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So I Thought

So I woke up and looked inside the inside of the refrigerator. No eggs. No milk. Then I realized I had cut my forehead, and was wearing that dress that's so white, but so dirty.   First, to the forehead. Bandaid to the spot.   Then to the dress.   Except I was a girl   Weeeeeiiiiird.   That doesn't normally happen. No, not at all.   I shrugged it off, and went to get the mail. The dress, however, had no sleeves, and I started to freeze...literally. In a few minutes times I was a frozen blo



Zzzzzz...huh, What?

Oh, hey everyone, just letting you know I'm still around...and not dead. I just realized that if I were to enter BBC #45 I only have two days to do so. I'd like to, sure, but sadly I haven't read one bit of Chaos In The Deep. Could someone give me, like, a list of characters and what they're described to be? Thanks. ... Oh, and I hate my new name, so on September 23rd I'll change it again. -Carbonite-



Rufus T.

I'm obsessed with Firefly. Sooooooooooooooo obsessed. -SZ-



Mmmm, Breakfast!

Hold the milk, put back the sugar They are powerless to console We've gathered here to sprinkle ashes From our late friend's cereal bowl   Breakfast clubbers, say the motto That he taught us to repeat "You will lose it in your gym class If you wait until noon to eat"   Back when the Chess Club said our eggs were soft Every Monday he'd say grace and hold our juice aloft Oh, none of us knew his checkout time would come so soon But before his brain stopped waving, he composed



Thingamabob Of The Week Removal...

...Since no one really seems to care about it anymore.   Workin' on my BBC #42 entry...it stinks as usual.   ...   I'd like to thank Turakii for making my life a whole lot better...     -SZ-



Oh No, Not Again.

I really hope I don't get put in the poll with Tohu Phantoka...   ...it's Fikou Stocking Stuffer reincarnite.     -SZ-     EDIT: Nevermind, Tufi DQed it. (XD at what Tufi said.)   -Locked-




I need ideas for BBCC#46, like, now. I haven't MOCed in awhile and nothin's going to me. Please help. If this keeps up there's a snowball's chance in you-know-where that I'll enter. -SZ-



Here Comes Luuuucy!

One day, whilst browsing in the dark dungeons of Brickshelf, something caught my eye. This something was Lucy, made by someone named mondaynoodle.   *coughsadlynotmecough*   LUCY   (Folder)   Anyways, I thought it was just brilliant and I figured I show to the rest of you guys (gals).     -SZ-  



Spinich Ruins Flavoring With Somebody's Pants!

[Jedi hand-wave] Pay no attention to the title. [/Jedi hand-wave]     So there this odd thing called BBC #41 that has just come out. Frankly (not Georgely ), I don't know what to make, or how to make it. I tried making Inika revamps, but then I found out that everyone and his brother had already made revamps for this contest. So, my question to you is: What do I make? I know, I know, I need to think of these things by mayself, I need to be creative, but my main worry is that my entry is go




My parents are so awesome. I wouldn't want anyone else in the whole, wide world to be my parents but them...   And if you're one of those people who think that your parents aren't so awesome, just remember this: If it wasn't for them you wouldn't be here.     SZ



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