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Well, I haven't blogged since the 15th and I haven't posted much in that time either...Why? Well, the hinges on my laptop broke so it was in the shop from the 19th through the 26th. Oh yeah I've been learning C# with my dads help, that seems to be going well, I'm getting paid to put little HTML websites together for my dad as well; allowing me to purchase a DS Lite...and- Is that really it? Dekar: Yup. No it isn't, I'm going to upgrade to vista, right? Dekar: You didn't tell me that




There is a charactar on ddr ultramix2 named AFRO!



Still Sick

I'm still sick thus; my day wasn’t too exciting. I was however, well enough to go get shoes, I'm flat footed so we went to this really cool shoe store in downtown Austin where they had me stand on this machine that told them what part of my feet I put the most weight on, Apparently my insole color is red, I could just run around screaming in the streets "MY FOOT COLOR Is RED!!"... I ended up getting some KEEN sandals (You know, those ones that look like sneakers but are actually sandals), and So



Almost There...

99% done with my BBC41 entry, just gotta tweak it to perfection, should have some pictures by tomorrow




I just got my braces tightened, Meaning that they're going to hurt soon... Darn, well At least I get to head down to gamestop today and try the wii out, and I got a friend coming over... I CAN'T FIND THULOX AND DEKAR... That's about it.



Colorful Coffee Cake

Happy early Mardi gras!!   Figured I'd post this because I'm on Vacation up at my Aunts house and as I type she's having a King cake party for her business, on top of that she ended up with twice as many king cakes as she expected so I'm a very happy individual.




Yes argh, I just found out that the trip to Padre, which I knew was coming up, is actually tomorrow, yes tomorrow, I am not remotely prepared... This'll probably be my last entry before I leave... I'm finally over my sickness... Also, I'm excited about Padre, it's just I wasn't ready...




I have no Idea what I should do! My mom wants me to be the person who sells tickets at the show she's been directing and I don't want to even though I know I should... My day's been incredibly eventfu-No wait... It hasn't. I don't think that much has happened to me today... My mom was baby sitting a toddler who was VERY hyper, and ended up trashing my Lego Ferrari... All over the house, the basic structure’s still there but things like mirrors, the engine, the seats, and a lot of other stuff



My Entry Names Aren't Interesting

It's true.   Wii-mote #2 came in the mail today, 2 player tennis is lots O fun, if you happen to have a chance to get one DO IT! DO IT NOW!... Sorry 'bout that... Still, quite fun.   Also, I got some work down on a pokemon game I'm making... Very top secret... Bye-Bye.     Yay I passed a thousand views : D



Bad Memorwii's

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, Yesterday was a pain, Wake up at 7:30 get in car with dad, Drive to best buy, wait in line for 45 minutes, have employee of best buy come out and say they had counted and they were out, go to different best buy, see even longer line, go to toys R us, see very short line, find out Toys R us handed out tickets at 7:00, Wait just in case someone doesn't come (Yeah right), Have Three big football looking guys cut in front of line and buy out every freakin controll



New Content

Well I added a few new content block including "RECIPIE OF THE WEEK" which is something that practically nobody is going to pay attention to, I added more food, "DUCT TAPE!" and when I'm not sick and I start cooking again I'll post pictures of food I made... Not that anybody cares...



I Ate Fourthmeal Woot!

The title says it all, the first day my mom and sister are out of town and my dad and I stay up till 2 AM playing Wii sports golf. For all of you who don't know, fourth meal is a campaign "Taco Bell" is doing, they're basically saying "If you can't sleep, eat our food, we'll even call it a meal". Funny thing is, I almost never eat fast food, but my fourth meal consisted of warmed over KFC, blegh, Disgusting. I don't know what's stranger; me eating warmed over fast food, or me using the idea of



For Everyone Who Doesn't Know

The most wonderful time of the year is coming! No not Christmas   DAY OF THE NINJA (Using black as a Special color, not a default one)     Remember, we can't let the real ninjas down.   Tomorrow, everyone's a ninja! *dramatic music*



Out Of Town

Yep, once again I'm leaving, my dads dad is terminally ill so I got to go see him, I'll be leaving the blog behind (Although I might be able to hook up to a phone line while I'm gone) so I won't be posting any entries while I'm gone, oh and If I don't post anew blog entry by Thursday I probably got in a terrible car crash and blew up.




Why on earth is Umbra listed as new on S@H?



Random Screenshot

This game has nothing to do with bionicle, it just is on on going joke between me and my friends, but since this seemed worthy to post here I figured, what the heck  



Did You Know?

Did you know that I have something thing to tell you? it's an incredibly interesting thing, in fact I think I'll tell you as soon as I get my intresting thing book out, I think I left it here... hey wait, here it is, Anyway this is a book full of random facts I got it in a war with my friend... Okay anyway... the interesting fact is... I'm-




Didn't spend that much time working on this.




My mom's up in Colorado and she said she'd stop at the Lego store up there for me, can anyone who's been there in the past few days tell me if Nocturn's up there, it'd be nice to save her the trip if he's not.



Wii X 3

Has it really been 3 days since I promised that Matoro animation...? I need to hide my game cube from myself, and my ps2, and my Xbox that my cousin broke (actually I don't need to hide that one) so I don't get to drawn away from BZP, If you've ever played guitar hero obsessively you know how it is to not be able to stop, well I’ve managed to stop and bring you 3 wii banners, and later today, a Matoro animation (Better late then never XD). Since you've been waiting so long, I figure I'll tide y



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