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I finally just got my braces off! I'm soooo happy right now!   Granted, in another four weeks they'll have my retainers ready, but I'll be out of school by then, so I'm not too worried. But man, GREATEST DAY EVER!!!   I'm so writing another chapter of my story this Friday in celebration. Heck, I might just organize a party for this!




This semester wins the "fastest to get overloaded with work" award.



Trocadero Theatre

Hi everyone! Yes, I'm alive. I have been active on BZP, but I have been getting so much homework in school that it has severely hindered my amount of free time. I'm just glad that we'll be finished with The Hobbit in English this week -- it's a great book, but once we're done I dont have to juggle back and forth between that and the other book I'm reading for Sociology, My Forbidden Face.   But I cannot wait until tomorrow -- I'm going to the Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia, where I finally,



Over A Year...

So, it's been over a year since I last saw a very close friend of mine. After all this time, I still find myself missing her and thinking about her every day. I don't think I'll ever find anyone else that'll replace her in my heart.   But dwelling on the past is something that always brings me down, so I try not to do it. So, with that said, chapter 4 of ED: WMaH is up, for those who missed the entry yesterday. I didn't kill the chapter with too many italics tags, so yay!   A couple days ago,



The End Of A Year

Today was the last actual day of school (next week starts half-day finals, and I'm done Thursday), and it seemed to go by pretty slowly. I'm happy about summer vacation, but... I will miss quite a few aspects from this year. More than I thought I would. It was a fun year, to say the least.   I finally got a new chapter written, and I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I hope you guys will like it, too, when I get it up on BZP.   My grandfather cleaned up the basement a little while I w



I Has Ignika?

Aaaand I can mark another tally on the board for years that I forget about my BZP anniversary until almost two days later...



The Guardian Of Time

Sorry for not blogging much lately. One is that there really wasn't much to blog about -- Halloween wasn't anything particularly special. Plus I'm still getting loads of work from school. It's driving me insane.   Anyway, today is not only Guy Fawkes Day (which I forgot to dress up as V for), but also my brother's 19th birthday. Yay!   I'm so glad I have off for the next week. I plan on taking advantage of it and catching up with all my writing, both adding to BZP and doing new chapters on Vot



Dawn Of War Help

Quick! My roommate got me into Dawn of War and is slaughtering me! How do I see cloaked units attacking me? All my stuff keeps dying!   But yeah, REALLY fun game.




Just played an hour-and-a-half game of Halo PC CTF on Blood Gulch, a full 16 people (8 v. 8) with all vehicles and heavy weapons (rocket launchers and fuel rod canons) while listening to the "Hello Zepp" track on the Saw soundtrack. We lost, but...   UBER ANDRENALINE RUSH!!!



Angels & Demons

Just got back from seeing it. I have read the book, twice, and it baffles me how The Da Vinci Code, as a novel, got so much more publicity when I believe that Angels & Demons was far superior.   Regardless, about the film. As a general movie, I liked it. Better than Da Vinci Code. I liked the faster pace that the book had. However, I felt they cut out far too much from the novel. Nothing really crucial to the main plot, just a lot of stuff that would have better explained things and added t



Trans-siberian Orchestra 2007

Yes -- today we just went to see this year's Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert at the Wachovia Spectrum in Philadelphia. As always, it was positively amazing. Beats the crud out of movies. And, as always, they had some new stuff to show.   Most memorable was the keyboard duel. They started out with some pretty awesome-sounding stuff, but then Mee Eun Kim completely won when she started playing the theme to "Peanuts". XD But anyway, absolutely great the whole show.   On the way there, however,



Need Help Installing Dawn Of War

I'm having a problem trying to install Dawn of War on my computer. I just got the Game of the Year Gold Edition of the game, which includes the original and the expansion, "Winter Assault." It says to click "Install" when the startup menu comes up, but when I put the CD in, the menu just says, "Play Dawn of War," "Play Winter Assault," etc. But nowhere does it say to install anything. I click on "Play Dawn of War," but nothing happens.   Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!



I Did It! Part 2!

Took five times, but the Dahaka is finito! That was the most grueling battle I have ever done, more so than the Empress in the regular ending, more so than the Vizier in the third game, and more so than Ares in God of War. But it was SO worth it.   Yeah, that's my entry. Pretty lame isn't it?



You Will Lose Everything

I dunno if you guys knew, but the new Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix trailer has been released. Looks amazing. It seems that they cut out very little, which is good -- they cut out almost half of Goblet of Fire. And Helena Bonham Carter is in it as Bellatrix Lestrange! That's SO perfect.   We finally got to eat the manicotti we've spent the last week making in cooking today. The sauce had no taste, but the salad and garlic bread were good (garlic bread=eternal <3).   Also, in the



Can't Think Of A Title Part 3

Wrote a new chapter last night. I'm happy with the way it turned out.   At the moment I'm debating whether or not I should put up a new chapter on BZP tonight or wait till tomorrow morning. What do you guys think?








Decided to post the lyrics to my favorite song in Sweeney Todd: Epiphanyp. Really shows how awesome Johnny Depp is at singing.   I had him! His throat was bare beneath my hand No! I had him! His throat was there and he'll never come again! Easy, now. Hush, love, hush. I keep telling you -- When?! What's your rush? Why did I wait? You told me to wait! Now he'll never come again!   There's a hole in the world like a great black pit And it's filled with people who are filled with ******



Fresh Meat

I dunno if I told you guys, but last June our priest moved north and we started getting supply priests each month (sadly, a few very good friends went with him). Starting last month, we now have a "permanent supply priest". Basically, we're unsure if he'll stay with us forever, but we know he'll be with us a good while.   Anyways, a few families traveled with him to our church. One consists of four kids. I have no idea how old they are, but they're not too much younger than me. But tonight, for




I cannot express how happy I am that it's Friday. Not that this week was particularly horrible, just slow.   Being trapped in the house for the summer (for the most part), I must get out and do something this weekend or I'm gonna wack out. I actually WANT to get away from the computer and the TV and the PS2. No idea where to go, though.   Not much else to report. School's school. Haven't got near as much homework as I expected I would (probably due to HSPAs/PSATs next week), so I'll probably



Departure's Ambience

I highly recommend reading this short story by Cederak. As expressed in it, the mind is truly an amazing thing.



"there Is No Life... In The Void."

Right, moving on from Sauron quotes...   Watched the Two Towers today. Return of the King tomorrow!   [sings]Gonna get the Inika soo-oon![/sing] Maybe tomorrow, but I'm still unsure. If not, it'll definitely be some time this week.   Not much else to report. So...   Bye!



Christmas Time!

It's officially the Christmas season! Yay! I always get the warm fuzzies this time of year...   Sorry for not being on much -- this whole week has been so hectic. It started last Sunday when I got a sinus infection (see previous entry), and lasted several days. Got me out of school on Wednesday, though. Plus we've been rushing to get all my college applications done by this Thursday; just gotta write a couple essays by now, then give all the stuff to my guidance counselor. And then I also have




Stuff I got: Clothes South Park Ornament Deathly Hallows symbol keychain Cologne Money Inception DVD Epic Mickey (YES) Saints Row 2 Darksiders (Never heard of it before, don't know anything about it, really) Merry Christmas!!



The Parlor Mob -- Holding On

Discovered this band a little while ago when I heard this song of theirs on a promo for a TV show. I just love these lyrics so much.   Holding On   It's only cost me everything I had to give It's only cost me everything I love And though it's not the way I'd choose to live I've come to far now to give up   And I walk through my days like this And I take it as it comes Through my days like this And I'm holding on   But I gave my hope, I gave my heart, until the two Were torn apart I pray tomorro



That Was Eventful

Wee. Eight hours of Halo, Halo 2, pizza, cake, popcorn, soda, cheese puffs and pretzels.   I am SO tired. So this'll be a quick entry.   ...   Bye.



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