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I cannot express how happy I am that it's Friday. Not that this week was particularly horrible, just slow.   Being trapped in the house for the summer (for the most part), I must get out and do something this weekend or I'm gonna wack out. I actually WANT to get away from the computer and the TV and the PS2. No idea where to go, though.   Not much else to report. School's school. Haven't got near as much homework as I expected I would (probably due to HSPAs/PSATs next week), so I'll probably



Prepare For Glory!

Sorry. I'm really excited for that movie 300.   Anyways, today my brother, my dad and I went up to Guitar Center in Cherry Hill (NJ). It's. Freaking. AWESOME. They got harmonicas, guitars, drumbs, keyboards... I was in heaven. I prefer an electric guitar, but man, those acoustics were BEAUTIFUL. And they had such a great sound. I got to mess with some guitar pedals, too.   Ah, man. No amount of words could describe how awesome it was.



It's On Its Way

The new short story shall be written soon! I have vague details set, and now I'm mainly focusing on Artakha's appearance; armor color/design, weapon, etc.   And I'm going to title it something else. So yay. This will be cool, I promise you.



I Miss Lady K's Comments. :'(

Who am I supposed rely on for comments now? Oh well, maybe somebody will notice.     Anyways, pretty slow today. Going up to bed at about 1:00 AM this morning, I've established that Kongu's and Matoro's blue light-up weapons work a bit too well. The whole kitchen was bathed in blue light. For each. I can't wait to see how they work at the same time tonight.   Watched V for Vendetta last night. Great movie, highly recommend it (it's rated R for some blood and language, so make sure you can wa



Starcraft Ii

No lie -- Blizzard unveiled StarCraft II. I have the cinematic trailer in HD, but it unfortunately has a curse in it, so I can't show you guys. But I've also seen plenty of gameplay footage.   +2 self-esteem!



It Lives!

Yes, I am alive. Sorry for lack of blogness -- I can't even remember why, other than server dying on me.   Art class has been... interesting, to say the least. But History's been interesting; doing stuff on the infamous Kennedy assassination. Single Bullet Theory? Possibly, but I doubt it (I have evidence). Oswald the only gunman? I HIGHLY doubt it. Proof is probably too morbid to post here on BZP, though.   Oh, and a great big thanks to Lady K for volunteering to make a new ED banner. Others



Chaper 11 Of Ze Epic Is Now Up!

Yup! So, those of you who read it (or those of you who haven't yet and want to *winkwinknudgenudge*), go check it out! Not as much going on as the past few chapters, but it sets up the whole plot for the Nuva from now till the end of Part Deux (that's "two", for those who don't speak French).   Comments are appreciated! *coughpleasecommentcough*



Fresh Meat

I dunno if I told you guys, but last June our priest moved north and we started getting supply priests each month (sadly, a few very good friends went with him). Starting last month, we now have a "permanent supply priest". Basically, we're unsure if he'll stay with us forever, but we know he'll be with us a good while.   Anyways, a few families traveled with him to our church. One consists of four kids. I have no idea how old they are, but they're not too much younger than me. But tonight, for



New Songfic!

Decided to do something a little different from my usual dark/action/horror style: You Would Have Loved This



Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince

Just got back from seeing the latest installment of the Harry Potter films. As many have said, it was the best one by far (and this coming from someone who's read the book twice).   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I am pretty irked, however, that they cut Dumbledore's funeral from the ending.



Well Done, Constans!

My Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Constans, is not smart. I have to do a webquest and answer questions, but it'd be nice to give us websites that have the answers or, better yet, EXIST. Three websites out of five either don't contain the answers to the questions or just plain don't exist anywhere on the internet. No wonder only, like, ten people in all five of her classes are actually passing, and even then barely. I am not one of those people.   Anyways, my uncle is starting me off with something eas




Ah, it felt so good to write again! But I think Greg's getting to me -- I actually threw something in that I barely know about, just to see if/what I can come up with.   But great thing about this chapter is, now Takua, Jaller and Hahli have an actual goal/mission, rather than half-aimlessly wandering around. What is that goal/mission, you ask?   Yay for krana hunting (that's the biggest hint you're gettin')!



Watchmen -- The Film

So, as I stated not too long ago in this blog, my friend here at college talked me into reading Watchmen. Loved the graphic novel, and couldn't wait for the film. This past Thursday, I sifted throught a few reviews from people who managed to catch early screenings of it, and in general, people said that it wasn't bad, but if you're a fan of the novel, prepare to be disappointed. Thus, I had already knew ahead of time about the ending.   Regardless, me and a few friends went to see it last night



It Is Done

Hello, BZP! Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I would've blogged yesterday, but we were in charge of food this year, and was wiped out all day. There was much turkey (mmmm... legs...) and stuffing. My grandmother makes the best stuffing EVAR. And then we all watched Curse of the Wererabbit. That movie's pretty messed up, but funny.   Anyway, about what the entry title is referring to: I put up the final chapter of ED: WMaH a few moments ago, so go ahead and finish it! I wanted to get it up before I s



F.e.a.r. 2: Project Origin

Finally got my hands on F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin for the PC. I'm a huge fan of the first game; not only did it genuinely scare me a number of times, but the action/gunfights were brilliant and intense, and it had a deep, very well-written story for a horror game.   Needless to say, I've been waiting for Project Origin since it was announced. Obviously, the graphics have come a long way since the first game, and the HUD is very different. Definitely nice to see some variation on environments;



Trocadero Theatre

Hi everyone! Yes, I'm alive. I have been active on BZP, but I have been getting so much homework in school that it has severely hindered my amount of free time. I'm just glad that we'll be finished with The Hobbit in English this week -- it's a great book, but once we're done I dont have to juggle back and forth between that and the other book I'm reading for Sociology, My Forbidden Face.   But I cannot wait until tomorrow -- I'm going to the Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia, where I finally,




Yes -- the FINAL chapter of ED is up. But, that is NOT the end; I still have the epilogue to put up. Regardless, go on and read what happens to Takatu, the Toa, and others!



Departure's Ambience

I highly recommend reading this short story by Cederak. As expressed in it, the mind is truly an amazing thing.



All Kinds Of Stuff!

Oh man. What an insane last week it's been. I've got a lot of things to talk about, so get comfortable.   First and foremost: I graduated high school last night. Finally. Ah, I remember when I was a Freshman, "The Class of 2008" title seemed like the end was so far away. It FLEW by. It's interesting, you know (excuse the Bionicle reference): I started my high school life as a Freshman in fall 2004, and I likened myself to the Toa Metru, normal Matoran being thrust into a hugely responsible role



Happy Holidays!

Well, I'm finally done school for 2006. I go back January second, which isn't a real long winter break, but at least it's something.   Gah. I'm all stuffed up. *sniff* I also had a scratchy throat and no voice, but the Dimatap seems to have fixed that, for the most part.   Oh, man, the Holiday Senior Prank in school today was hilarious. I dunno where they got them, but they put a load of live chickens in Quay Way (it's this little enclosed outdoor area in the middle of the 11/12 wing, like a c



Life Update

I haven't actually made an entry on what's going on in a while, so what the heck.   Transformers has consumed my life. I loved that movie. I found myself watching the original movie from the 80's a couple days ago. And that Armada game, though I've never seen that series, is extremely fun.   But I also finally got to see Ghost Rider yesterday. First, good music. It was a pretty good movie, and they succeeded in making it freaky (considering the background force at hand, it should've been freak



Trans-siberian Orchestra 2007

Yes -- today we just went to see this year's Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert at the Wachovia Spectrum in Philadelphia. As always, it was positively amazing. Beats the crud out of movies. And, as always, they had some new stuff to show.   Most memorable was the keyboard duel. They started out with some pretty awesome-sounding stuff, but then Mee Eun Kim completely won when she started playing the theme to "Peanuts". XD But anyway, absolutely great the whole show.   On the way there, however,



Christmas Time!

It's officially the Christmas season! Yay! I always get the warm fuzzies this time of year...   Sorry for not being on much -- this whole week has been so hectic. It started last Sunday when I got a sinus infection (see previous entry), and lasted several days. Got me out of school on Wednesday, though. Plus we've been rushing to get all my college applications done by this Thursday; just gotta write a couple essays by now, then give all the stuff to my guidance counselor. And then I also have



I'm So Jealous Of My Brother

He got invited to a really hot girl's graduation party today and I didn't. ;_;   Not to mention he know EVERY SINGLE HOMECOMING QUEEN CONTESTANT. Which there are like 14 of.



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