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ACNL Dream suite stuff.

So I built the dream suite and figured out how it works. So here's the code: 5900-2494-6980.   My towns kinda blaish at the moment though, as a warning.



Nature is weird...

I hear thunder, so I go outside to see if there's a storm rolling in. But, no... The sun is out to greet me... Stupid rainclouds...




So, I've had a 3DS for awhile and currently have nobody to play Mario Kart with... :,( So... Who wants to play Mario Kart? I'll dig up my friend code, or just copy it from my sig later if anyone is interested.



EVOLVE Alpha For XCOM Players

So apparently if you have XCOM (I'm guessing enemy unknown since that's what I have.)you get access to the EVOLVE alpha. So that's something.   Which is why it claims I have purchased it which I have not. I would have remembered that.   I guess now we can se how truly underpowered my computer is.




So it will no longer be Christmas in like 15 minutes so I'm a bit late but MERRY CHRISTMAS!   I got a new pair of headphones and an Xbox Keypad and some steel model kits as well as other items of varying interest.   I also got a really nice computer case. It has light up fans and all sorts of cable management stuff. My setup is still average at best but at least now it looks like some sort of light up black and blue future box that has the computing power to lay waste to anything in it's path.




so in roughly... six hours, it'll be 2015 for me.   There was quite a lot that happened for me.   I managed to pass every class I took this year, but I could've done significantly better. I was not able to find a job, despite turning in more applications then I care to think about. Being limited to only using the bus apparently makes that more difficult. I built something like 3 separate, functioning computers, which is pretty awesome. (though technically two of them used the same case, but what




Ugh. I hate presentations. I got up there and immediately forgot everything and did so terrible I was ridiculed by the teacher.   I don't think I need to say much more other then the fact that I'm probably not continuing my education for the foreseeable future. That class was everything I hate about school rolled up into a nice, 16 week package.   How can anybody work full time and go to school full time? I had two classes and one of them singlehandedly almost drove completely insane with stress



I'm incredibly spacey

For some reason I wanted to find my PS2 controller. My line of thinking dictated that it should be somewhere around my desk, because my PS2 was on my desk. Makes sense, right? So after probably half an hour of tearing the area around my desk apart searching for that controller it hit me. It was sitting by the stack of games for my PS2. Of course.



Steam Controller

My Eary Bird steam Controller came in.   I've wanted a controller that gives me the ability to use mouse precision with the convenience of a controller layout for quite a while. And this might actually do that, but there are clearly some stuff to be sorted out with it.   Overall I'm fairly happy with the controller. It probably helps that the thing is massive to accommodate my stupidly spindly fingers.



I'm gonna vent

So, as some of you know, I'm not terribly thrilled with the goings on of my life at the moment. I can't find a job, though that's taken a backseat to trying to pass my writing class. Which is not going well. At all. I spent more than the "recommended" amount of hours on that waste of time and pulled an almost D. But the comments I got on the essay didn't seem to even match the essay. The only coherent reason that made any sense that I could get from my teacher while talking to her about it was



My cat

For those of you who are unaware, I am a huge cat lover. The little black and white one is mine. He's now much, much bigger. He's something around the age of twelve now. and for some reason he's really attached to me. I also have another cat that looks strikingly like the bigger one...



This company is the freaking greatest

Fascinations has now helped me complete two of their steel model kits with their excellent customer service.   Now if only I could find a way to make whatever floor I have a table over stop devouring the small metal pieces. Thankfully I usually have just enough extras to complete the kit.   Maybe I need to disassemble one of those old speakers for the magnet...



Regarding the Gamestop mega stone distribution

So yeah, the one I rode the bus to today didn't have any of the cards, apparently they didn't get shipped or something. I was given the Nintendo Customer Service number to call, but from what I've heard it's pretty flooded at the moment. The lady at the front desk seemed a bit misinformed on how that works, but I can't say that's her fault, and she was nice about the whole thing.   So if someone does happen to have an extra one for the Y version maybe you could get me the code? That would be rea



House sitting

I got a house sitting job over the weekend.   Their house was robbed not too long ago, so they had an alarm system put in. It goes off whenever a door is opened while it's active.   My house has no such system.   Do you see where this is going? Because I didn't.   I swear I almost gave myself a heart attack. Luckily I was able to shut it off quickly and call them so that they knew that nobody was trying to break into the house.   So that was fun.




I'm just going to give a shoutout to Jedi Master J for being awesome. Seriously awesome.    




So apparently Raptr is a terrible way of manually tracking games. I tried to manually add 20 hours of Super Mario 3D Land and it didn't register so I continued adding. So now it's going to add up to some unholy and inaccurate number. Because apparently it takes that amount of time to add that time for some reason... Yeah. But other than that it's a nice way of keeping track of things.



Tomb Raider: CLEAR!

This will be the third copy I've had of the game but I never made it past the first stealth portion of the game. Once I got past the beginning portion it was much more enjoyable then I initially gave it credit for.   (It was on sale and I wanted to test out my new graphics card. It ran quite well most of the time but had issues with the TresFX for some reason.)   I'm moderately interested in the new one now, but I'm mildly annoyed that Microsoft made it Xbox/windows exclusive and Nvidia branded



April fools

So far I've seen jokes involving ranch flavored Eegees, a Kale shake, Half Life 3, The return of firefly, and whatever BZP is doing.   Some of those are just cruel. I wonder what else will happen.



Steam sale cards up for grabs!

So I have 4 steam sale cards that I'm probably never going to use. These are:   2 For pixel Piracy at 25% off one for 10 Second Ninja at 66% off and one for Richard and Alice at 66% off   The last two are good for about two weeks the Piracy ones are good well into next year.



Harmony of Heroes

So, they people behind this album are releasing another one based on smash bros music.   It's going to be awesome.   Just thought some of you might like to know.



I'm gonna brag a bit.

I took my enemies base in 16 minutes on a bot match in Airmech today. Usually I average between 44 and 80 or more minutes.   I cannot convey how impressed I am right now. Like, as far as video games go, I'm that guy nobody wants to get stuck with. And I conquered the field in 10 minutes and watched as my units, AI teammates and myself blew the base to bits at just after 16 minutes. It also helped that I was playing the mech that could rain missiles at the press of a button.   But seriously. Th



RIP Scalebound

Well, NieR is coming to PC so I have one platinum game to look forward to. So there's that. Fingers crossed for some good games announced with the switch, because at this point there aren't many good exclusives to look forward to.



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