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Barraki... Go Barraki

Well, I happened to pop down on over to ma somewhat local Lego store, and find... tada! Nothing. Nothing but Squid Ammo. Being a nut, I purchased one XP. Even checked back before we left. But I happened to stop on by at Target and nabbed the only two types of Barraki they had: Carapar (or "Karapar" according to the instruction booklet) and Mantax. Carapar is fun... I have yet to built Mantax. My one gripe is that... I can't fire polyps for the life of me XD. But truly, I reccomend. And will get



School's Out

School's Out Alice Cooper School's Out   Well we got no choice All the girls and boys Makin all that noise 'Cause they found new toys Well we can't salute ya Can't find a flag If that don't suit ya That's a drag   School's out for summer School's out forever School's been blown to pieces   No more pencils No more books No more teacher's dirty looks   Well we got no class And we got no principles And we got no innocence We can't even think of a word that rhymes   School's out




I just took the SAT ><. Twas painful. And boring. And now I has lotsa homework to do. Got Lewa though.



There's No Place Like Home...

I'm home ^^; I start school on tuesday though. Unfortunately. Ah well.   I've built Maxilos. Awesome set, but way to many gaps, specially in his legs. I love his torso though, it flexes, like a real torso. And you can't go wrong with Slizer legs as shoulders =3




*slowly but quietly retires from the BBC Forum for an indefinite period of time*



Random Wip

...What? Edoshi does Works in Progress? And speaks in the third person? Who knew? I knew.     That's about. Mostly just to distract you. From what?   I dunno. What I -do- know is that Fusion and Color layering at the same time is a pain.



He's One Year Old A Couple Of Days Ago

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday hooray. It's a bit late, but who cares Because it is my birthday!   I missed it XP. I had a plan for an MoC release and everything... ah well. I'll do some post thing for that later . Huzzah for being one. Goo goo gaga.



Shadows In The Sky

I just read it. It was -amazing-. It was so smooth flowing, so purposeful and just... awesome. An excellent read, go fetch it from your local bookstore.



Hey, So

Anybody know who the writers were of the MNOG?




Was -amazing-. I cannot believe how amazing it was. Ozzy actually performed "Iron Man", for the fourth encore. Amazing experience. Once in a lifetime kinda thing.



Pain In The Grass 2009

Definitely one of the oddest concerts I've been too, given the surrounding events.   I missed Steel Panthers (some 80's glam metal band that isn't actually from the 80's) and Static-X (which was very disappointing, as I had wanted to see them), though we did catch a few chords wafting from the arena as we drove up. My friend's girlfriend didn't get off work until 3, which is why we missed them, but is k. Turns out said friend didn't even get to come, as he was invited to another friends going a



Federation Of Fear 5

Wow... quite the shocker.   First off, Botar's death. Just... wow. Didn't see it coming. At all. He seemed so... powerful... and then, he just get's beaten down. Tragic.   Second, Trinuma. I hope we'll be seeing more of him, I like the sound of him. Although, I gotta say, Trinuma would have been a cooler name for MoMN >> but that's just me.   And then there's Tren Krom. I always liked that name, and now we finally get to meet him... sweet. Gotta love serial crossovers




jk   But seriously... eh. I'd much rather have had larger avatars, or a mix of both. Now sigs are just obscenely huge.



The Haul

Traditional posting of Christmas loot.   Assassin's Creed: Revelations (eeeeeeeeee) Transformers: Dark of the Moon (I thought it was a good movie, sue me) Inheritance* The Book Thief* SO MUCH CANDY ALL THE TIME CANDY Garmin GPS (thank god; the one I had before tried to kill me ) Jacket Scarf (I feel like a hipster, but my neighbor made it, and it's a darn fine scarf) Nanobricks (like LEGO, only on a smaller scale; random gift from an old family friend, but actually really cool) Giftcardsssssss C



Well Then

I am surprised BZP actually came back up, but hey, I'm sure there were plenty of people who really wanted it, so, it works. Not much has changed with me. Really digging the show "Terra Nova", it's a lot more fun than it looked from the previews. And just being boss with various Hero Factory things.   Sup with the rest of y'all.



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