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General Rambling: On Holiday Break...

Hey, folks. It's that time of year again, when I am off from work for about a week.   Really there isn't much to report life wise since my last entry.   I guess I'll talk briefly about work, although there is not much to report as things are still kind of slow there (as mention in this entry). So yeah, it hasn't been a great year for my company.   I would say things seem to be improving though. I mean I had plenty of work to do this month (I currently have like three ongoing assembly projects go

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Pokelog Day 1: Groundhog Day Beginnings

Hey, folks. I am popping back into today to give you a status report on my progress through Pokemon Omega Ruby yesterday. To be honest, I didn't get much done (If anything, a lot of you folks are probably finished by now. XD).   And as the title suggests, I actually play the beginning of this game twice as I kind decided to take advantage Pokemon Bank and use it to get all three Hoenn starters. XD I only had to erase my file once since I already have Torchic from giveaway during X & Y releas

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

The Key To Everyone's Smiles

Hey, BZPers. Welcome to another addition of random thoughts by JMJ, where I once more jump from tanget to tanget to try to cover all topics that are currently on my mind. Lucky for you, I do not got much to talk about today.   Really the main thing on my mind at the moment is Kingdom Hearts 3D since I just finished watching the special anniversary trailer again for like the tenth time. Man, I cannot wait to get my hands on this game. Unfortnately it will probably not hit stores in America unti

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Love Driftveil City's Theme!

Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to give you all another progress report on my journey through the Unova region since I did play Pokemon Black on my 3DS yesterday after I finished my streetpassing rounds for that day at school (I got about nine streetpasses!).   Oh, and I actually was trying to get this entry up yesterday, so if the phrasing of the previous sentence seems kind off that the reason for it. Basically what I am saying is it was originally written as saying today in place of yester

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Entry #4: Bzpower And My Life

Welcome to my Blog my fellow Bzpower members. I don't see why I am ever bothering to make an entry today since like my last two it probably will get no reply to them.   Bzpower: Well, today pretty much thinking about entering the Epic Contest. But, problem is my lost in S&T Contest, maybe I shouldn't ever try to enter. I finally decide to pick Neyo, the Future Dark Hunter to send to Omicron for Brickfest, since it seem no one really care about anything I build, maybe I shouldn't ever sen

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

2014 - A Year in Review

Hey, folks. I thought I should take opportunity today to basically look back on this year and give you folks my thoughts on it.   Hm...I am summarized this year with a pros and cons list since I think its best way to address the entire year without taking too much of your time. Although I make no promises that I won't ramble about certain things. XD   But anyway, let's begin...   Pros   - I still have my job. This pro is kind of given as obviously I am going to be happy to still be employed. XD

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Still Sick, But Getting Better...

As mention in my previous entry, I went to the Doctor's on Tuesday to try figure out what wrong with me as had sickness for quite sometime and as told by the Doctor, I didn't go to school on Wednesday to let medicine settle in my system. Good news is that it seem to working in the very least, so hopefully it won't be long until it is gone.   Bad news, I probably won't get to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull until I feel better, which I don't know when that will be. Even mo

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My Family's Wii Is Broken...

By some twist sense of fate that want to prove me right, our Wii, having been moved upstairs by my brother to his computer space, had been broken as my mother was vacuuming the room as the sensor pad's cable was sucked into the vacuum and pull the Wii down before she could stopped it. The Wii, having strike the ground with our Brawl game in it, now will turn on and damaged the discs and not let you play the game.   As such, my brother is very angry about this and is demanding that our mother b

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


...BZPRPG sure is hopping with activity. There's going to be a lot of reading for me this weekend. Awesome!   Hm...I might want to consider writing up some recaps for myself here about the game every week. It would be rather helpful for me to keep track of everything going on for when I finally get the chance to jump in. It could also help others jumping in as well. Although maybe I shouldn't since there will be something like a recap manned by the staff, I believe, and one that going to be i

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Seven Years of BZPower

Hi, BZPers. This entry is basically going to be a short reflection on my seven years of BZP since the 18th of June (Which is now yesterday) was the day that I join here. Unfortunately like the previous entry, I am not have that much time to write this entry, so this should be quickly.   Apologizes in advance for that. I been out of sort lately due to return of my normal work schedule. That and since my sister is working now, I kind been having to leave for work earlier, so my sleep schedule is

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

I Got Asoue: No. 1 Yesterday.

There isn't exactly important news, but I thought I should mention that I got A Series of Unfortunate Events: No. 1 yesterday. I personally think it is an interesting book and I will be sure to read the next one soon.   I would say my reasons for reading it were because I found that my friend, Aanchir seem to like it a lot, so I thought why not read it myself to see what the big deal about it. So, I was looking for a paper-back version of the book ever since Christmas.   I could of through r

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Good News

Hey everybody! I got some really good news; I pass my Blood Pressure test. I guess the people praying for me to do well on the test had help. Thanks all for that.   On to some school stuff, I am doing pretty well as least in my opinion and I have about three or four tests tomorrow, so wish me luck on that. I sure I will do fine, but I tend to worried a lot about grades, so expect some entries here like that. And when I do entries like that I will be sure to warn you all incase you don't want r

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

JMJ - Tree Killer

Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to share a bit about my day today. Well, actually I am mostly just sharing with you guys the fact that I waste a lot of paper, especially at work.   But anyway, today I was printing out a couple of epics to read, while I put my computer on a virus scan. And well, guys, one of them I apparently must of had a copy & paste error because while reading it, I notice a got duplicate of chapters or paragraphs in places, which end up making the epic six pages

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

*yawn* Its just another day...

*yawn* Hey, folks. I am just pop in to give you all a short update on my day.   To be honest, there is really not a whole lot to tell you folks. Since outside of work today, I spend a good bit of time today trying to clean up my old LEGO table across the room (Which is cover in good enough of dust since they hadn't been touch in awhile.). So yeah, nothing too exciting happened.   Really I am only mentioning whole clean up LEGO table project because I want to show you folks my Technic Sorting b

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Edited: Playing With Autodesk Inventor...

EDITED: Unfortunately my digital calipers are dead, so I will not be able to most of what I want to do with Autodesk Inventor today involving this fun little project. I will though create a rough little outline of it to get me start and prepare for finishing details that I will show here in either this blog or a topic on the forums (By the way, if I were to post a topic, where should I post it exactly? I think General Art, but I just want to double check just to be sure is all.).   So yeah, sor

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Steam Sale Loot or lack there of.

Hey, folks. I thought I pop in and give a sale report like I did for last year's summer sale. Of course, considering I didn't really pay much attention to Steam last week, I didn't really bother with most of deals this time around.   That and this PC can't really run anything on Steam that isn't a Retro old school style title, so there wasn't much point in buying games there when all they would do is sit on my computer and remind me that I need to get a new one (Which admittedly I should of done

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Late Night Rambling

Hey, folks. Like I said yesterday, I am back to ramble for a bit here.   Before I do though, I just want to apologize for well, disappearing and all for past few days. You see apparently adjusting to working full time is harder than I was expecting, especially when it comes to my sleep schedule. And well, a lot of BZPower blog entries are well written at like near midnight hours. So yeah, writing blog entries wasn't going to help with that. If anything, I probably shouldn't be even writing this

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

The LEGO Movie - My Thoughts

Hey, folks. I thought I pop back in again to share some of my thoughts on the LEGO Movie since well, I actually managed to see it today.   Before I start though, I guess I should take time to mention that I am looking for feedback in the previous entry on what you think I should do with my extra Oh, Tonight albums. So yeah, I appreciate it if you could leave some for that. Thanks.   Alright, I am going start right off by saying that I rather liked this movie. And well, I felt it really captured

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Day 1 of BrickFair VA

Hey, folks. I thought I pop in and let you know how day one of BrickFair went. Honestly I didn't do much really, outside of walk around the convention center a lot since I wasn't sure really what to do really after setting up my MOCs (Which I am not sure they are in the right place. I mean the map say its a BIONICLE table, but I have heard Pop Culture want the space, so I wouldn't be surprise if it got moved. *shrugs*). Oh, and fail a lot at Bingo.   It was nice though getting to see some BZPers

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Forthy Is Missing...

I am sure you are all wondering about who Forthy is, well he is a Cordak that I lost a few days ago. And I thought I just mention him in my blog entry here to sort of tell you that I finally got a Toa Mahri. And just in case you were wondering, it was Matoro.   That is all. If you have seen Forthy, please tell me so I may return him to his Cordak blaster with his brothers and sister. And once again, thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come again.  

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

- 72 Hours Remain -

Dawn of the First Day - 72 Hours Remain -   "I...I shall consume. Consume... Consume everything." - The Moon   JMJ's Quest Logbook - Retrieve All-Night Mask from the old lady - Finish reviews for Janus and Ballom - Finish test LEGO set review for blog - Play more of The World Ends With You - Play more of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance - Finish BrickFair overview entry for blog - Build one of the LEGO Lord of Rings sets - SAVE THE WORLD! XD   "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

General Rambling - BrickFair VA, Farscape, Firefly, ect.

Hey, folks. It been awhile since I did a little ramble here, so I thought I pop in and do one today.   I guess I’ll start off by confirming (as I have done in the topic here) that I will be going to BrickFair VA this year.   Hm…I guess I kind did confirm this in last entry by mentioning what my Brick Badge would look like. Although at that point, I was still working out transportation details. Now those issues have mostly been resolved as the friend, I took the Day Trips with previously, has exp

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Belated: Looks Like My Vacation Is...Over

Hey, folk. Yesterday was last day of my work break, so I thought I should continue the tradition of recapping my break for you folks here.   Although to be honest, it was really unproductive break from work (Like there was a lot of organizing and cleaning that I want to do, but I never got around to.). Still it nice though, especially looking after a rabbit for few days (I must admit that I liked having Coco around. It was nice having company.).   Beside watching the rabbit during my break, I al

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Day Four of BrickFair

Hey, folks. I thought I would give another BrickFair update before I start the last day of BrickFair.   Really there's not a whole lot to recap as outside of watching over some MOCs during the public hours and answer people's questions, if they had any. Well, I answered them to best of my abilities as I don't know everything (I am like John Snow... I know nothing. XD), especially about other people's MOCs, where I am like "Yeah, that's a snake." XD   One person even ask me if we were payed to b

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My School Schedule

I got my school schedule today. And my classes are: - Global Studies II (Social Studies) - Study Hall - Healthful Living (Health) - Gym - Biology (Science) - Applied Physics/Engi. - Lunch - CAD/Drafting II - Algebra II (Math) - World Lit. (English)   Those are my classes and I have a feeling I am going to have a tough time this year with them. That mainly all the news of today for me, unless you want me to post what my Blood Pressure is at the moment. But I don't think you really c

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

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