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Departure's Ambience

I highly recommend reading this short story by Cederak. As expressed in it, the mind is truly an amazing thing.



My Baby

No, I'm not a father. Thankfully. Or a mother. Even more thankfully. But I decided to post a picture of the only thing I can annoy my grandparents with and get away with it (as my mother likes it and thinks it's funny that I annoy them). WARNING: COLOSSAL PICTURE.   She's a beaut, ain't she?



Hallowed Be Thy Name

I've decided that every Sunday, I'll post what my uncle and I did as far as guitar lessons go. My blog needs a little more excitement.   Anyways, I haven't practiced in two weeks due to midterms and a massive English essay. With both out of the way, finally, he decided to give me some finger exercises -- "Amazed" by The Offspring and "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden (GREAT. BAND.). For Iron Maiden, I'm doing the opening notes and those around the middle of the song (9th fret-3rd string, 12




I love Mr. Sayger's artwork and the life it brings to Bionicle, but that squiddy's gonna give me freakin' nightmares. It's face is just so... human! On a SQUIDDY!   But Kalmah's cool...



Mystery Mask Shape

Heh, looking at LK's avatar and banner and artwork makes me want to play Warrior Within again.   M'kay, I'm having a little trouble deciding on a mask design for Toa Schattenu. It's a Mask of Chameleon, but I doubt that counts for much as far as physical shape and stuff goes. So, for all you artists, I'm willing to share suggestions with each other.




Nocturn, in a fit of rage, destroyed his entire ISLAND. HIS. ENTIRE. FREAKING. ISLAND.   Someone's got anger issues.   Speaking of really ticked off people, a new (and possibly final) trailer for God of War II has been released. YESSSSSS!!!!



Quick Question For Lego Set People

I survived the first half of my Algebra midterm. Only it's the second half that worries me. Still, yay me!   Anyway, does anyone know of any at least semi-cheap sets (Bionicle or not) that contain a black Rahkshi lower leg? I want to even out Mantax's arms, but I don't want to mess with Vezon, since he looks so freaking awesome.   Oooh! CSI is coming on! *hurries off*




I figured out how to work my MP3 player! And in ten minutes I already had 120 songs on there.



Creeps From The Deep Movie

All I gotta say is WOW. 2007 is off to an amazing start. Love the song, too. But poor Dekar gets smacked around more than that Kolhii ball in Mask of Light.




Man. Midterms are this week. Bleh.   But this guitar is WAY harder than I thought. I dunno how I'm gonna memorize all the stuff I'm supposed to. School is wreaking havoc on any free time. *Sigh* Maybe I should call it quits on it and just stick to my natural thing: writing (since that's getting harder to find time to do as well).



Site Update! Omg!

Yeah, it's been a while since I gave you guys any updates on the story. Never fear, it IS being written. But, to keep you guys busy, head on over to the epic site and check out the new author page for utterly useless info on me (unless you're a stalker... but please don't be).   Oh, and I have seen the leaked piccies. I don't wanna say much, but I have to say this: The red Toa Mahri (fire, I'm assuming) has an amazingly cool mask design.



Well Done, Constans!

My Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Constans, is not smart. I have to do a webquest and answer questions, but it'd be nice to give us websites that have the answers or, better yet, EXIST. Three websites out of five either don't contain the answers to the questions or just plain don't exist anywhere on the internet. No wonder only, like, ten people in all five of her classes are actually passing, and even then barely. I am not one of those people.   Anyways, my uncle is starting me off with something eas




So, I finished that book Thr3e last night.   That was the WEIRDEST ending to a book I've ever read. But it was still good. Next up: House.   EDIT: Heh, my birthday was almost a full week ago and I just now remembered to change my age thing to 17 over there in that content block.



Deep Sea Creepiness

I got and read City of the Lost today. That is, by far, one of, if not THE darkest Bionicle book to date. Karzahni's got nothing on these Barraki. I've always been fascinated by the deepest depths of the ocean; now, I almost fear it. Especially sharks, if they really act anything like those in this book.   Speaking of which, one scene involving Pridak's Takea and a Matoran is burned into my mind. It never says exactly what happens, but my imagination made of what probably happened almost makes



Creeps From The Deep

Yes -- for my birthday, I have gotten all six Barraki! Granted, I split them with my brother, so technically I have just Pridak, Mantax and Carapar. I must say, Pridak's weapons remind me of the Hordika's -- most is the stiff, regular plastic (the white) while the ends (the red tips) are the softer, rubbery kind. I haven't tried the launchers yet, but those squiddies (copyrighted name by me ) don't stay in those hook things on the Barraki that well. The only one I didn't have trouble with was M



The Barraki Are Coming! The Barraki Are Coming!

At least I really hope so. I would've posted a birthday blog entry yesterday (thanks again for the PM Cederak!), but I was too busy watching my brother play The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning. Elijah Wood does an amazing Spyro.   Anyways, yes, I'm 17 now. Man, I feel old. The big one seven... Oh yeah, the Barraki in the title -- chances are I am getting all six for my birthday party this Friday night.   You know, now that I think about it, I have a whole list of books I need to keep up on:



Calluses! Yay!

No, that wasn't sarcasm in the title; according to my uncle, the more calluses I get, the better I'll get.   At what, you ask? Well, today was my very first guitar lesson! He says I learn fast; I learned and have almost memorized three chords (G, D and C) in just an hour and a half lesson! Next week I'm gonna learn how to play "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack, since I told another Prince of Persia fan at school I would.   Sorry for the lack of updates. I've had a rough first week back to school. O



First Entry Of 2007!

At least in this blog. Oh yeah! Anyway, Happy 07 all! For those who care, my resolutions: Get Chemistry teacher fired. Work on my epic more often. A LOT more often. Post more often. Get a girlfriend. Have a more positive attitude on some things. Find some way to get our boys out of Iraq and back here. Yeah, that last one I'd rather not go into detail about. Ya know, politics and stuff.   Let's say goodbye to Voya Nui and our lovable Piraka and welcome Mahri Nui and those viciously awesome Ba




Well, with 2007 in a few hours, I thought I'd post a "2006 in Review" kinda thing for me. WARNING: Uber-long blog entry.   Well, like most years, the good stuff starts on my birthday, January 9th. I remember my big 16 this year by receiving all six Piraka. Granted, I shared half with my brother, as usual, and gave him Zaktan, Thok and Vezok, but it was nice. My mom even color-coded them by putting them in matching tissue paper ('cept for Avak, he had yellow, since they didn't have brown).   An



He's Coming To Eat You...

As promised, here are some Kardas piccies! They're pretty big, sorry 'bout that. Let's start off with some individual details, then the whole thing:   First is Kardas's foot. It has three toes that can each move individually, with Brutaka's gold Piraka foot to give some extra support. Very dragon-like in appearance.   Next up is his very cool and spikey tail. Again, it suits a dragon well, and the gold and red color scheme looks great.   Now here we have a very skeletal wing. It's a bit lacki



What Big Teeth You Have!

Actually, with Kardas, it should be "My, what big everything you have!"   Yes, it took my brother and I two and a half hours last night, but Kardas the dragon and his matching Vezon are built. He. Is. MASSIVE. Not as tall as Ultimate Dume, but as far as overall size goes, Kardas beats all. Yes, even Voporak.   One drawback to him: he's EXTREMELY delicate. Granted, it doesn't take much posing to make him look awesome, but I accidently tapped his wing a little too hard once and his whole right l



The Christmas Haul

Well, Christmas is over. It was fun. But I thought I'd just list what I got: Finally my Fender Squire electric guitar. Vezon & Fenrakk (WOOT!) Vezon & Kardas (yes, separate from V&F) Three new Nightwish CDs (Once, Oceanborn and Wishmaster) Plenty of much-needed shirts and jeans. A Led Zeppelin t-shirt. Yay. A Nightmare Before Christmas t-shirt, where it's a skull and crossbones, but with Jack's skull. Finally some new headphones. Woohoo! LOST season 1 on DVD. A Jack Skellington pil



Merry Christmas!

Well, I'll be busy this afternoon and all day tomorrow, so I can say this now:     MERRY CHRISTMAS BZPOWER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Happy Holidays!

Well, I'm finally done school for 2006. I go back January second, which isn't a real long winter break, but at least it's something.   Gah. I'm all stuffed up. *sniff* I also had a scratchy throat and no voice, but the Dimatap seems to have fixed that, for the most part.   Oh, man, the Holiday Senior Prank in school today was hilarious. I dunno where they got them, but they put a load of live chickens in Quay Way (it's this little enclosed outdoor area in the middle of the 11/12 wing, like a c



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