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The Living Tombstone

A lot of his music sounds similar to me... not in a really bad way, but it all seems to have a similar melody. Case in point: asdfmovie5 had his music and I instantly recognized it just because of that.



Black Ops

I don't really like how it kicks you out of the multiplayer menu if you get disconnected from XBL.   All that work on my emblem lost because it was 11 PM...   I'm not sure whether to blame my dad for having these parental controls even though I'm 17, or my brother for staying up until 1 playing TF2 and causing this to happen.   On a side note, he still doesn't get disconnected from Steam when I get disconnected from XBL, so he's still playing until 1.   Also, on Sopa:   Me gusta sopa. Es delicio




They seem to be the only way to entertain my brother besides Steam.   Not much better though considering he uses it to annoy me by whacking me with it... (it's new BTW)




Why is it that starting is the hardest part for me?   Well, that and reading my own writing...



Gundam Wing

Watched 10 episodes yesterday, and the last 4 and the 80-minute OVA today. Now I need a break.   ...   OKAY DONE OFF TO WATCH SEED NOW KBAI



I've Noticed

Blog entries with vague titles seem to get more comments.   Also my room key is not working for the third time aaaaargh



This Episode

I feel kinda meh about it for some reason. Just doesn't seem as appealing to me as It's About Time, although nothing comes close to it anyway.




So I was browsing pony blogs and I saw Ask Posey was doing a livestream and I decided to join just because. Not only did I find a member of the pony forums I go on, but a moderator on the Keroro forums I went on before they went all intolerant-anti-brony and everything. Apparently she also runs the Ask Star Swirl blog too, and now I'm in a Skype call with her in the pony blog group that all the pony blog people go on and it's cool. B)




No one I talk to outside here has any idea about pony music...   And then two people on a chat I go on didn't know who Not A Clever Pony was, then completely hated FTNLR when I showed it to them.   I feel alone. ;_;



Bad Luck

It's Friday, Friday Gotta get cut on Friday Everyone's looking forward to the Hospital, hospital Friday, Friday Gettin' cut on Friday Everyone's looking forward to the Hospital Bloody hands, bloody hands (Yeah!) Bandages, bandages (Yeah!) Fun, fun, fun, fun Looking forward to the hospital!



Finished Me2

Shepard: Male, Spacer, War Hero, Infiltrator Saved just about everyone in ME1 except for Kirrahe Mostly Paragon (darn interrupts) (also went Renegade whenever I was talking to the Illusive Man) Saved everyone Romanced Tali (and ticked off Jack by not giving her a straight answer lol) Blew up the Collector base mostly to annoy the Illusive Man Now time to finish my ME1 Shepard where I try making the worst possible choices, but ultimately fail because I can't bring myself to do it!



I Got A Comp That Can Handle Illustrator

... but because I only got two and a half hours of sleep last night because of homework, I ended up sleeping in front of it for a few hours while my computer slipped into a coma.   In other news, that homework was a video project that I had to upload to a certain video site, and because I had one pony picture and Princess Luna's Lullaby (Aftermath) as the background music, EVERY SINGLE SUGGESTION WAS PONIES.



Too Much Music

It's really getting to be a pain downloading and organizing music... It takes two computers to do it, because I have to snip/make my own album covers most of the time, which the computer that has all my music can't do because it crashes when I open up Gimp. And the computer that has Photoshop for some reason can't copy the music onto it from the MP3 player. (Plus, my brother's always on it.) Then there's deleting the old playlist because I'll just sync a copy otherwise, and then the 45 minutes o



Opposable Thumbs

Not having full use of one makes life much more annoying.   I think I understand now why humans became the dominant species...



I Lol'd

That is all.   (Also I blame Ponify for any instances of the word pony in that image)



I'm So Cool

I'm in AP Gov and posting a blog entry B)   Also I will not be on until Sunday or Monday because I have another all-state band I need to go to in Rochester for like 4 days so yah.



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