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Premier Membership Means...

...I can make a Blog... And is why I'm here typing this right now even! So yeah, I'm a Premier Member; at least for a year, and it's pretty cool, although can someone tell me how to make a Poll? Anyway another thing to talk about would be my Rise of the Rookies novelisation, and although I'm not all that big on BZP at all, I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out. I'm working on Chapter 2 as I type (Well, not really; since I couldn't be doing two things at once, but you get the general id

Omicron Squad Leader

Omicron Squad Leader

School's, Out, For, Sum- Winter?

Bad puns FTW! Anyway, jokes aside. Yes, I am officially now on my Winter break which obviously means I'll have a lot more time to do things Computer/Internet related; for example finishing the Rise of the Rookies novel maybe? In fact, yes, that will be my target for the time I go back to school! Moving on, Tuesday (December 14th) was in fact my Birthday, which I thoroughly enjoyed, though didn't express much on BZP since this is basically the first time since April (when I joined) that I've ac

Omicron Squad Leader

Omicron Squad Leader

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