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School? I Don't Think I Know That Word?

After nearly tens months of slavery, six spiffy exams, and lots of freaky nights, it's over. School's over. And the time we've all been waiting for since it last ended, has come.   SUMMER!!   Yeah, I'm done with school, so next year it's... don't know what it's called over there, gym? Anyway, some of my best friends I won't see for a whole year, as they're going to the USA, among other places. Sad, seeing as I was just beginning to actually remember their names, and such. But school I'm ain't

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

New Name!

Yeah, I just changed my name, in honour of one of the greatest LEGO themes ever to exist... Adventurers. You know, the sets with all those expedtions, lost treasures, traps, secrets, mysteries, and lots of other great stuff. I'm still deciding on whether or not to try to collect all those sets I missed back then, just to have a shiny and glorious collection.   Comments are welcome, riots are expected.   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Random Stuff For Those Interested

Just a little update, my newest trade topic, Updating My Library, is here if any of you should want to check that out. Gotta be reading for my German exam on Tuesday real soon too. Oh yea, and my Biology exam went great, so I'm all ready for the next one.   Over and out,   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Quite Some Day...

Quite a day it's been, both really good and pretty bad things have happened. For example, earlier today, I had my chemistry exam, and to tell the truth... it went like Karzahni. The teacher could just as well have talked Finnish, and I wouldn't have understood one beep more of it. Seriously, I felt lost when they asked all those friggin' question... but boy, am I just glad it's done. As for grades, well, I got a 5. The grading system over here is like this --   00, 03, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

I Love Tropical Islands

I love tropical islands. I love everything about them - The beaches, the palms, the heat, the sunset, jungles, the mystery, the cultures, the soft waves... I could go on and on. In fact, I think I'll make an article about it. However, right now, I'll just present some quickly-made avatars, which nicely represents all, or most, of the beauties of the tropical islands. They can be found here, for anyone interested--   Tropical Island Avatar Gallery.   There. Feel free to use, but don't forget to

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

I Have A Golden Kanoka! Woo!

Just thought I'd let ya all know that I do, in fact, own a Golden Kanoka. Yup, official one, worth a lot. Here's a pic for ya to look at, but don't drool on the screen. It's such a mess.   -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------   Pretty, huh?   It has a special value to me, as it's from my very first trade here on BZP, and worked great as inspiration for me to stay and enjoy this fabulous site. To anyon

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

Welcome To Ikki's Isle!

Welcome to Ikki's Isle, a place where you'll find all the information you need to know about me, news updates, projects I'm working on, things I like in general, as well as loads of other fun stuff! Feel free to always ask questions, post comments, and anything else you can think of.   I won't forget to update this, so check back every now and - You might just get a cool sneak peek!   Oh, and don't forget, have fun!   -Ikk

Cap'n Ikki

Cap'n Ikki

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