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Snow And Drucilla

Two things.   First, by complete surprise, we got hit with three to five inches of snow yesterday. Normally I'm not a fan of snow, but I loved it. Maybe it was because it was the first time I've seen it before February in many years, and it put me in a Christmas mood. The trees on and around campus looked so beautiful covered in the snow.   Also, my friend has officially gotten me into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She decided to have me watch that when I started to get her to watch LOST. She also




Judging by the sound of thunder, a storm's coming (perceptive, aren't I?). Better get this in before the power blows.   Added chapter ten of my epic on BZP this morning. Due to the new S&T contest, I'm not sure it was a brilliant idea. Oh well, its one step further.   I'm definitely liking the sound of this Kardas Dragon. Can't wait to see what it's like. And that's about it for today. Time to go watch my dog give me a show of freaking out about the storm.



Hallowed Be Thy Name

I've decided that every Sunday, I'll post what my uncle and I did as far as guitar lessons go. My blog needs a little more excitement.   Anyways, I haven't practiced in two weeks due to midterms and a massive English essay. With both out of the way, finally, he decided to give me some finger exercises -- "Amazed" by The Offspring and "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden (GREAT. BAND.). For Iron Maiden, I'm doing the opening notes and those around the middle of the song (9th fret-3rd string, 12



Gone For A While

I realize my activity on here has already been almost non-existent. However, I might be gone altogether for a little while. I need to sort some things out, rather big things. I'm very... confused with a number of things in my life right now and I need some time to figure out where I'm headed. I'll probably be on once and a while to see what's going on, of course.   So... take care, everyone.



Toa Jovan Piccies!

To go along with my review from last night (see below), I've got some pictures of the Toa of Magnetism! And for the sake of your eyesight, I'll post in black instead of red.   Warning: This photos are quite large.   Let's start with this front view. Beut, ain't he?   Here's a left view, with a gunmetal launcher and a silver zamor magazine (with specifically Nuparu's zamor).   Right view, with Hewkii's spiked foot of death on his shoulder and covering his head.   How the chain connects to h



Heads Up

I know I'm almost never on here anymore. But I'm about to be around a whole lot less. Fighting a battle with a few friends with seemingly no end in sight. How long will we have to never leave our dorm building without each other for protection?   I honestly don't know what I want more: for this all to be over and back to normal, or to see those responsible get exactly what they deserve.   For now, pray for us. I don't know when I'll be able to say much of anything.



Barraki Love

Well, I almost burned myself twice in chemistry and got another minor cut in art class, but hopefully that's the end of my pain. I don't need stitches for my head, but I did need to get a Tetnus shot. Those lockers aren't the cleanest things ever.   I am loving the Barraki. They're smart, tactical, viscious... I love villains with more brains than brawn. Especially with brains like the Barraki. Plus, although he's dulled a bit, I'm loving Carapar as being both strong AND smart. I was getting ki



My Legs!

Sorry for a lack of blog... ness. It's been a really weird week. First, my brother left for Disney World in Orlando, Florida for the Senior trip. So I've had the whole week to myself! Yee!   Anyways, that same day (Tuesday) I ran the mile in gym class. Didn't do too bad, considering how out of shape I am -- 5:49. But yesterday and today my thighs have cramped up and are KILLING me. I can't go any lower than bending over; proves to be difficult when getting books from the bottom of my locker. &g



New Goal

Buy the X-Men 3 movie soundtrack. Amazing music.   My entries just keep getting more and more deep and philosophical, don't they?



I'm So Beyond Out Of It

I JUST NOW realized that my four-year anniversary here was fourteen days ago. Even after I posted a lot since the forums came back, I never noticed the spinny. So, yay for Rahaga Norik head...?   Oh well, anyway. I just saw Nightwish's video for their new song Amaranth on a website that should not be named here. It's really good, and Anette both looks and sounds great with them. Definitely not Tarja, but I love it anyway. I dunno what exactly the overall message of the video is, but I got fro



Progress Is A-leapin'

I love summer.   Managed to write a new chapter for Part II last night, and I plan on writing another and putting another chappy up on BZP soon. This summer is, like, making me want to write more than anything.   I must say, the new characters I introduced in that new chapter the other night went way better than I thought it would. I'm really happy with the direction it's taking, and hopefully, so will you guys. Oh! Speaking of new characters, those that I just mentioned are the first I've mad




My dad was extremely awesome and got me Disturbed's new album, Asylum. I swear they get better and better with every album they make. I adore this CD. Highly recommend it.



General Update

Hey, long time no see. I'm currently typing this from the common room on my floor. Thus far, this semester hasn't been anything too cringe-worthy. My schedule for this semester:   Arthurian Tradition -- Pretty much anything and everything about the literature of King Arthur, its history, and how much is factual. Pretty fun class. Introduction to Literary Methods and Critical Approaches -- The basic intro class into the English Major; requirement. My professor is AWESOME and the class is ridi



Toy Story 3

Tonight I felt like I was 9 years old again. Totally worth the 11 years. It was probably my favorite Disney/Pixar movie since the Incredibles. Seriously, everyone should go see this movie as soon as possible.   Fair warning, though: If the audience at my theater is any clue, you very well might be teary-eyed by the end. The girls behind us outright cried. Not too bad, but still.



Gold Ignika

Once that titan Mata Nui set becomes widely available, anyone willing to trade/sell that gold Mask of Life?   It looks REALLY REALLY cool, and ever since the Creeps from the Deep video appeared in January 2007, I've REALLY REALLY wanted that mask in gold. Unfortunately, looking at that set's size, I doubt I'll have the ability to part with that much money due to the much more important college. Not to mention that the set itself is beyond fugly and I have no desire to pay that much for a set l



Brain Cramp! Brain Cramp!

Neverending week is finally over. One more full week of school, and then four half-days the week after for finals and I'm FREE.   Didn't write a new chapter tonight, sadly. I tried, and for the first time ever, my mind is completely blank. I know what I'm going to write about after this chapter, but now... I don't like this feeling of not knowing. It makes me angry and feel negative. It's never happened before. I dunno what to do.   Maybe if I stay up all night, something will come to me. Wish



Bye Guys

Leaving for college in a few minutes. More than likely going to severely hinder my activity on here, but I'll do what I can. See you on the other side!



Christmas Stuff!

Well, Christmas is over, and it's always just a little depressing after a holiday is over, especially Christmas. However, I still got some neat stuff: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End DVD The Guardian DVD Live Free or Die Hard DVD Transformers: The Score Clive Barker's Jericho for PC Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 Chapter Wars (Warhammer 40,000 novel) A buttload of socks A buttload of gift cards A fair amount of money Some clothes A freaking awesome Nightmare Before Christmas jersey A little



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