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Bionicle: Sci-Fi Or Fantasy?

Since 2004, BIONICLE has been a clear example that there really isn't a clear line between science-fiction and fantasy. Up through 2003, BIONICLE was fairly obviously pure fantasy. There was no attempt to explain Kanohi or elemental powers as science; they were simply magical powers. Then came Metru Nui. While more science fantasy than science fiction (airships, Kanoka, etc. were not intended to work using Earth physics), it was the first real attempt to 'explain' the powers and abilities th



The Matoran Language(S)

If you're someone who's been following the story from the very beginning, you've probably noticed a change in the names of characters, places, etc. Instead of Makuta, Tahu, and Mata Nui, we have Teridax, Chirox, and Zakaz. There's also been a trend towards names referencing real-world things, such as Photok (photon), Vamprah (vampire), and even the prefixes ce- and fe-. In order to see if there actually was a trend, I compiled a list of Matoran words using the updated BIONICLE Encyclopedia, p



A Celebration And A Dictionary

Firstly, I find it necessary to announce: BZPower is back! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (just in case you were on bzpower without knowing it). As part of the celebration, I shall, as my first ever blog entry, release to your viewing (dis)pleasure the Destral Dictionary. However, this is no ordinary dictionary! The idea comes from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary (except this has more BIONICLE-nessitude): It attempts to satirically define the terms within. With that said,



The Matoran Language

If you're someone who's been following the story from the very beginning, you've probably noticed a change in the names of characters, places, etc. Instead of Makuta, Tahu, and Mata Nui, we have Teridax, Chirox, and Zakaz. There's also been a trend towards names referencing real-world things, such as Photok (photon), Vamprah (vampire), and even the prefixes ce- and fe-. In order to see if there actually was a trend, I compiled a list of Matoran words using the updated BIONICLE Encyclopedia, p



Technology Levels

Despite the fact that BIONICLE is not sci-fi (see my previous post), it certainly has some advanced technology running on magic (e.g. the giant spacefaring planet-sized robots shooting laser beams). In this post, I will attempt to classify the civilizations' level of technology. For lack of a better system, I will use the GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System; a table-top RPG similar to D&D, but more sci-fi than fantasy) technology levels system. A brief overview: TL 0 -- Stone Age



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