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>Long pages (aka every single page in the pony topic) refuse to load on my tablet because they go into this loading/quit/reload/quit cycle of death >Remember there's a setting for that >Realize I have no idea where that is now >mfw  




Yesterday morning: Blizzard Yesterday afternoon: Sun and clear skies (which melted all the snow)   This morning: Slight breeze, clear skies This afternoon: Blizzard   What is going on here :V



5x3 Piston Doors

I've been trying to build one for literally the last 4 hours but whatever I try doesn't work, mostly because of the whole pistons-can't-move-extended-pistons rule. I can get it to close fine, but when I try opening it it doesn't work...   Haven't been able to find much online either. Argh.



Nyan Cat

I'm going to teach myself to play Nyan Cat on flute!   *takes one look at sheet music*   ... Never mind.



The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

Fluttershy and Rainbow in the same scene? SHIPPING Oh Pinkie. BONBON BUT NO LYRA Oh there's Lyra. Poor Fluttershy. lolcaramel I bet Berry Punch thinks this is a different kind of cider... Woah a song. I did not see this coming. DERPY They're using the same body style as the postman (mailpony? postpony?) from last ep... woah green magic The crowd is hilarious XD Rainbow especially. With the way she's acting it's like she's never gotten cider before. Who made Apple Bloom the manager?



Gundam Unicorn

Episode 4 ended on a cliffhanger...   And episode 5 isn't coming out until May...   WHY MUST I ENDURE THIS WAITING WHYYYYYYYYY



I Have Fallen Off The Face Of This Site

ME2 is clearly to me what Skyrim is to others... I have no time for anything else. I hate how I'm trying to go as Paragon as possible but I instinctively pull RT whenever the Renegade thingy pops up. Trying to get Kelly to feed my fish because last time they died :/ Don't think I'm really getting anywhere. This game is a lot darker than ME1... or maybe I just need to up my brightness. (But seriously what the heck happened to Liara I mean she quoted Benezia and her voice is all different and



Help Me

My parents didn't come to Rochester to see me play, and they didn't know there was no bus back, so now I'm stuck here in the hotel lobby waiting for them to come pick me up.



Bzpcraft 360 Day 2

That moment when someone says they need cobblestone and you realized you used every block available to make a bridge across the map -- with Zatth, UK, Dragonfly, and 3 others.



Eurobeat And Blogging

New Super Ponybeat just (like literally just) came out, a remix of the carol at the end of Hearth's Warming Eve. Sounded a bit too mellow, but I liked it. Now when is he going to finish Find a Pet...   Also I'm going to miss this blog... I expected the Premier perks to end a while ago, but I guess I kinda forgot about it. I'm considering buying Premier for a year (oh look I rhymed), though... $11 isn't that much considering how much money I've saved up from working.




So I'm trying to teach myself to vector so I can vector my OC.   It's... nice. [/Fluttershy]



Why I'm Leaving Bzp

WET MANES   loljk   But I really need to do homework now because I've been putting it off all night so imma go.   ...   Who am I kidding, I'm going to be here all night.   Also, while I'm here, I seem to never be able to finish writing any music. I started off by writing So Many Wonders (EuroSky Mix) as a flute solo; finished that one. Went on to WWU (EuroSpring Mix) as a duet; didn't even get to the chorus. Started Night of Pony for 4 parts, didn't finish the second measure on the first part.



A Friend In Deed

Whoa Pinkie's outfit. 6_9 PUMPKIN AND POUND ARE BACK YES Interesting way to start an ep... Woah cows. ROSE ROS-- HER VOICE AGH Hey, it's that guy from last ep! Woah donkeys OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS EPISODE NOW OH MY GOD OH MY GOD DINKY I WANT PINKIE TO PAINT MY HOUSE WOAH TWO PINKIES LYRA AND BONBON THE RANDOM CHORUS MAKES SENSE NOW okay song over back to lower case Lol that twitching eyebrow. ANOTHER SONG oh now it's over. Is that the inside of Pinkie's head? I LOVE IT Check!



My Amazing Pegasister Friend

She got me a brushable Rarity for Christmas, so now I can reenact my Rarijack fantasies! (notrlytho RarityxTom ftw)   But still I can have two ponies in AJ's truck now:     And she also drew me an awesome pic of my OC which I need to vector as soon as I finish my queue (yay I figured out how to use my scanner):     Also completely relevant:  



Area All-State

Played flute from 4 to 9, with an hour for dinner. And I spent half of it playing pony music with one of my brony friends who was there...   My hand is killing me DX   At least my million solos went all right. (This is what I get for being principal flute...)   Also list of possible names for my OC: Allegretto Allegro Sonata Sonoro Leitmotif Death Metal Dubstep



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