislike Scorpio? He seems like a decent enough set.  

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Help Me

Is it just me, or does this place no longer seem like the good ol' BZP I'm used to?   I feel a sense of sadness and remorse.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

I Bought A Bass!

What you see here is a Squire Jazz Bass, my newest purchase from Craigslist. It is possibly the greatest thing I have ever bought.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

9 <3

Watched it again last night.   Seriously, why do I love this movie so much?

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Report Card

So, I got my report card last week. I was scared to see what my grades would turn out to be, but I was mildly suprised.   Social Studies: 84% (Up from 80%) What can I really say? Yay?   Teacher Assistance: 90% (No change) I think the teacher I help makes up this grade. I honestly feel like I deserve more, due to the effort I put into the tasks he gives me.   English: 72% (Up from 66%) I don't think my teacher likes me. She thinks I'm an excellent critical thinker, but I can't write well. A

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Want An Answer

Okay, what's with all of the homosexual banners I'm seeing around the forums?   I'm just curious.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Talked To My Parents

I just talked to my parents on Skype. man, I miss them.   It's an odd thing having your parents on the other side of the world...

Based Goomy

Based Goomy


Let's face it, owning a cat is amazing.   Couldn't something be done about the litter crisis though? It's absolutely horrific!

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

Home Alone

Well guys, I'm home alone for the next 2 weeks.   Time to learn essential chores.

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

I Shall See Bon Jovi

That's right folks, I'm going to see Bon Jovi next, next Friday.   Should be a killer show. They can put on a legendary performance!

Based Goomy

Based Goomy

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