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Bbc Contest 54

Entry period is over. Now we just have to record the entries, check for the DQs, and start organizing polls. Fun times to be had by all.

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

Looking For The First 25 Comics?

So, as I'm cleaning out my room at home (more on this soonish, I'm undertaking a huge project to revitalize my room and make it sweet place to chill), I found a binder with Bionicle comics 1-25 all in fairly good condition. So basically, you may see this collection pop up on eBay in the near future. So if you're interested in owning some good ol' Bionicle history, you should keep your eyes peeled.   Also, I do believe I just started 3 sentences with the word "so."

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

Tentative Schedule Next Semester

Here's my tentative schedule for next semester... It sucks, too much waking up early.   4 Classes, 15 credits   Major: Computer Science (Comprehensive)   Computer Science (CS) 255: Algorithms and Discrete Structures - Continues and builds upon the course work from CS 145 + 245 Physics (PHYS) 211: General Physics - Two semesters of Physics required for my course of study Communication & Journalism 202(C J): Fundamentals of Speech - Required general education (Cat. I) for bachelors of sci

Than the Moa

Than the Moa


Why am I still awake? It's nearly 4 am where I live. So many things on my mind lately, I haven't slept well at all of late because of such. Why does life have to be so confusing and frustrating sometimes?

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

A Weekend Away

So I'm not at home, or even at school this weekend. I'm actually visiting my Aunt for easter weekend, so that's why you won't be seeing much of me this weekend.

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

Hello World

Soooooo, I got this fancy blog thing again it seems, so I may as well use it I guess. So welcome to my blog reboot, The Colour And The Shape. Enjoy your stay. Anyway, here's a handful of things going on with me at the moment for those that care about what your resident Q&A Guru and Global Moderator is doing. -College! For those that don't know, I'm a Computer Science major at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. I'm currently in my second semester of my freshman year. -Xbox 3

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

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