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Everyone In The Campaign Fad Read

I recently started the campaign fad, by saying "VOTE SPITTY FOR PRESIDENT" alot. Now, everyone involved in this should read This topic immediatley.



Trick Or Treatin.

These dorky, stupid kids came up to me and asked if they could have my bag. This was followed by a Rejection.     And i got lots of candy     So yeah, i'll probably not go to school tomorrow and stuff.




All the Teachers at My School. Yeah..im bored   -Math?Science Level 1: Pretty cool older guy.   -English/History Level 1: Annoying woman probably in her mid-20s   -English/History Level 2: Pretty cool, not that strict, we can drink GATORADE IN CLASS   -Math/Science Level 2: Not very intelligent, too strict   -Math/Science Level 3: Annoying shorter woman   -English/History Level 3: Awesome Older Woman.   -English/History Level 4: "Modern-day" woman in her late 20s   -Math/Science L



Its Raining :o

"Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we still have each other You can stand under my Umbrella You can stand under my Umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh) "   Thankfully, the rain is here. It flooded one of the basketball hoops at school, and thats pretty awesome. Rain is great. It can be great for taking pictures of MOCs, and i'm working on a spec




This picture is this morning's topic:  



Mkds Wifi

I was playing a Snaker (ughh.) And i was knocking him/her off cliffs all the time, hitting him with shells, etc., And after the 2nd win, he disconnected. >_>      



At Last, I Have Captured You

The Walmart earth worm babies (not flaming- invader zim quote..kinda) were turthful. I emerged out of the transportation thing, finishing my Squishee. I broke down the doors of Walmart. I lurked into the Toy area. I had seen there was no lie- But all i had seen was Nuparu. I lurked back to the checkout when i saw a display with all the Titans and Mahri. I put away Nuparu and captured Jaller and Hewkii.   The Cordak blasters dissapointed me. Alot.     Hewkii Mahri Review coming later tonight.




What? Didnt i post this?   Oh well.. im confused about stuff now. does she like me? or is it lies? idk



Name Change..

I want to change my name, but i have no clue what to change it to. I think i want to change it to something KH-related, but i have no idea what to change it to...Any suggestions?     Please be serious.



Bzp > School. By Far.

My friend was throwing a ball at me..then i finally got it, and kicked it away..and i'm in trouble for preventing my own physical injury!? I almost got sent home after i got so angry i screamed.... I got myslef out of it though. Woot.     So yeah... umm.pie. And this child i hate was ranting about tartar sauce the other day with the English/History/Homeroom Teahcer.. LOL XD



Another Weird Dream..

Weirder than the one in a previous entry.   I was at some party where the Jonas Brothers tried to sell me car insurance or something like that.. What do i eat that causes these weird dreams?



Ll's Love Life Update

well, things have gone worse since my last update.     first off, i had my first "inlove" ness i nearly a year. It's this very random (like me ) girl, ok looking, she was in my 6th period class. When she found out i liked her, she started ignoring me, and her friends kept telling me she liked me, just to emss with me :angry:   So then i give up once i find out she discriminate speople. Then, i like her best friend, who kept saying she loved me. Of course, this was a joke.   Moving along.



Lol What

My Math teacher had the kids who didnt do their homework do it in the rain, then he forgot about them.   LOL WHAT



A Weird Dream..

Last night i has one of the strangest dreams i've had in a while. It started with something happening like it began raining, and i was on BZP, to see i was a regular Member again, then Somehow i had a 08 Villan that looked like a mutated Bohrok (May have been memories of a NeoShifter). Then I somehow ended up in a weird mall, that has a WalMart in it, where i found my friend Brandon, then i somehow found Tohunga Matoro,who in the dream was Asian and had Blonde hair with green in it. o.0 Don't as



Lol What

Here's the "lol what" pic of the day..




In celebration of international mcpie day, some people will recieve free virtual pie.



An Entry Not About 2008!

Nope, not about 2008! Many entries right now are about the official 08 Winter Set pics. I will post my thoughts on them later in here. What's this entry about? This picture:  



The Reel Inmterveew With Jk Rowling

Me:WUT UP HOMIE JK:... ME:OK NVM SO IN THE NEEW HARRI POTUR BOOK PPPL DIE JK:yes.. Me:SO YA IS THAR GOIN TO BE A NE WBOOK JK:In fact, yes. it will be about Harry, who owns walmart. Me: y thats rele intrestin wut bout the other peeps JK: Well, Ron has his own brand of lunch meat, and Hermione is a teacher at hogwarts me;omgomg wut abou dat homie draco wut be up wit him JK:He got turned into a Sandwich, remember? me: o ya but hoo dies JK:nobody. me:say wat sistaa JK:The book will be




My ear has dried up earwax in it..And it sucks. D:



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