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The Last Roundup

AJ WITH NO HAT??? APPLE BLOOM STOLE IT Practicing for Iron Pony? D'awwwww Oh... my God. OH MY GOD!!! DERPY IS CANON!!! AND SHE IS AMAZING! And Lyra and Bonbon next to each other! Wait there are guys in the crowd! Wow Mayor. "LOTS OF MONEY!" Andrea scared herself, lol. Twice! I feel sorry for that guy... I just realized like half the Apple clan is there XD Big Mac, lol. Wait wasn't Carrot Top back in Ponyville? What happened to Pinkie needing t-- oh. I feel like Cherry Jubilee i



My Fingers Hurt

I just spent half an hour trying to figure out why the leg I had built wasn't transforming right (For those that care, the Psycho-Frame on the knee wouldn't pop out all the way no matter how hard I pulled on the back thrusters.). Unfortunately, I had to take the whole calf apart, and with Gunpla that's nearly impossible to do without breaking a piece and getting a replacement shipped from Japan.   On the good side, nothing broke. On the bad side, it cost me half an hour and very sore fingers to



Half-Life 2 Ammo Crates

that is the only explanation for this   http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HIguDAuS7bQ/Tw9RaV8ni1I/AAAAAAAAa38/lLZRFzYxjok/s1600/covering_fire_by_paper_pony-d4m290k.gif   [images exceeding 500kb need to be linked -Takuma Nuva]



Night Of Eurobeat (Plus D.notive And Woodentoaster)

Eurobeat Brony The Perfect Stallion (Euromance Mix) [No solo] Becoming Popular (Canterlo Disco Mix) Art of the Dress (Euro Fashion Mix) So Many Wonders (EuroSky Mix) Luna [DREAM MODE]     d.notive Let Your Mane Down   WoodenToaster Beyond Her Garden [No intro]   UnanimousDelivers Night of Nights   agh the autocorrect on the title   (Prolly shouldn't have played Night of Nights first, in hindsight...)




When I'm online, no one else seems to be.   When I'm off, everybody's on.   ._.



The Mysterious Mare Do Well

Rainbow Dash fan club? Scootaloo with rainbow hair. Scootaloo with rainbow hair. So are clouds solid or liquid? I can't tell anymore. Dash? Being modest? Why would they make a road that leads straight off a cliff? Friendly neighborhood Rainbow Dash! You may be right. Silly. Sunglasses again! I think this is becoming mandatory for Dash to have a pair in each episode. Why doesn't Pinkie just laugh at Spike if he's a ghost? Who's making all this RD merchandise? I want some. Was that Bonbo



What The Heck

I live in Buffalo. We're supposed to get 5 feet of snow and a blizzard a month. Every single year Christmas has had snow.   This year...     ಠ_ಠ



I Can't Brain Today

>Doesn't recognize Aibohphobia >Accidentally clicks Add Friend instead of Display Name History >Realizes it's Eeko   Oh thank God it wasn't some random person.



Oh College

So the day after I found out I needed the SAT IIs for Cornell and posted all those "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE" entries, they sent out an email to all applicants that if they didn't have SAT IIs they'd still be considered for admission. Right after I sent an email to the guy who interviewed me, who sent an email to my guidance counselor, who called the admissions office, who said the same thing. Said guy also sent an email to the other people in his Cornell group, one of whom sent the sa



Read It And Weep

Rarity's plotting against Rainbow. Pinkie has no spine. What, they don't help her? WHY ARE THERE ALWAYS COMMERCIALS AFTER THE THEME SONG I WANT TO SEE THE REST AND I WANT IT NOOOOOOOOW XD Rainbow's face. Those bones look weird. Wait isn't that Caramel with a different cutie mark? BOOKS GOD I LOVE BOOKS How do they use cups anyway? Oh my God Rainbow's face. That poor roommate... OMIGOSH RAINBOW CAN READ Out loud, though... OH NO A VICIOUS HOUSECAT Rainbow's an egghead XD ono my st



I Have A Problem

I spent the last 2 hours downloading and organizing music. It's 12:40 now, and I have to get up at 6.   Also my playlist takes half an hour to sync to my MP3.   oh god someone help me



Oh God My Blood Pressure Is Skyrocketing

I'm a week and a half late for financial aid for one of my colleges and my dad says he'll need at least another week before he can get good enough numbers for the CSS profile without having to go back and do paper corrections.   I don't even know if I'm going to get any money at this rate...



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