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Legends 7 Quotes!

My download of the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Audiobook got stuck at 42%.   School begins this Tuesday.   Things to do --   --Get on with my writing. --Write up a blog entry on the latest events and my whereabouts in general life. --Find a good party and get terribly drunk.   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Why, Thank Ye, Jack

http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=249682   This is wild.   What is more, though actually less, wild is that, no coding works for me on BZP. Nor do most links to, or in, profiles.   Yay real life!   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Cgi Infected Lewa

Remember that Ghost CGI Infected Lewa movie I spoke of earlier?   Well, here it is!   Thanks much to Bioni-Cool Jack for finding and sending this!   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

I Love Tropical Islands

I love tropical islands. I love everything about them - The beaches, the palms, the heat, the sunset, jungles, the mystery, the cultures, the soft waves... I could go on and on. In fact, I think I'll make an article about it. However, right now, I'll just present some quickly-made avatars, which nicely represents all, or most, of the beauties of the tropical islands. They can be found here, for anyone interested--   Tropical Island Avatar Gallery.   There. Feel free to use, but don't forget to

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki


Just some general ramblin's o' life...     Good discussion goin' on in a few blogs these days!   David Arkenstone is the best guy for fantasy music, Bionicle 2001-style even.   The 1999 version of Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth is the best movie ever made.   2008 looks like the most epic year of Bionicle yet. That does not means it looks like the best one, however.   The Answer really is 42.   Girls are the greatest and most benefiting challenge on this great Earth.  

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

It Goes Ping!

I have to do a 5-minutes' presentation in school tomorrow, about a subject -- anything -- related to the English-speaking world, and I'm kinda stuck.   Any ideas?   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

The Skies Are New

I need to cure myself from immense Bioholism and get on with life.   Thus, I'll allow myself to buy only three LEGO sets in total this year. B)   Problem is, the Av-Matoran are 50 DKK -- $10 -- here, each.   What to do?   Happy 2008!!   -Ikk                                             ... no, this entry is not noobish.

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Suggestions? Post 'em Here!

Seeing as I'm now a Fact Team Member and working on the Official Legends Topic, I'll be a bit more busy in the forseeable future. Therefore, any help is welcome. As you might have seen, I'm compiling a list of which legends we know of, in this topic. I will be going through comics, books and games in my search for info, and while I can of course do that, it may take some time for it to be finished.   So, if you see anything that's not on my list, post there, PM me, or suggest it here. I'm of co

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Just A Flyin' Thought

Is it just me, or has there been a lot of cynicism and dry comments lately on BZP? I'm not referencing anyone in particular, just a general observation.   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Writings Preview

On long, dark, chilly nights, what's a better escape than to write yourself into another world?! Here's a bit of a preview --   ---------  Lhikan jumped quickly across the rooftops, no sound audible in the light-ridden district. Each time a great gap between buildings came he dug his sword into the metallic surface of the roof and swung onto the next structure. Darting through the wide streets below would have been easier, but comfort was no priority of his at the moment. The shadows were ali

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Lewa In Darkness

Yo   Does ANYONE know where to find that old CGI Ghost video of Lewa with an infected mask? I'd be really very much obliged!   I'll give muffins!

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Adventure And Excitement And Really Wild Things!

Just a small preview of my writings, on this the day before school! There are some people there whom I just yearn to see 'gain!   ***** Takua steered the boat carefully through the calm, winding stream of murky water. All around the narrow flow large, rugged plants grew and small insects buzzed lazily on the shore. The water itself was perfectly still except for the shadow of a small fish being seen occasionally somewhere below, or bobbing its head just above the surface. Far above the boat, t

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Well Then.

This friggin' crazy. I miss school already!   I need to watch AWE again. And again, and again, and again.   Puh-leese?   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

What's 'cool'?

Long, looooooooong overdue.   Go read the bones blog if you're still baffled as to what I'm referring to. May clear it up, if only a little.   What do I like to see in a BIONICLE set, when it comes to style? I think the sets we were given in the Mata Nui saga represent what I love most, style-wise -- the main idea being a combination of a skeketon and a robot. Take a look at the Toa Mata, what with the thin, well, just skeletally shaped parts, with mechanical features everywhere. Even in weapo

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

School? I Don't Think I Know That Word?

After nearly tens months of slavery, six spiffy exams, and lots of freaky nights, it's over. School's over. And the time we've all been waiting for since it last ended, has come.   SUMMER!!   Yeah, I'm done with school, so next year it's... don't know what it's called over there, gym? Anyway, some of my best friends I won't see for a whole year, as they're going to the USA, among other places. Sad, seeing as I was just beginning to actually remember their names, and such. But school I'm ain't

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

What Would Zaphod Do?

Whenever uncertain, in panic, or just quite depressed, think like Zaphod Beeblebrox. Have fun. Take it easy. Challenge yourself! Let go of what binds you! Do exactly what you want most!   Be free! An' don't tell me you didn't enjoy it.   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Quite Some Day...

Quite a day it's been, both really good and pretty bad things have happened. For example, earlier today, I had my chemistry exam, and to tell the truth... it went like Karzahni. The teacher could just as well have talked Finnish, and I wouldn't have understood one beep more of it. Seriously, I felt lost when they asked all those friggin' question... but boy, am I just glad it's done. As for grades, well, I got a 5. The grading system over here is like this --   00, 03, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki


No more school. Just four exams in June. Otherwise, nothing 'til August.   Hooray.   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Welcome To Ikki's Isle!

Welcome to Ikki's Isle, a place where you'll find all the information you need to know about me, news updates, projects I'm working on, things I like in general, as well as loads of other fun stuff! Feel free to always ask questions, post comments, and anything else you can think of.   I won't forget to update this, so check back every now and - You might just get a cool sneak peek!   Oh, and don't forget, have fun!   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

So A W E Some

I'll be watching At World's End tomorrow morning for the second time -- first time ever I've watched a movie twice while it was in theathers! Furthermore, I am, like last time, watching it in the cinema with the supposedly largest screen in all of Northen Europe -- the Imperial. I don't know if that's true, but it sure is big, and seeing any movie there rocks.   Just gonna kill some time while waiting for my Danish exam this Thursday. What with the terrific weather here, I'll just walk in to th

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki


Rain and thunder and lightning outside, slamming against the roof and walls and windows. I thought I saw a salmon swim by a minute ago.   Pray it's easing up the next few days... a few sport events are a-coming, which just need some sun, and there's a party friday night. No fun without a clear, starlit sky.   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

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