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So it's taken this long, from the start of Island of Pain, for me to tire of TBRPGs. :/



So I'm Back.

Okay, I was back Thursday, but thaty's how long I forgot/procrastinated around posting this.   Anyways, spent a week at my brothers, and had some pretty crazy adventures there. Such as climbing a nearby mountain, getting this majorly odd feeling, walking down a path, then coming out into a small clearing, with this alterstone in the center. I almost screamed.   It was majorly creepy.   But still, I got to spend evenings staring into a fire....   Anyways, please do not me to go to a link in



Powerless Toa...

Something I've been thinking about a bit, perhaps as a TBRPG idea... I know a Midnight's Requiem (the last version of it at least) tried it, with only a few toa here and there having powers. Sadly, every PC was one of those...




I was quite surprised to win first prize in the Robin hood division of the archery tournament (I was only competing against four other people..)   Element Lord of Shadow placed second in the Little John division.   -Zarayna  



Gray Skies

Riisiing moon has posted a story in Short Stories, Gray Skies. I highly recommend that anyone with a spare minute or two go over and read it. It is one of the best stories I have ever seen on here.   -Zar-




(Insanely) plotting on the possibilities of getting to Brickfair, when I realized that I hardly know anything about the setup or anything, outside of what I've read in a few BZP articles, not is there much place to discuss it outside of news discussion. Anyone think a GD topic on brickfair would be good, or do news article feedbacks serve well enough?



Two Computer At Last

So I tweaked with our old computer, and finally got it to stop malfunctioning. Result? We have a working laptop, up to date, although I intensely dislike writing on it, as it has an uncomfortable setup and feel, and an ancient Pentium, windows 2K desktop computer, which i find very comfortable. Result? I now have a computer that I can happily write on.




[rant]*Sigh* It's raining, school hasn't began yet (While some of it has, but I'm not in the mood to read more theology for beginners or world history). And reading history has officially given me a queasy stomach....   No new reading material (Devoured five Rangers Apprentice books in half that amount of days).   Too rainy to do archery (I'm not gonna let my current target suffer the fate of my old one.)   So here I am, blasting Fireflight in my ears and reading random blogs.   Kumata's I



The Temperamentalness Of The Zar

My activity rates and productivity are, have been, and probably always will be, fluctuating like crazy. The reason is simple: i'm temperamental when it comes to computers. If you put me in front of a laptop, especially with one that has a keyboard I dislike, and a laptop that I'm used to being kicked (figuratively) off of, my productivity and relaxation will plummet. Outside things can also effect me, such as the amount of fighting in the house (If there is a large amount of conflict in the hous



Seventh, With A Day To Go

Yeah, CotD dropped down to seventh, five votes behind third, and there's only a day to go. What's worse is that none of the RPGs i want to play are in the top three.




The Mockingjay is redeemed (partially). And all because I found a fanmade version of The Hanging Tree.   Seriously, it's the most epic song I've heard in a while.




Hey, what is up? How are you? I am fine.   *swats Evo away from the keyboard*   *looks around at the blank stares.*   What? Can't people take an inside joke? =P   Anyways, got Evo and Stormer 2.00 from Toys are Us, where they're actually cheaper then last year's HF sets. (7.99 to 8.99). Then my mom made several wrong turns, and we got home about thirty minutes after we should have. But anyways, mini set review, no pics yet.   EVO:   First, the box.   It's the same shape as the last year's



Blowing the dust off...

Man, I have not used this blog in a while.   Anyways, working on an RPG for the contest. Krayzikk is going to be head Gm, for which I am most thankful. However, I am looking for a few assistant GMs right now. the RPG draft can be found here. If you're interested, please let me know.



Did You Know?

Sleeping on the floor is actually quite comfortable!   It also made my back feel better than a bed. XD



One Thing I'm Never Doing Again...

Watching Full Metal Alchemist just before going to bed. I couldn't sleep for hours, the images were to vivid..   So there was this random dude going on a vengeance streak after his city was destroyed by the state Alchemist. The second I saw Scar, I knew how his voice would sound.   And yeah, seeing Alchemists getting their brains exploded from the inside was just mildly disturbing...   To Karz with my over-active imagination!   On another note, I'm going to have very limited internet access



¿viva La Gloria? [Little Girl]

This song officially takes a seat amongst the half dozen odd other Greenday songs I like.   On another note, I'm going to be working on my SSC entry today.



So sad

Remembering this blooming thing I made: The first annual SS awards. It was running nicely, then the downtime came and killed it. And it never rose again.   I really feel like reviving it, only I'm not sure how much interest there will be.




Meh. I'm losing interest in BZP a lot, fueled in a way by the recent happenings. On top of that, things aren't going the best in my life right now, and several of my friends vanished off the face of BZP.   So I'm downgrading myself to the status of a blog lurker.



Within Temptation

No, not the band, I posted a story by that name in COT yesterday. It's what you might call 'dark'.   If you liked my story Monster, you'll probably like this.



S S Awards Official Release Date

To stop me from procrastinating about this, I've set the release date. The SS Awards will be started on April seventeenth, 2011.   EDIT: Bumped for change of date.



Delayed Action!

Since BZP was down for a few days, I couldn't get in any blog entries   Entry part one:   Just got back from a weekend father&son camping trip at the Franciscan Frairy in Griswold CT. Staying up all night around a fire has never been more fun.   And Nightwatch on the second night was just as awesome!   Ah. A nice night of defending the fires against five or so Friars and adults. Although working on about a half hour to an hour of sleep wasn't that fun (I was a walking zombie on Sunday



A happy feast of St. Nicholas

I can't believe I didn't learn of the story of him punching Arius until yesterday. I will never, ever, ever, be able to think of St. Nick in the same way again...




Okay, so like whenever I start writing a RPing post in IoP I either have to get off, or need to do something else online.   I swear, it's like life is trying to keep me from finishing it!   Also, edited Sin With a Grin. Conmpletely revamped the fight scene, as well as adding a few other things.   Remember, every review makes a Zarayna happy! You wouldn't want sad Zaraynas, would you? Then what are you waiting for?   -Zar-



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