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A New Blog Name

One more in line with my St. Tomas Aquinas theme.   Still trying to think of a subtitle...



Speeches From The Grave

I think the title fits my inactivity nicely.   As those who know me know, my activity level here is rather low. The reasons? A combination of things.   1) The new forums are much slower on the old computer that I use the most. This problem is only fixable if/when my parents get around to fixing our better desktop computer. 2) I've gotten active on another forum, which is now eating up my time a bit. 3) I'm the perfection of all forgetful procrastinating people. 4) Mount&Blade is my current



A Guide To Mata Nui?

So for the first quarter of English, I'm doing creative writing (if I had taken it a year ago I may have learned somethings I didn't know )   For the first lesson, I had to describe a water scene. I wrote Ga-Koro. For the second one I had to describe a water scene with objects moving in it. I wrote about Kopaka's landing beach. (Ussal crabs) for the third I had to describe pastoral scene either from someone looking at it or going through it. I wrote about a Matoran going through the Ga Wahi pla



Rpg Critics Club?

This idea has been fluttering through my mind for a while, helped definitely by the little feedback I get in the RPG planning topic. Let's face it, reviews in the planning topic are sparse, and reviewers are few. The contest entries get better reviews, but even then, you don't get many.   Who is for this?



Island Vs. Island

That's how it looks in the RPG contest, with Island of Pain and The Island neck to neck with 14 votes each.   The Zar fully endorses The Island first, although he thinks that Island of Pain is also pretty cool.



Name Changes

So as you can see, I'm back to my permaname, Zarayna - Power of Sonics. Oh, and I changed the name of my blog. Creds to the idea goes to Macku: Toa of bubbles, from when she called Gata 'Gatanui - Power of Forum Mentors' in my member interview.   Also, one thing I'm never doing. Listening to Leave out all the rest after a long day, when I have to write something that isn't sad in any way.   On another note, my 3,000 post special SS is going good.   -Zarayna



Strike From The Shadows

Two vahki walking up a hill one's shot and one's left standing still I wish we'd all been ready     There's no time to change your mind The Hunters have come in the night now’s your time to flee or fight



The Zar And The Contests

Another RPG contest, and I enter again. From the time I started RPing, I have only missed entering two contests.   In past contests, I entered such RPGs as A Universe Divided, which to my astonishment made it to the finals (it stinks, just ftr). Then I flipflopped between a BZP themed RPG and a HF crossover, and ended up submitting a revised AUD. I didn't win, thankfully, as I had no skill at GMing and no idea where the plot would go. The next contest, I entered SPIRIT's Warzone, and it won. Thi



War Zone

Anyone remember that RPG? Well brace yourselves...   It's returning.   Or at lerast, a greatly edited form with a totally new plot and setup.



Well That Was An Interesting Day.

(Would have posted this yesterday but didn't have the time/forgot)   So I went to my brothers house yesterday for his 30th birthday. I must say. His house looks like something out of a fairy tale, it's nice, small, and stone. Got back home, and went on the computer. I'm currently dissecting the LoMZ I Toa charsets. I made a Toa of lightning already, and am working on a Toa of gravity as I type!   And today when I tried going on Majhost, I found out that my parents put on a site filter or somet



I Wonder What Would Happen.

if I tried to make a birthday topic for every different member who has a birthday today. Then did the same thing the next day and the next...   Also, the RPG contest 20 is up, and I'm going with my HF crossover this time.     -Zarayna




But before that, happy (Late) all hallow's eve.   Anyways.     NANOWRIMO HAS BEGUN!!!!   And yeah, I was totally hyped up last night.   Got home from an awesome all saints day party at the Franciscan friars of the immaculate in Griswold at eleven or so, and started writing at twelve on the nose.   I'm half finished with the prologue already!   -Zarayna



My Next Name

Zarayna: Procrastination King King of Procrastination   Sadly, the first is too long - I think.   But anyways, as some people *glances at Peach* have noticed, I procrastinate like all Karzahni. You know, taking a month or more to review a single story.   So i think I might as well claim the crown.   And you have six days to steal it before i vanish off the face of the web.



The Great Divorce

Never read it five minutes before going to bed. My mind was whirling, and I couldn't get to sleep for an hour. Not tro mention the fact that my dreams were as crazy as all Karz.   Great book, although I don't agree 100% with it.   -Zar-



Rpg Maker 2003

I am never going to upgrade to any other game maker.   It would appear, that after long months of study (Okay, brief spurts for about five days out of those months. ) I am finally figuring out how to make an in game battle system. Ranged weapons are complete, I have an almost finished fire at randfom elemental attack, and a melee weapon system is in its early stages.   Yes, I am loving this game engine.   On a related note, once i add background music, tweak a few things, and make a title scr



Rahi Rampage

I'm working on my latest RPG, a arcade game made with RPGM2003.   Currently done are the level one in game elemental fire attack, with a general attack - effects one enemy at random - and a focused attack - fired buy pressing shift. Does less damage, but can be aimed. As well as this is the icon bar, which displays skills learned, and weapons and Kanohi equipped.   Planned features:   Kanohi: One for each Toa, they are activated with number keys. Each has a special ability.   Hau: Makes the



the whining of an honorable traitor

The toa of iron slowly ran his hand along the flat of his sword, the leathery inside of his hand feeling the gradual curve of the keen blade. His eyes were half closed, and to a casual glance he seemed to be completely calm.   In reality, any calm he possessed had been replaced by numbing shock.   He was in his room, in a brief rest he had, before plunging back into the growing war effort.   I can’t go back, his mind whispered over and over again. Not after this.   The sword in his hands was his



A New Power Cometh

Might as well let everyone know what my nanowrimo story is. Spoilered just in case.   A New Power Cometh   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Synopsis: A New Power Cometh   In the land of Mossflower, a new power has arisen in the far south. A city of warrior foxes! However, they are an odd bunch, and although they aren't good, they have a very strict and hard code of conduct.   However, Aknar, son of Askra, the fox ruler is growing tired of this life, and rebels, taking a f



New Moc

Yep, after being delayed by five months, I finally uploaded pictures of my latest MOC, Ha'naz, a character from my epic A Fading Blaze



I Am About An Inch Away

From leaving BZP again, and this time for good.   Seriously, every discussion I see, people can't even have a civil debate. EVERY TIME, it gets heated, people can't respect other people's opinions even.   Yes. It is annoying me.   Can't everyone just stop this childish arguing already?   -Zar-



Oh Yeah

Nine pages in a word doc, 4,148 words. I think is is my longest SS of all time.



Re: The Islander

A good story lifts your mind up, and holds it spellbound, and I found that The Islander, by bonesiii most certainly did. I found myself not only seeing the actual plot, but the massive clash between eras in Bionicle.   Many people say that the first three years of Bionicle are their favorites. In the first three years, you had a lot of stereotyping and whatnot, but you also had what you never - at least for me - had in the last few years, serenity, and something other than a massive spiderweb of



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