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Please use this entry to ask ANY Questions about Toa Inika Matoro, Jaller, Hewkii, or Hahli. I will gladly awnser them




Well, This happened back in May/June, but I didn't have a blog (Thanks again, Admins! ).     It all starts with me supposedly having a Girlfriend. Rumors start that she's dating some other kid. don't believe it. (I didn't actually date her, and her Parents didn't want her to.)   Then, I see her ignoring me, sending me One email a month pretty much, while I saw that kid checking his e-mail in school (Recess) and he had 10 E-mails from her! :angry: I asked her about it and found out she was ly



Evil Neighborhood Of Doom

My Neighborhood is evil..     It begins with me going outside last night. There are some of the Little Kids and an Older kid, a couple years younger than me, all Armed with Toy Guns, except for one of the Little Girls who had a Toy Lightsaber. She goes riding on her Trycicle, and stop in front of my house while I'm watering the plants and looks angry, and points her Lightsaber at me.       A While Later, One of my Biggest enemies, a Girl a year or two younger than me, comes out with an EVIL Li



Blog Time

It's BZPower's 5th Anniversary!   I'd put up a Dancing Kitten..but... I can't find one.   I am hoping that I can go Premier before the week is up.. Thanks, Admins for allowing us regular members to blog!   Anyway..I'll blog about random stuff.. Um..yeah



Pretty Images And Inika Coolness

I like the Premier Image I have...   Anyway, I'm down to about 12 Bucks in my PM savings.. because of my mom, who forced me to use my $20 to Buy Inika.. Oh well...   Let me just tell you that Matoro, Hahli, Jaller, and Hewkii are pure awesome.. Comment away for questions and I shall awnser them.     EDIT: I just went to TRU and Bought the last Hahli they had! She is awesome- her mask is the Most Feminine EVER, and her color scheme is great- Blue and white give her a more Oceany look, s



Mean Books

A few weeks ago, Barnes and Noble was mean to me.   I asked about Power Play and they were like "THATS NOT OUT UNTILL AUGUST!!! WHY ARE YOU ASKING IF IT'S NOT OUT UNTILL THEN? DONT CALL HERE IF YOUR GOING TO DO THIS!!!" So I hung up and some other guy from there, probably a Manager, kept calling me and was mad at me. o_0 They probably thought I was prank calling..           So I just got it at Borders. I'm buying books from them from now on.     Uh oh.. I hear the evil neighborhood kids o



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