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Hunt For The Mahri- Part Iii

A TRU in another county claiemd they had the Mahri,s o we drove over there, just to see they havent unpacked them yet, since they dont have room oon the (messy) shelves.       So im complaining to TRU. I am sick and tired of them lying to me. Hopefully they will shoe that they are sorry... perhaps as gift card.




-shakes head-   As I was pulling into a driveway of a store, this dude, in dark colors, j-walks randomly, almost got run over.      




I have all of them now.. but i need to get another Hewkii, Jaller, Hahli, and NUparu.. since they're ripped apart. Jaller:Good mask and stuff. Crab is cool, yadd ayadda yadda. 8/10 Hahli:Best Mahri. Nuff said. 9/10 Hewkii:BAD. 2/10 Kongu:Not as bad as i thought.. 7/10 Nuparu:Eh, too much black 6/10 MAtoro:too much WHite. Tubing out of place. 5/10



So I Heard

I'm waiting for a Mudkip on this page.     ....    



Photoshop Fun :)

I love just messing around with an image in photoshop. After struggling with making a decent fake 358/2 Days Box Art, i took the background i used for the background on the cover, opened a new wondow in Photoshop (It was already a wallpaper), and tampered with it. It's gonna be in CoT n a few minutes.   I'll be doing more Photoshop fun...



Snapple Rejected

On the cap of a Bottle of Snapple, it says:   "SAFETY BUTTON POPS UP WHEN ORIGINAL SEAL IS BROKEN   REJECT IF BUTTON IS UP"    



Club Penguin

Man, some people can eb annoying on there.   4/5 Penguins will send you a friend request..I leave the room for 5 minutes, come back, and have 93943 Friend requests. >.<



I Hate Dreaming

I hate dreaming.   I know i've said this many times before, but when you have a good dream, it sucks to wake up.   Because i had a dream where Walmart had 2008 Sets. D:   -kW-



Lol What

Some 3rd graders came up to me, and claimed that I was a cocount. Then, they got..  



Smart Kitten O_0

There's this kitten at an shelter that broke out of his cage twice already... by himself. o.o       Smart Cat.



Lol Wonder Pets

Today, i stayed home cause i threw up after eating a bag of cookies and stuff. I watched the Wonderpets, and today they Helped a Baby Pigeon learn how to dance, cause he feared dancing. And some parenting show about a picky eater 3 year old, he was pretty cool. XD




that wiifit game thing is just weird. Maybe schools will start getting Wiis? If so, id take PE as an Elective even more.     But i am so glad they finally gave us SMG and SSBB release dates. .The Wii might be the most sucessful console ever. PS3 fans, do NOT turn this into a debate, or i will lock the entry.     I am begging Square Enix to reveal the next Kingdom Hearts installments at E3. PLEASE. Do not torture us with waiting untill september.       mayb they wil reveel the wonder petz



Horrible Service.

I know i will not be going to Longs again anytime soon. In fact, my dad will likely be talking to corprate.   I went there last night (October 5th), planning to take advantage of a sale ending today. I found no Pepsi, and they refused to give me a rain check. REFUSED> I left my cart in the middle of the store and left angered. This was horrid service.



Music Videos

I plan to make some music videos once i hook up an XP. All are Bionicle. -Nobody's Perfect by Miley Cyrus ( The ending part with the "remixed" "NOBODYS PERFECT!" would be PERFECT timing for the Maxilos- Hydraxon clash in the Mahrui Minimovie, and it is perfect timing. Tested. -What I've Done by Linkin Park -Bet on It by Zac Efron -Dont Stay by Linkin Park -I Need You by Relient K -Gotta go my Own Way by Vanessa Hudgens -Metamorphosis by Hilary Duff -In the End by Linkin Park -Boulevar




fights can egt so funny...i got in one earleir, and the end result was awesome.. his "witnesses", two or so of which i'm pretty sure "like" me, and the rest hate him. everybody hates this kid. He's the kid who was ranting about tartar sauce. He decided to start something, i decided to end it. All he did was kick me. Which felt like a pillow falling on my leg. I had to grab him and explictly tell him to get away from me. It all started because my friend accidentally kicked him...when he wasn



The Real Hp Ending

hehehehehehehe   Harry approached Snape. "so i here u guys like mudkipz." Harry said. "YA" snape replied. "O RLY?" "YA RLY!" "NO WAI" "YA WAI" Ron then ran in the room carrying a Nintendo DS, screaming "I IS THE POKEMON MASTER!!!!" And began running again. "IMMAH CHARGIN my!" he screamed. Snape fired his laser/ "SHOOP DA WHOOP" snape yelled as he fired the laser "AHH YA BEAT ME" ron exclaimed. The DS skidded across the ground. Harry got it and a Pokemon battle began. Hermione then barge




-----(10:12:29 PM): BZPOwer SmarterChild (10:12:29 PM): funny. -----(10:12:35 PM): bzpower   SmarterChild (10:12:36 PM): what do u mean by that? ------ (10:12:47 PM): BZpower.com...   SmarterChild (10:12:47 PM): i wonder why u say that.         o.0       brakelatabasaasta feed me.



Say Whatt?

How does a cow get stuck ina tree?   Serious question heree.




I got Gadunka.     edit:Gadunka is currently strangling MAtoro Mahri, Pointing his squid launcher at Kongu Mahri's face, and eating defilak.



Fire Drill?

My school had a fire drill today because of the SD fires. and we're HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of miles away from it >.>   Today at school i had a laserpointer, 2 Rejected Banners (printed out) and a spoon. Good times.



Who Would Win?

ULRICH     VS     KREKKA         Who would win?     Votes for Ulrich: Votes for Krekka:



Mahri Minimovie Problems

1.Kongu, Hahli, and Hewkii's names are never mentioned 2.The song doesnt fit well with the minimovie 3.Hahli is almost never in the Minimovie 4.HAHLI HAS A MAN'S VOICE IN HER 1 SPEAKING LINE. 5.Kongu and Hahli just vanish 6.There are no Barraki, Hydruka, or Mahritoran 7.Matoro does almost nothing 8.The spotlight is mainly on Jaller, which makes it boring 9.The Mahri only fight with their cordak blasters (Not counting Matoro's ship-thing) 10.Some of the characters have accents, which d



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