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Huzzah. Spent the first day driving, and now sitting in a cabin. I wish I could MOC right now.




The end of my seven week holiday is near. School is set to start Monday or Tuesday, and I'll probably return to my old school. See some old friends. I have an awesome Darth Vader poster, in my head I ask him for advice. I have a Dalek poster to, but it's not as cool.   The Benevus Chronicles. Hmmm. Still writing that, it's going to get interesting. It'll probably be a trilogy, and there is a huge crossover with another epic by a friend of mine coming up.



No Horror Movies?

I've been to a lot of big shops lately, and I can't find a single Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street movie. There was the latter's remake, which I'm not going to touch, it was also packaged with the original so I wasn't going to get that, and the original F13 was packaged with a couple of others I didn't want. And there was Scream 3.   Yeah, Jason and Freddy are all I watch. =P



The Last Day Of 2010

Last day of the first year of a new decade. The end of Bionicle and the beginning of Hero Factory. Soon the Stars will disappear from shelves and be harder to find, as will the first wave of HF.   HF 2011 looks cool doesn't it?




For the first time in these long holidays I have good internet access and my MOCs and parts. Ages back I made two MOCs called Zardan and Mersirax, not so good when I look back at them. Time for a rebuild.   Also got the Furno Bike and Mark Surge 1.0. Not bad sets, but I wish HF2011 was here in Australia. In the mood for a rewatch of Freddy vs Jason, I quite likied it, has anyone else seen it?



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